This particular meme reminds me of my behavior at times while learning how to master certain functions on the computer. It can be quite intimidating at times for me. Nonetheless, it has made me come out of hiding. Thus far this journey that I’ve been traveling, has been and still is very fulfilling!! I’m peeping, I’m checking the situation out. I can surlythat I am intrigued.
Are Memes a Form of Art?
Many people question if memes are a form of art. Let’s examine what is referenced about this matter by doing an internet search. This is what Google had to say:
This is what Youtube had to say:
This information comes come creative
Some may ask if memes can be used for story telling? I believe that they can. What’s so amazing is that memes can be personalized from one’s own gallery or platform. Many folks have done stunning art designs with the usage of memes. If done correctly, it may take the place of children’s fable stories and animation. Is it not true that most children’s books and the funny papers display silly graphic visual art stimuli? It has been many decades that these two commodities have been desired. Just as the energizer bunny keeps going and going, memes too will share this aspect. Actually; as I’m going along with this presentation, I am doing my best to tell a story using memes. Let me know what you think!!!
So delightfully serious minded. Einstein was a creator, and all creations are a form of art. Satnavs and Google maps are two major inventions derived from Einstein’s discoveries. Satellite navigation system {satnavs} and smartphone map apps give us the quickest route to a destination of your choice. https://www.> Now ain’t that a kick in the head?
Now if the above memes are not a form of self expression, then I just don’t know what is. In every aspect of life, there is good and bad. The internet itself is a mighty tool that has done so much good for many. It is a fast paced tool that brings rewards and downfalls for individuals.
During my last class, Professor Seslow introduced the class to memes and hyperlinks. I will not ever take credit away from my professors teaching capabilities, and I couldn’t even if I tried. Seslow is indeed just that good at what he does! Nonetheless, he has also instructed the class to use the internet if someone becomes confused or stuck with a task that is given in an assignment. Professor Seslow insists that we expand our techniques and skills of digital storytelling by the use of the internet. I think that I’ll explore some more. Hey, that kinda rhymes. Massive Kool!!!!!
Are Memes Here To Stay?
I believe that memes are here to stay and also play a very instrumental part in the art and marketing industry. When people were drawing on the sides of buildings, trains, etc., it was considered graffiti, and shunned for many years due to the lack of permission of its use.
Due to the Accurate Knowledge and Uses of Memes and Hyperlinks
I loved this blog Pam, especially how you memed yourself lol. Awesome work. It is indeed a kool class.
I so agree, I love when students here in CT101 MEME themselves!! And MEME Me! Such great fun and a way to plant ourselves into the stories and narratives that we create. It’s so important to be light and patient with ourselves, especially when we are learning new skills. Good Energy!!
This post is so EPIC!!!
Wonderful work on this across all of the assignment criteria!!
Thank you so much for yet another super thoughtful post, as well as application of new skills learned!
This coming week Im going to share a URL shortener to help make some of those very long Google urls a bit “lighter” – More to come!
Thank you!