For my blog post I chose to write about maximalism.

A Guide To Maximalism.
Growing up my room was a mess. It made absolutely no sense. My room was essentially the definition of clutter. In a literal sense there was not trash everywhere. However, every piece of furniture had no business coexisting together. Picture two bunk beds, one metal and one wooden, facing each other. This accompanied by a dresser of a different finish of wood than the bunkbed. A toy chest of a different shade of wood than the dresser and the bed. And finally the top bunk of each bunkbed lined with folded clothes. I have since gotten a new room, thank God. The thing is growing up I did not think much of the design of things. This was the room I shared room with my sister. We were impartial to the design and our only complaint was, “Mom, can you use your own closet”. All of the clothes made our New York room seem even smaller. Other than that we were in perfect peace with our room…. until I discovered HGTV.
From then my goal was a new room. I got my sister on board and we both agreed a minimalist room with nothing in it but a bed, a dresser and a rug was ideal. We got rid of the bunk beds and it was a fairytale for a while our voices bounced off the wall and our echos made the room feel even more spacious than it was. Once the euphoria of getting rid of the bunkbeds subsided we realized our room was too empty. And in that moment we became maximalist. Maximalism just makes a place feel lived in and homey. I do not quite know how to define maximalism in words but I can show you.
The three main components of a maximalist space are texture color and layers. These three component do not have to all be present, but at least two have to be present.