The internet is a vast ocean of information

80% of our oceans are unmapped, unexplored, and unobserved, the more information we consume the larger our virtual ocean grows. This analogy represents my perspective of the internet, not only do we have a multitude of information at our fingertips but to quote Dorothy Parker  “the cure for boredom is curiosity.”

The internet allows curious individuals like myself answers to questions without judgment and ridicule from others.  For instance, have you ever found yourself puzzled by a question as simple as, How many colors does a rainbow have?  The ability to answer your own questions and to teach your self is an advantage that we sometimes take for granted.

Not to sound cliché but knowledge is power. I enjoy this aspect of the internet because I have a passion to learn about new things.  For example, from a fictional point of view, I read many mystery novels based on the problems that plague our young people in modern-day society such as luring young adults online and physically placing them into unsafe circumstances. The purpose of my interest in this category is to familiarize myself and create awareness for topics such as this. In a non-fictional standpoint, I use the internet to learn about trends and news that surrounds our community or reflect on moments in history. A few news outlets  I check weekly are The New York Times, Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

Lastly, to reinstate the importance of using the internet for information, I wholeheartedly agree that the internet is like a vast ocean of information that connects us to the past, present, and future.

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