Assignment #10- Pages & Categories and First Blog Post!

Some changes I made were changing the menu by adding subpages for my recommendations and adding News, Podcasts and Music. For each I also added some “items” I wanted to and I think that each page is visually pleasing. I’m very happy about the solid background color I chose because it does make the gifs I include pop-out even more which is good because it grabs people’s attention. I’m thinking about re-publishing two of my posts from CT 101 which would be the one about creating gifs and the one about creating memes. I think people would like to learn how to make some as well.

 Dear CT101 community,

I just published my very first blog post here on my website: come and check it out and feel free to comment! My first ever blog post on my website is short and straight to the point about why I created my website. Hope you all enjoy it!

6 thoughts on “Assignment #10- Pages & Categories and First Blog Post!”

  1. Thank you for providing your menu structure! I was a little confused if I had set mine up the right way, Professor Rylan was right. It was helpful! The color you picked for you background is loud and vibrant. It works well together since everything else is white, adds a pop of color.

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