Indeed, internet memes are a fixture in the digital world. When the question arises as too if they can be considered an art, subjectivity blossoms. In my earnest opinion, I reckon they are.
A relatively new phenomenon, the GIF expands the ability to express and portray stories. I get a sense of joy and thrill when I am able to include them in my articles. Grants me a sense of completion and true fulfillment in all honesty. Usually in other classes memes are frowned upon, as it’s deemed unprofessional or not academic rather.

In my section of class, I think we have a great group, the synergy in the classroom makes for better networking and collaboration when we interact with each other on our content here.

I usually find memes on a simple google search, or through twitter usually. That’s why I am grateful to have learned about GIPHY. Such a broader selection and a great resource to find such gems. I have always been aware of their presence, but this is the first proper occasion that I’m able to utilize them. Never really added them in group chats or anything haha. I try to add diverse types of memes that have different subjects as I feel it appeals to a broader group and also gives depth to my work.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that they aren’t traditionally accepted as pieces in MOMA or the Museum of Natural History. That’s due to a poor start of a reputation. Which is only projected to be more accepted in future years.

Ok, thank you for getting started here, so far so good – I see the beginnings of a great post – but we have a lot more work to do (which is super fun and creative) – please re-review the full class recording (embedded in the week #4 blog post I shared) and note the length of my blog posts / assignment prompts. Your posts should also reflect the length of my posts, my posts are examples to follow as a template – This post has left out several key aspects of the assignment, lets review it again and keep going – Im here to help, you can reply here with questions, thank you! 🙂
Hello Professor,
I reviewed the prompt, and perhaps I add captions to my memes and express more on how they influenced me in the class. Would that be an improvement?
Yes please! As well as making a few of your own and adding context – where do find memes online? What are your favorite existing memeS? Have fun!
Also when I put text on my GIF’s it doesn’t format correctly. Any suggestions. It seems cut off in the preview screen.
Hmm, I don’t see that here? Where are you adding the text to the GIF? Via Giphy.com?
Yes, the South Park and Kermit memes should be the examples.
We can chat about it in class tomorrow, your post is a great example to share, it all takes practice and a lot of revising to get into a flow, Ill share some more examples in class – In the meantime, this post could use more hyperlinks 🙂 Does Kermit the frog have a website? Lol 🙂
I enjoyed the content you added to your post this week. However, I think the Youtube tutorial “validity of memes” could be placed at the beginning of your post.
I think it’s essential for the viewer to see something visually that interests them, which they can immediately click on. This will capture your audience’s attention; I also plan to change the order in my upcoming blog post.
I would also limit the comments below the memes to one or two sentences.
I recognize that you did add the meme first, which from my understanding, will also draw in your audience. But adding your video sooner may be even stronger to get people interested and clicking on your post.
Good work, and thanks for starting the Homework #3 blog post. Checking out your post inspired me to start creating my homework. Please check out my post; I should have a first draft up this evening. I appreciate any critique that may help to make my blog more enticing.
Excellent response and feedback here, I agree! This is how we learn and grow together!