This class is quite challenging,at least for me,
particularly when I have assignments without deadlines.
I often find myself postponing these tasks because they don’t seem as urgent or important as others with clear due dates. Additionally, without a deadline, it’s difficult for me to prioritize this task over others. I typically organize my time around deadlines, so lacking one complicates effective time management.
Another significant issue is maintaining motivation. Deadlines usually propel me to complete tasks, but in their absence, especially if the assignment is tough or uninteresting, sustaining momentum can be a struggle.
A lack of deadline also leads me to strive for perfection in my work, to the point where I never consider it finished. I risk spending too much time pondering or planning, and not enough on the actual work.
Moreover, uncertainty about when to ideally complete the task can induce worry or stress, particularly since I function better with clear guidelines and deadlines.
When it comes to mid-semester and final reviews, grading myself is an immensely stressful experience. Being responsible for assigning my own grade and justifying it is daunting. I choose classes based on my major requirements or because they seem enjoyable, but self-grading heightens my anxiety as I feel compelled to demonstrate learning.
Although I don’t believe I learned nothing this semester, reflecting on what I’ve truly gained from it is quite stressful.
I think I deserve an ‘A’ because I never gave up on myself or on blogging, even though it was incredibly challenging (torture) for me.
About the website thanks for the coupon
Just kidding
I am fully committed to maintaining and improving my new website.
I plan to repurpose it as a portfolio. However, I’m likely to move away from using WordPress. Instead, I’m considering options like Svelte or React, which are technologies I genuinely enjoy working with.
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3
Assignment #4
Assignment #5
Assignment #6
Assignment #7
Assignment #9
Assignment #10
Bell L Quintin
Bell L Quintin is a brand I created for MMA235 at BMCC.

Blog page

Contact page

Although I’m not particularly enthusiastic about WordPress,
I must acknowledge its user-friendliness and accessibility for beginners. It’s an excellent choice for those who aren’t familiar with coding, offering an easy entry point into website creation. However, my preference leans towards coding from scratch because it grants me full control over the development process.
Thank you so much!
I agree, you deserve an A in the course and have earned it.
This is based on the clear evolution and progress of your work, consistency and pushing yourself beyond what is comfortable. I appreciate that. You have also built a beautiful website and shared your stance on web design in general.
I think that your personal assessment here is 100% spot on. Now that you have defined and made a list of what your challenges are, you can take action to making improvements. Self assessments are 100% critical, they force us to take responsibility and accountability for the things that we would like to improve upon. I do this on a monthly basis to hold myself accountable and to cultivate the discipline that I need to move forward.
I never said that we don’t have any deadlines in CT101. I strongly suggested that each student commit to publishing a blog post each week by following the course schedule. The course schedule was a weekly plan to help us focus and hone in on one task at a time while having the time to revise it, ask questions and develop the potentials. This creates an energy of discipline, accountability and commitment by the student. Many students followed this plan very effectively, while others enjoyed the flexibility to post a blog in progress and then make revisions over a 2-3 week period.
Thank you so much for the great work here, have a great holiday!