In the past week I’ve been slammed with work from my other classes so it was hard to find time to log on and update my website. As I can imagine everyone else is probably dealing with the same issue. With finals coming up it feels like professors want to throw mad work at us for no reason like NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Now that its the weekend I was able to post an older Film Review that I got published on Pandora’s Box’s Website and added in some new categories, widgets, and just gave it bit more character. I’m satisfy with how looks now, it’s almost in its final form.
Check it out and let me know what you guys think. I would love some feed back and maybe suggestion to help improve it.
After I went in and did some maintenance to my website. I decide to look through everybody else sites to see what your guys are up too. I have to say some of you guys have some cool idea.
Like this one
This is Imani’s website and first off that logo in the top left corner is dope. It’s eye catching and really complements the theme of her website. Also, her post so far powerful and authentic. If you haven’t gone through and read them you are missing out.
Success : Security VS. Passion
There is No Such Thing as a “Slut”
Truly, wonderful work keep it up Imani!
I also want to shout out Issac Moon and his website. I love the artwork you posted there beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing you add more to that gallery. Also I love the home screen image it gives your website a really chill vibe.
Those were two that really stood out to me but everyones else is doing great. Each and every individual site is unique and represent a different personality and interest. I can’t wait to see at the end of the seamster everyone final product and see it populated with more blog post, art work, photos, and whatever you guys have to share to the world.
Congrats to everyone for getting this far! The finish line is just around the corner just hang in there and will make it together. Good Luck !!!