Assignment #6/ The Mid-Semester Post
Classes started the first week of September. I just knew that I was in over my head taking a class that uses technology that I refused to embrace in the past. It was time to jump in at the deep side of the pool.
No more procrastinating…… No more being a fool.
To live is to learn, and to learn is to live.
I have accepted that greatness is taught, and this attribute contributes in making one big.
So I’ve dug in my heels
The wheels on the bus go round and round
round and round, round and round all day long!
Isn’t that so koooool? This feeling that I am receiving from this song is sooooo different than the feeling that I initially received from my very first assignment. As a senior I am doing quite well, not to mention proud of myself for accomplishing this very first assignment. At the beginning “Bang, zoom Alice. To the Moon!”
I know that even though I haven’t reached my highest potential in this class, I am now certain of my potential being sky high. This class has opened up the flood gates of vast up to date skills that I wasn’t even aware of. The grasshopper is becoming a master.
Lol. Not quite but I’m getting there. After all, does not practice make perfect?
GIF’s, IMUGUR, and other platforms were introduced to me in my second assignment. I was totally oblivious of all the instruments, platforms, and advantages that the internet and web-browsers can afford to anyone that is willing to learn and embrace the new world. Trust me when I tell you, this century is a new world. “The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round!” Thus far, I have really enjoyed learning new skills that use internet tools.
It took a minute; however, Gifs, memes, hyperlinks, and screenshots I believe I have mastered. But this has only brought me up to Assignment #3.
It is true that class CT101 has definitely made me come out of hiding. What a beautiful morning, what a beautiful day, anytime accurate knowledge has shown me a brighter way.
I see my work expanding with each assignment. I have given more thought, patience, and time to assignments that are given. My assignments have become more in depth and lengthy, showing that I have come to actually enjoy what I am doing. It is no longer just an assignment.
For the most part, I am becoming more and more comfortable with Digital Storytelling as the days go by. Having weekly assignments has strengthened me not only in the field, but also as a whole. Meaning; it’s just another verification that if you put your mind to something, the sky will always be the limit for not only myself, but for us all. Yahoo!!!
Do you feel me?
The following is a reminder of Assignment #4 displaying creative prompts
As I embarked on the 5th Assignment, I literally thought that I was going to pass out. Here went the class on a voyage that not only overwhelmed me, but also overwhelmed some of my fellow scholars as well. It may be selfish to admit, but at least I didn’t feel alone. I found that others were struggling too. The bright side of the coin is the love, patience, guidance, and respect that is administered to us scholars by Professor Seslow. Because of his beauty, we have all climbed yet another step and crossed another hurdle of many more to come! What a great teacher that we have in Seslow!!!!
As time goes on, I literally have seen the progress that I have made. The knowledge that I have obtained has also helped me in other classes. One big asset is that I now know how to hyperlink. Mostly; because of this class, I’ve been taught how to express myself in a visual art other than writing, dance, painting, acting, etc. I am able to actually create something that is all my own, share it with others, or get paid for my talent, all while being in the comfort of my home. Man oh man, what a beautiful asset indeed!!!!!
This means doing weekly assignments. Attending class regularly and participating, which are a couple of my strong suits. I’m working on commenting to all of my fellow scholars. After all, we all need feedback to stimulate our well being. I am on campus to interact, network, and embrace the overall experience of human contact. Aren’t we all? Is this not a healthy way of life? Are we not graded in the category of “working well with others”at a very young age during our educational and scholastic journey?
I will continue to make needed improvements by the comments given by my fellow scholars, and by my instructor. It takes a village, and a beautiful village is an accurate description of what CT101 has been for me.
I couldn’t agree with you more when you said “It is no longer just an assignment. ” such a simple way to put it but has so much meaning. This alone increases the quality of the assignments whereas before i was only focusing on the quantity.
Yesssss!!! I am so enjoying this class.
Wow, Pam, What an Epic post!
A perfect specimen or collective evolution, expanded writing and super creative storytelling!
The mixture of self expression, examples, links and context make the post so fun and fluid to engage in!
There is nothing better than transcending the assignment and making it “more”! You have done so here!
Thank you so much for the dedication / commitment to our class and course work!
Forward we go with moreGood Energy!