CT101 Final Blog Post

This is my last final week as a college senior. One thing I know for a fact I won’t miss is the stress of studying, doing long papers, waking up early, staying up late because I have a lot of assignments due. It’s been a hell of 4 years of college. I just want my Bachelor’s degree and start my new chapter in life.

How I feel about graduating.

CT101 was amazing compared to some of my other classes. I like the fact that the class was online and the professor always answers within hours when you email him. I just wish we could have met at least once a month in person. To discuss problems that we are having. I loved the fact that the class required no textbook, quizzes, exams, or mid-terms. Also, students can work at their own pace.

If it wasn’t for the fact that students can work at their own pace I would have failed the class and delayed my graduation due to computer issues. I did the first two assignments on time and I had fun doing them. The assignments were interesting and fun. I was loving the class experience. Then out of nowhere, I started experiencing computer issues. For some reason, my computer couldn’t open the class website. I watched multiple youtube videos trying to fix it and I also emailed cuny academic commons, but I still could not fix the issue. While trying to fix my computer issue the assignment started piling up on me. As a result, the class started becoming stressful because I missed a lot of assignments.

This what was showing on my computer when I try to login to the class website

My only solution was to go to my cousin’s house and use her computer when she wasn’t using it. It wasn’t easy but I ended up doing most of the assignments. Doing the assignment wasn’t as enjoyable as before because I was working under pressure, trying to catch up with the rest of the class. While my cousin was pressing me for her computer because she had assignments to do for herself.

Me at my cousin house trying to catch up with the assignments

some of the things I enjoyed about CT101 were learning about Giphy’s and creating them. Giph’s are entraining, they are the new modern-day art. You can express yourself with giphy’s without saying a word and the people will understand you.

Another thing I enjoyed about CT101 was creating my website. I still can’t believe that I’m a website owner. If you type A-TOWNCLOTHING.COM on google you’ll see my website that so cool if you ask me. I’ll keep my website there are a couple of things that need improvement such as the pictures of the shirts. Other than that I’m very happy with the success of my website. Below are some pictures of my website.


All my existing published blog posts:

Assessment #1

Assessment #2. 

Assessment #3

Assessment #4

Assessment #5

Assessment #6

Assessment #7

Assessment #8

Assessment #10 & 11



Assigment 10 & 11 Website Done !

I can’t believe that I’m a website owner. Like I actually have my own website that I build from starch following professor Seslow tutorial videos. My website is called A-TOWNCLOTHING.COM. It is based  on a brand me and friends came up with. The website allows you to purchase A-TOWN t-shirts.

In the website clothing section you can see the available t-shirts. For example at the moment we have Navy blue and white logo A-town shirts, Black and white logo A-town shirts available in all sizes for $19.99.

Black and white logo A-town shirt available in all sizes for $19.99.
Navy blue and white logo A-town shirt

The website also has an Upcoming page, where the customers can find the new t-shirt that will drop soon. For instance we have the Orange and white logo A-TOWN shirt coming soon in all sizes for $19.99.

A-TOWN website is very simple and easy to use. The only improvement I think it needs is the picture of the shirts can be a little better. Other than that I think the website is amazing and I’m really proud of my work. All the hours watching professor Seslow tutorial videos stressing, paid off.

Me to myself.






Assigment #9 My Word Press customization

Customizing my website was a bit frustrating because I was undeceive about  what I wanted my website to be. Throughtout the week I decided that I will make a clothing brand website for my friend. I was nervous and excited at the same time because I wanted to help him. However I was nervous because I never created a website before and the idea of creating a website was mind bottling.

After watching the tutorial video, i gained a little confidence and started during my website. First, I chose a solid black background color because I wanted the website to be simple. Then I started working on the homepage. The website have four pages Home, Clothes, Upcoming and About. After hours on working on the website I finally did it, I was able to complete my website. My website name is A-TOWNCLOTHING.COM

A screenshot of my website home page


Me and my bestfriend, after telling him I created a domain for his clothing line http://a-townclothing.com/

I had an easy experience creating a domain thanks to Professor Seslow’s recorded video on zoom. The video was self explanatory, all you had to do is watch the recording and follow along.

Me Following Professor Seslow’s zoom video


So far everything is good. I’m looking forward to what next !

Picking A Domain Name

Picking A Domain Name Bring IT On !

I don’t know whether to be excited or nervous about making my own website. My best friend has a clothing line named A – TOWN and he is currently looking for a website designer. This the perfect opportunity for me to learn how to make a website. So I can save my best friend some money and help his clothing line expand.

The website name is going to be A – TOWN.COM

Are memes art ?

What is art ? Art can best be defined as a way of communication with creative imagination such as painting, music, dancing  and poetry. Art is an act of expressing feelings. People can experience the same piece of art and have different reactions to it.

Mona Lisa's eyes don't actually follow you, researchers say - CNN Style
One of the most famous art paintings








What are memes ? According to Memes as art, memes  are the street art of the social web, and like street art, they are varied, expressive, and complex and they contend with the existing politics of our public spaces. Furthermore, memes are a way of expressing one’s emotion.

One of my favorite memes.






To answer the question, are memes art ? Yes memes are art because they help people communicate and express their feelings just like art. In the article “ Memes as Art” state “ Art is constantly evolving, but if the purpose of art is to express a human truth, the internet meme fits the bill. Like many other art forms, we use memes to understand, critique and share thoughts about the world around us. Exhibits on the internet memes signal their importance and pay tribute to them as cultural icons.” In other words, memes are the new art form of the 21st century. Dancing Black Kids meme




Assignment #2 How I feel about CT101 so far..

On my first day of CT101, I was really nervous. I took bus 201 two semesters ago and I really had a terrible experience with the class. So I thought CT101 was going to be the same. 

Me before joining the first zoom meeting of CT101.









I like what I was hearing at the first zoom meeting. The entire semester will be taught online. No textbook, quizzes, exams, or mid-terms. Also, students can work at their own pace.

Me after the zoom meeting.







So far this class is amazing. The assignments are interesting and fun, unlike my Bus 201 class. I really enjoyed doing my first blog. I love using Giphy now.

This how I feel about CT 101 !

I believe CT101 can help me improve my computer skills. Also, it is a good course to put on my resume.


Assignment # 1: What is making me happy on the Internet ? TikTok.






TikTok is a teen app that allows you to record short 15 seconds to 3 minutes videos. People use these short videos to express them self whether it is by dancing, comedy, education, motivational speeches, lip-syncing. I love Tiktok because it is entertaining and it helps make time goes by fast especially when one has nothing to do.

In addition, TikTok is not just entertaining, it is also very educational. From watching TikTok I learned and discovered a lot of places. For example last week I discovered this amazing palace called Sip and Play from TikTok and I love the place. Sip and Play is currently my favorite place to go too. The food is amazing and they have a lot of games to choose from.


The perfect day in NYC #newyorkcity #nyc #nycitinerary @thewilliamsburghotel #thewilliamsburghotel #GossipGirlHere

♬ The Adults Are Talking – The Strokes


Ideas for things to do in NYC! #thingstodo #nyc #bucketlist #pose #nycthingstodo

♬ STAY – The Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber


Fun Places To Go In NYC ?@sipnplaynycofficial #funthingstodoinnyc #dateideas #nycdateideas #cheapdateideas #nycdateplaces #datenight #datenightideas

♬ Peaches – Justin Bieber