Assignment #5 – Digital Art Making Immediacy

I enjoyed experimenting with the mmm. page since I found it entertaining and effortless to develop my own web browser. My online browser is adorned with a plethora of graphics and stickers. Everything that Kiki loves is highlighted in my web browser. I titled my page Kiki world because my nickname is Kiki, and it showcases everything I absolutely adore and what I’m looking forward to. The web browser I created tells my life narrative about the upcoming vacation I planned to Jamaica with my partner and family. I’m looking forward to visiting my family, partying, and having a good time on the island. This semester, I’ll be graduating, so I’ll be celebrating with my loved one in Jamaica. I’m looking forward to seeing my family and friends again. 



3 thoughts on “Assignment #5 – Digital Art Making Immediacy”

  1. Thank you for sharing this illustrated story!
    Allow me to congratulate you in advance on your up and coming graduation and vacation!
    A few things I noticed above – did you mean to use the same image twice?
    I think it would be great if you hyperlinked the image itself to go to the URL of the page that you made with mmm – – (many of my class videos shared this lil trick 🙂
    I really love the color palette in your mm page creation and I can see how it may grow, you can always add more content to that page over time!
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you.
      I don’t see where I used the same image twice, and if I did it most likely was on purpose. I was trying to hyperlink the image itself on many occasions but it wasn’t letting me do that, so I just hyperlinked the web page at the bottom of the image.

      1. At the beginning of this blog post there is an image used twice. (if you cant see that from your end then you need to clear the web browser cache and reboot your computer) Its a good little trick to know – I shared how to hyperlink an image a few times in our class videos, take another look at one of those to find the process (or you can google “how to hyperlink to an image using wordpress”) Keep me posted once it is updated – thank you! 🙂

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