My website

The name of my website is The JRod Lifestyle, this website is not so much of an interactive site but more of a blog site for me to share my adventures and the fun I have on the internet. while sharing blogs on my site I feel like I can inspire more people to live their best life, by sharing things I am passionate about maybe I can inspire others to follow their dreams.

My website makes me feel happy about being on the internet. I have been doing a lot of posts for this course lately but this has not felt like work because I enjoy doing research and creating things on the internet which is why my website has been changing a lot in the past 48 hours, I have shared some posts on my recent trip to the Dominican Republic, I felt like this trip has been in a perfect time because now I have more things to add to my website and not just a plain series of activities that I engage in while I am back in New York, hopefully, I find more things to update my website within the near future.

I have about 4 extra posts on my website just in case someone wants to read them.