What did you enjoy about our class and how will you apply your new skills to the world?
What didn’t I enjoy about this class? I’m experiencing a whole new side of social media. Learning the ins and outs of website creation. During the course, I found the process of building a website to be very interesting. The idea of creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life was very exciting. I also learned how to use different tools such as WordPress, plugins, and other tools in order to create a website that was visually appealing and functional.
You learned how to build a website, will you maintain and keep up your new website? If so, how? If not, Why not?
My new website-building abilities will come in handy in a variety of areas. For instance, I may utilize them to design websites for companies or I can aid others who wish to build blogs or display their work by utilizing my talents. With my gained expertise, I’m sure I’ll be able to design websites that are suitable for any purpose and appealing to the eye.
One of my greatest achievements in this class is my website g3ni3.net
Just gonna give you guys a quick tour to make navigating my site a little easier, on the main page I have about photography and blogs. If you click the About page you’ll be taken to this new page.
I give a little info on my website and what to expect, it definitely needs some shapping but I’m satisfied for now.
If you head back to the main page and press photography you’ll find an empty picture book. Here I plan on posting any pictures I take or things I create as well as any photos used in my blogs. Sometimes I end up with a photo album full of different pictures that have nowhere to go and nowhere to be seen, this is the perfect place to showcase my work and what interest me as well as any cool things I find.
can you tell I added a page? the ideas just keep coming.
From the main page, there are now new “behind the scenes” options that let visitors into my thoughts and previous blog post to see how this website came to be.
The Behind the Scene section is my second blog post I thought it d be fun to show people the thought process behind the name.
Finally, if you select the blog tab you’ll be met with my first official blog entry in the blog section, I won’t upload the whole text because it’s up to you to go check it out yourself.
what grade you have earned in our class and why do you deserve that grade?
I believe I deserve a grade between a B+ to a B, I’ve shown improvement throughout the semester, tried my hardest on all assignments, and while I was far behind schedule my understanding and knowledge are shown through my weekly blog post, which will be linked below.
One Krabby Patty at a Time!
I love the name of your website! Where dies that come from?
Thank You so much for the great work produced this semester, you have very thoughtful narrated the entire learning process here in your final post! I really enjoy your writing style and how you bring together links, images, gifs and media! This is a great medium and as you know, its super intuitive and allows everyone’s creativity to shine through!
I think your final grade peaks above a B+ – and, nice work on that website!
Keep it going, and let it flow!
Have a great summer!
The gif in the beginning was absolutely HILARIOUS. I love the setup of your website its very simplistic and calming
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One Krabby Patty at a Time!
I love the name of your website! Where dies that come from?
Thank You so much for the great work produced this semester, you have very thoughtful narrated the entire learning process here in your final post! I really enjoy your writing style and how you bring together links, images, gifs and media! This is a great medium and as you know, its super intuitive and allows everyone’s creativity to shine through!
I think your final grade peaks above a B+ – and, nice work on that website!
Keep it going, and let it flow!
Have a great summer!
The gif in the beginning was absolutely HILARIOUS. I love the setup of your website its very simplistic and calming