CT101 Final Blog Post


Goodbye for now classmates and professor, until we meet again.

Goodbye, everyone, I’m really going to miss reading you guys’ posts and reacting to them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

       The most significant lesson I found was how to be more creative and vivid through the production of appealing gifs and memes. So far in this semester, digital storytelling has been my most important learning asset because it demands successful technology integration and learning. Using animations to convey and express my point of view is one of the new abilities I’ve gained, fostered, and demonstrated on a regular basis in my writings. By using Makeameme, I learned how to make a meme. I made a meme by taking an eye-catching photograph and writing a caption that might be either funny or relatable. The meme was then tweaked to my liking. By using giphy, I learned how to make a gif. I made my gif using a movie scene from YouTube. I pasted the YouTube URL into Giphy Create. The video must be trimmed to catch the right moment for the gif by picking a start time and duration. Then I embellished my gif with a caption, animation, sticker, and filter. I discovered how to use WordPress to set up a website. The first step was deciding on a topic for my website. The second step was to select my domain name and set up my hosting provider. The final step was to set up WordPress and select a theme. Twenty twenty-one was the theme I chose. The fourth stage was to personalize my website; I designed a logo, added images, categories, plugins, and a background. The final stage was to keep my website up to date by adding new posts and pages with information on my experience. 


I learned so much by taking this course.
I’m more digital advance, all thanks to this course.


     I believe I am sustaining an A in CT 101 because I adhere to all of the criteria and return to revise my content as needed. My blog postings include animations as well as explanations. I’m positive I’ll get an A in this class since I’m seeing my weekly blogging effort expand creatively as I have more ideas for how to accomplish the assignment and a greater understanding of making digital material. I always leave comments on the blogs of my classmates. I always pay attention to the instructor in CT 101 class and ask questions if I am unclear. In addition, I always contribute by completing weekly projects. 


Finger crossed that a get an ‘A’ in this course.

     I enjoyed producing memes because I saw them all the time on social media, and being able to create my own was a terrific opportunity for me to learn to be more digitally creative. Having the ability to create memes can be used in the written text because memes are a form of self-expression that can also be used as a marketing tool to raise awareness of global issues. People appreciate memes that communicate their emotions and push them to think about themes in the novel and intriguing ways. This new talent may be utilized to social media to communicate with consumers in novel ways that resonate with your market and set you apart, which could benefit your organization. Memes are viral images or videos that can be contentious, critical, or humorous, and they make entertainment and global affairs more relatable in today’s society. Such photos hope to grab the audience’s attention through design appeal. 

I really enjoyed making memes.


    I will keep my website up and running since I received positive comments from my colleagues, and I know my hair adventure will inspire others to start their own. I have a few more hair tales to tell. I’d like to share photos of my hair from before, throughout, and after my hair journey. I also want to share my thoughts, problems, guidance, and ideas about natural hair. I also want to post videos on how to do trendy natural hairstyles. 

Happy to keep producing more content on my site.


All my existing published blog posts:














Tour of my website:

      As you approach the home-front page, you’ll notice a gray and pink emblem with the words “Kiki’s natural hair journey, wear it with pride.” The phase will be repeated to the left of the main page. The three categories presented on the right side of the home page are home, about, and blog. The home page also includes three lovely illustrations that show how to wear natural hair with pride. There is a search bar, recent posts, recent comments, archives, and categories as you scroll down the home page. The about section is on the second page. The blog portion is on the third page. The blog portion includes the first blog, chapter 1, and chapter 2 of my hair journey. 






      Since I followed the instructor’s recommendations, registering from my own domain and setting up hosting was a breeze. Kikisnaturalhairjourney is the name of the domain I developed. This website will display to readers how I grew my natural hair to waist length in four years. I explained why started my natural hair journey and why I cut off all of my relaxed hair. I also provided tips on how to grow long, thick, and healthy natural hair. However, the procedure was becoming increasingly stressful. My domain would not register after signing up for WordPress due to an issue with the invoice. I emailed reclaiming hosting, and they solved the problem, and now my domain is registered. I was relieved that I can finally access my domain and begin documenting my experience. I expected the process of setting up a domain, hosting, and WordPress was to be simple with no drawbacks. 

I felt frustrated and overwhelmed while building my website.


      I worked on creating a logo, background, blog, photos, and an about page. The background was straightforward and entertaining. The logo was tough to troubleshoot because most websites required a cost, and selecting a logo was difficult. It was tough to edit my website and to add photographs. It was difficult for me to add photographs to my website since I didn’t know how and I was frustrated because I didn’t know where to put the images. I intend to use this website to document my natural hair journey and to offer advice on how to grow long beautiful natural hair. My weblog will feature a series of posts documenting my natural hair journey from start to finish. I adore the visual design of my website, and I intend to keep adding new content to it. I’m very happy with the success of my website because I never imagined I’d be able to own it and build it entirely on my own. 

My website is a complete success.



Assignment 11#- Adding Social Feeds & Posts to WordPress



It is quite simple, remarkable, and pleasant to navigate through the websites. Founders of both websites are doing an excellent job while keeping up with current software. 


My favorite blog post on Nader’s site is Socotra Island. I loved how he organized his website,  it’s very creative and attractive. I love the aesthetics of the website, the website is very organized and unique. I’m intrigued to read his next blog post. I love the pictures he has on the display of Socotra Island. The landscape and insects are beautiful. 


My favorite blog post on Alejandra’s site is the first blog post. Alejandra has a great introduction to your website. I love that she incorporated memes and gifs into the blog to express her feelings. 


Chapter 2: First phase of my natural hair journey: 

My hair was growing like weeds with my simple hair regimenMy simple hair regimen included water, coconut oil, and a hair moisturizer. I used the LOC method to grow my hair. LOC stands for liquid, oil, and cream, this combination will keep your hair strands moist while ensuring that you retain hair length.  Every week I would apply this to my hair to keep my hair moist and not dry. If your hair is dry, it will break off and you will not see the hair growth. Every two weeks I would shampoo my hair to cleanse it and deep condition my hair to put back moisture in my hair. Low manipulation also helps with hair growth and protective styling. I stayed away from heat styling tools to maintain my healthy curly hair. After one month of continuously practicing my hair routine, my hair grew a ½ inch.  I took a leap of faith by cutting all my hair off not knowing if it will grow back. I was excited to see results from taking care of my hair. 



How I was looking in the mirror when I discover I had new hair growth. I felt excited.


Natural hair tips




Assignment #10 – Chapter 1: Deciding to go Natural


Website progress – I love the visual design of my website, so I won’t continue to customize my website.  I added a new blog post to my website.  I will not re-publish posts from CT101, but I will use the technique shared in class. For my personal website, I will create new content on my website.  
The process of getting a relaxer as a child.

Dear classmates

I just published a new blog post here on my website: http://kikisnaturalhairjourney.com/uncategorized/chapter-1-deciding-to-go-natural/ please come and check it out and feel free to engage in some fun dialog. 


Chapter 1: Deciding to go Natural


“Just For Me” children relaxer

Growing up my mother always relaxed my hair so it can be more manageable, so I didn’t know how my natural hair texture would look. Although my hair was chemically altered it was still long and thick, but it had the potential to be healthier. Natural hair is so hard to manage, especially when it’s thick, long, and curly.   

At the age of 12, my hair was no longer long and thick, it started to get short and thin due to overprocessing my hair and not properly taking care of my hair. I would constantly flat iron and relax my hair resulting in damaged unhealthy hair strands.  I realized that my hair wasn’t growing, so I stopped overprocessing my hair. I started to wear braids and protective styles. My hair still didn’t grow as much because of the years of damage.

Natural Hair GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
The big chop, the removal of relaxed ends.
I was desperate for my hair to grow, so I started to educate myself about natural hair care. I realized that I needed a fresh start in order for my hair to grow. There were two routes I could take, which were transitioning or the big chop. The transitioning process is when you’re not ready to cut all your relaxed ends. So, you let your hair grow out and then you cut the damaged ends on a scheduled basis. The big chop is cutting off all your hair. I started transitioning at first because I didn’t want to be bald. My hair became so unmanageable and tangled so I to did the big chop. July 2016 is the day I decided to go completely natural, there was no turning back when I cut off my hair, I was left with a tiny little afro.   
Website progress – I love the visual design of my website, so I won’t continue to customize my website.  I added a new blog post to my website.  I will not re-publish posts from CT101, but I will use the technique shared in class. For my personal website, I will create new content on my website.  


Assignment #9 – WordPress Customizing Fun

This week, I worked on developing a logo, background, and the about section. The background was simple and enjoyable. The logo was difficult to troubleshoot because most websites demanded a fee and choosing a logo was challenging. The first step was to log into WordPress. The second step was to update my post. Step 3: Locate an image for my background. The fourth step is to design a logo. In the future, I plan to use my website to archive my natural hair experience and give suggestions on how to achieve long beautiful natural hair. My website will have a series of posts on my natural hair journey, from the beginning to the end.   Check out http://kikisnaturalhairjourney.com/  and tell me what you think. I’m super excited to share my hair journey with you guys. 

So Excited Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Art Hair GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
Art Hair GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
Natural Hair GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals
A visual representation of a big chop. The big chop is cutting of all relaxed ends to start a natural hair journey

Assignment #8 – Domain Registration, Hosting Set Up & WordPress Installs!


         Registering from my domain and hosting setup started quite simple because I followed the instructions provided by the instructor. I hate paying for anything, so I love the fact that a coupon code was involved. The domain name I created is Kikisnaturalhairjourney.com. This website will reveal how I grew my natural hair to waist length in four years. I’ll share why I began my natural hair adventure and why I took off all of my relaxed hair. I will also provide advice on how to grow long, thick, and healthy natural hair. But, the process was becoming very stressful.  After signing up for WordPress my domain wouldn’t register because of an error on the invoice. I emailed reclaiming hosting and they fixed the error now my domain has been registering.  I feel relieved that a can now access my domain and start publishing my journey. I expect the process to set up the domain, hosting, and WordPress to be easy with no disadvantages. 


The Walking Dead Easy Peasy GIF
The Walking Dead Easy Peasy GIF
Frustrated Patton Oswalt GIF
Frustrated Patton Oswalt GIF
I Love Lucy Reaction GIF
I Love Lucy Relieved GIF
So Excited Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
So Excited Reaction GIF by MOODMAN








Assignment #7- Domains Domains

Kikisnaturalhairjourney.com –  I’ll reveal how I grew my natural hair to waist length in four years. I’ll share why I began my natural hair adventure and why I took off all of my relaxed hair. I will also provide advice on how to grow long, thick, and healthy natural hair. 

Kiarashomedecor.com – I would provide housekeeping ideas and methods. I will also give folks suggestions on how to jazz up their homes to make them warmer and more welcoming, as well as recommend home décor and furniture. 

Kiarasmoviereviews.com– I enjoy watching movies and television shows, and when I fall in love with one, I tell my family and friends to watch it, and I watch it a million times till I get bored of it. I also enjoy convincing others to view movies and giving them my honest evaluation. I also like film criticism and informing others that watching the film would be a waste of time. 

Kiarastravelguide.com –  I like traveling and will provide honest assessments of locations, restaurants, and amusement parks that I have visited. I will also provide travel advice to make your trip safer and more convenient. 

Fashiontipsbykiki.com – I’ll be presenting outfits inspired by some of my favorite celebs. Giving fashion advice to let people feel more at ease with their bodies and clothing of choice. I’ll be presenting a catalog of low-cost trendy clothing together with promo coupons. I will also be styling and combining the most recent fashion trends. I wish to create this website to provide fashion advice and educate others on how to put together outfits. 

KiaraGapour.com–  This will be an excellent domain name for the website I will develop since it is unique because it is my official name, and I doubt it will be taken. I plan to share my life experiences with followers and keep them up to date with daily journals. 

AskKiki.com– I’ll be telling readers about my life experiences. Readers are welcome to ask me questions regarding my life. Alternatively, they might seek my counsel to assist them in making a tough decision. 

I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life as a website owner. I want my website to be an inviting platform where I can share my knowledge and expertise with others. 

My favorite websites:




Assignment #5 – Digital Art Making Immediacy



I enjoyed experimenting with the mmm. page since I found it entertaining and effortless to develop my own web browser. My online browser is adorned with a plethora of graphics and stickers. Everything that Kiki loves is highlighted in my web browser. I titled my page Kiki world because my nickname is Kiki, and it showcases everything I absolutely adore and what I’m looking forward to. The web browser I created tells my life narrative about the upcoming vacation I planned to Jamaica with my partner and family. I’m looking forward to visiting my family, partying, and having a good time on the island. This semester, I’ll be graduating, so I’ll be celebrating with my loved one in Jamaica. I’m looking forward to seeing my family and friends again. 




Assignment #6- The Mid- Semester Assessment Post


I Got This Thumbs Up GIF by Disney Channel

I began the semester of CT 101 by focusing and motivating myself to complete each weekly task in a timely manner. Despite falling behind on blog post #5 and failing to complete it, I’m still doing well in class. I felt like the task was too long and difficult, and I was unmotivated to do it. I’m confident that I’ll get back on track and complete all of my tasks in a timely and innovative manner. 

How I feel being unmotivated to do assignment #5. Created by Kiara Gapour (me) using photopea.

I believe I am maintaining an A+ in CT 101 because I follow all of the requirements and go back to improve my material as needed. My blog posts have animations and explanations as well. 






The most essential thing I learned was how to be more expressive and vibrant by producing appealing gifs and memes. So far, digital storytelling has been my most valuable learning asset in this class because it requires successful technology integration and learning. 

The new skills I have developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my posts are using animations to convey and express my point of view. 

I would rate my participation, commenting, and discussion for Ct 101 an A+ because I always leave comments under my classmate’s blog. During Ct 101 class I always pay attention to the instructor and ask questions if I am confused. I also always participate by completing the weekly assignments. 

I didn’t know the process of creating a gif before taking this class, I thought it was more complicated, I can now create memes and gifs. 

Yes, I see my weekly blogging work expand creatively because I have more ideas on how to execute the assignment and I have a better understanding of creating digital content. 

I Got This Thank You GIF by Run The World



Assignment #4 – DS106 Assignment Repository

I like this assignment called “Populate the Landscape” because it allows you to transform any Bob Ross painting into your own by adding characters.


I like this project called “Creepy Anime Eye” because I’m a fan of anime and I watch regularly. I love anime eyes and I always imagined how people would look with anime eyes. I choose to complete this assignment in full because I find it fun to play with filters and use image editors. I took a picture of my younger sister with anime oversized eyes.


The completed version of the ” Creepy Anime Eye” assignment on my little sister.


Mastering how to execute digital storytelling projects can help students become more effective storytellers and multimedia designers. Students can learn technical literacy skills and possess a greater understanding of all aspects of the curriculum by working on these assignments.  

We should at least do five of these projects during this semester to build efficient storytelling skills while using new tools.  

Digital storytelling abilities are significant because they involve successful technology integration and learning. It also creates an emotional connection while boosting the ease with which content can be shared. Digital storytelling improves students’ analytical thinking and multimedia skills.  Learning digital storytelling skills is important because they are a unique type of self-expression that may also be utilized as a marketing technique and raise awareness of global concerns. Having these skills can help you express your feelings about things and encourage them to think about topics in new and exciting ways. Using social media to engage with consumers in innovative ways that resonate with your market and set you apart may benefit your organization. 


Top 10 anime of 2020:






Assignment #3- To Meme or not to Meme


TO-DO List meme
Meme I made about CT 101. By: Kiara Gapour
Oprah Winfrey
Meme I made about CT 101. By: Kiara Gapour
Happy Minion meme
Meme I made about CT 101. By: Kiara Gapour

         Yes, memes are genuine forms of artistic expression that have an impact on society that extends well beyond the digital realm. They become ingrained in our awareness, assisting us in comprehending the world around us and becoming a part of our culture. Everyday life, as well as the people, become viable subject matter. Internet memes have joined the ranks of other types of art.  Social media outlets have evolved into our digital social clubs, it comes down to the fact that memes are recognized as Internet art. 




         Memes may be excellent or awful depending on the designer. Memes have the ability to make us smile, cry, and even draw our attention to important issues. We remember the excellent ones as if they were works of classical art, and we critique the bad ones if we believe they are of poor quality.   People already embrace them as if they were works of art, so we may as well accept that reality. Analyzing the profiles of other people who create comparable material reveals that the artists are definitely passionate about their craft and their following. Memes are expressive statements through visuals that can be about anything. It is a modern-day performance that expresses pleasure, pain, and all feelings in between. Memes are often beneficial to art since they are a modern artistic way of relating to others. 


Cracking Up Lol GIF
Cracking Up Lol GIF



         Memes are a fantastic method of communication since everyone knows that when it comes to commemorating, conveying emotions, and humiliating your peers, memes are unmatched. While social media is a communication medium, memes are a way of conveying a culturally relevant concept. A meme is a picture or video that expresses the ideas and feelings of a community of individuals. 


face happy sad miley cyrus GIF
Face happy sad miley cyrus GIF


        Memes are a type of self-expression that may also be utilized as a marketing technique and raise awareness of global concerns. People enjoy memes that express how they feel about things and encourage them to think about topics in new and exciting ways. Using social media to engage with consumers in innovative ways that resonate with your market and set you apart may benefit your organization. Memes are viral pictures or videos that may be controversial, critical, or funny, and they make entertainment and worldwide affairs more relatable in the present era. Through design aesthetics, such images aim to captivate the audience’s eye. 


Cardi B Meme GIF
Cardi B Meme GIF

Four gifs that are featured in my blog post are from the “Giphy” online tool.  I created a meme by using the “Make a Meme” online tool.


References : 

The Wiki Definition(s)

A good synopsis via how-to-geek.com

Another Take via theVerge.com





Assignment #2- Gifs and Communication


Losing It Stressed Out GIF by PiM Arts High School
Losing It Stressed Out GIF by PiM Arts High School

I was apprehensive about enrolling in this course since I had no idea what to anticipate. Most college electives are more difficult than they should be. Electives are intended to be enjoyable and simple to assist in balancing your heavy burden from your chosen major courses or general education requirements. I was extremely hesitant to enroll in this course. 



stressed mickey mouse GIF
stressed mickey mouse GIF


I was overwhelmed and stressed out on the first day of CT 101 class, and I wanted to quit. I considered dropping this course because I was concerned that I would not grasp the assignments because I am not familiar with digital media. I never imagined I’d be able to create my own website or gifs. But I vowed not to give up and that I can learn to be more technologically aware. Even though the workload outlined by the lecturer appears to be simple, I had the impression that I would struggle to complete the task. 


Computer Minions GIF
Computer Minions GIF

CT 101 differs from other courses in a variety of ways. In CT 101, we don’t have examinations as we do in previous courses I’ve taken. It is also distinct from other courses in that we post our work to CUNY Academic Commons. It is also distinct in that we utilize gifs as a method of communication, expressing our feelings and relating to one another. This course is unique in that none of my other programs involve digital storytelling, website development, or digital content creation. 


Create Digital Art GIF by Phazed
This image displays creative content.

I like how this program encourages you to think outside the box and be more creative. I like how we don’t have a label or a time restriction to finish the tasks. This class has fewer limitations, allowing individuals to be themselves while encouraging creativity. This course is not rigid and encourages students to express themselves in a current digital manner. This is no constructive way to finish the blog post; there are no word limitations; we only need to follow simple and straightforward directions to perform well in this course. 

Digital Media Marketing GIF by Giflytics
when this class is over I’ll be a certified content king.


I believe that continuing to enroll in this course was a wise move on my part because it is everything an elective course should be. I’m no longer anxious or overwhelmed since I know I can complete all of the assignments while maintaining creative control. Mastering a computer language, retouching photographs, or developing sophisticated animation are some of the benefits of taking this course. I’m delighted to know that at the conclusion of the course, I’ll be educated and skilled in digital media, which I’ll be able to apply to various platforms and projects. 


Internet Downloading GIF by Julian Glander
Internet Downloading GIF by Julian Glander


Animated GIF
Akeelah was nervous during the spelling Bee completion, she didn’t believe herself. That’s how I felt on the first day of CT 101. Scene from the movie “Akeelah and the Bee.” Gif by Kiara Gapour (me)


Animated GIF
Akeelah got over being stage fright and won the competition. Like Akeelah, I now feel like I can pass this course with a promising grade. Scene from the movie “Akeelah and the Bee.” Gif by Kiara Gapour (me)


Hyperlinks of more animated gifs that demonstrations my emotions towards CT 101:






Assignment #1 – Happy On The Internet


Busting Up

Whenever I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I rely on the internet, where I’ll always discover funny skits, pranks, and relatable memes that make me laugh out loud.  

This meme is relatable because I don’t know what to say or do when someone cries.

The internet also brings me joy when I come upon old movies or tv series that I’ve seen but can’t remember the names of from my youth. My favorite thing about the internet is that it offers a variety of streaming services that allow you to see classic films. After watching these old films on television for years, I used to assume they didn’t exist and that it was all in my head since I couldn’t locate them on television again. As a result, I was delighted to surf the web and watch these nostalgic clips. For example, “The Proud Family” a Disney classic was a series that I thought was a figment of my imagination but actually existed. You can watch episodes of ” The Proud Family” on YouTube. 




Mad The Proud Family GIF
This is a scene from “The Proud Family”. I was so happy to rediscover this cartoon.