Truth be told this semester was like a punch in the face, but I can honestly say this class has made it MUCH better. Last semester I lost my grandpa due to COVID-19 which really sucked. He was a huge advocate for going to school and receiving good grades. I never could have imagined learning from HOME. I thought it would be the best thing ever but in hindsight, it was the WORST THING IMAGINABLE. I never felt this unmotivated in my life. While in the beginning, I thought CT 101 would be difficult it wasn’t. Having a professor who actually takes the time to engage with the students making sure that learning is still fun and still makes videos for us to follow is a BLESSING.
One thing that I enjoyed the most about the class was being able to add hyperlinks and gifs to my works. It makes an assignment jazzier. Hyperlinks are links used to give further information based on what you’re talking about. Here’s how it’s done. You highlight a word that you would like to connect a hyperlink to end in another browser you copy and paste you are well and input it into the URL opening at the bottom of the hyperlink. You then have the option to have your hyperlink open in a new tab so that the reader can still read what you’re already reading and also have the additional tab open for further readings and or findings.
The method of setting up our WORDPRESS has been straightforward.
The first was to choose a domain name that better represents what your website was all about; it had to be something people could quickly recognize, and it had to bear very little or no similarity to current products. I’m super thankful that there were follow along videos.
Here’s a little inside about myself. I am a virtual learner but I would literally have to watch the same vedior about 5 times for things to actually stick in my brain. I’m horrible with following directions. That’s why I’m so hesitant to follow the GPS in places I’m not familiar with. But that all comes with adulting.
About my website now , I’m not really happy about my website. It doesn’t really speak the volume of what I was trying to portray. I can honestly say that I thought I knew how to navigate the internet but it’s more to the web than just googling to find things . That’s just me being honest. The intentions of my website were to help motivate women during a time of need . Being that our devices are glued to our hands, it will be convenient to look up sites that can motivate you when you’re feeling down . I honestly tried my best with Something that I can work on in the future is.
I think I deserve a A- in this class. The reason why I say that is because I worked very hard, tried my best and learned a lot. I was able to explore and explain what MEME ART meant to me. I enjoyed being able to be expressing by using pictures, common memes and, words to express different types of reactions. Social media after times tries to shape our minds into thinking one type of way. Especially if a celebrity is doing or engaging into something we often times drift into what they are doing completely forgetting they we can find out information and explore things ourselves. I did some extra credit if my website sucked really bad LOL.
My classmates have some really dope website I loved exploring them. I was supper engaged and appealed by them.
In the process of learning about gifs and memes, I learned how to find the exact meme or gif that was better tailored to my thinking or feeling that I wanted to represent using a variety of online outlets, especially online.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time out for helping each other. Thank you professor for being my ONLY proffesor that was asseable 24/7 to answer questions no matter how stupid I thought they were.

Thank you so much for the kind words and the great work this semester!
This was a tough semester but we all got through it together by inspiring each other and supporting each other as we learned things each week.
Keep practicing with your website! Things get easier as we practice, plus our creativity and intuition will always kick in to help us put a new twist on things!
Happy Holidays!