assignment #11- THE assignment
well… the time has come. it is the last day of the semester. and that could only mean one thing… reflection time!
more realistically, it means everyone scrambling to get their blog posts and comments in on time (myself included) 😉
i had an awesome time in ct 101 this semester and learned many new skills. for one thing, i learned how to make sick collages on mmm and i got to also show my photoshop express skills, talk about my passions, make memes and even build a website using wordpress.
i did not come to every class but those i did attend, i loved the atmosphere of the class and appreciated ryan’s style of teaching and desire for student input. it truly was an unconventional class and it’s a shame more classes can not take on a similar structure.

so what grade do i think i deserve in the class?
well, besides wanting an A, i think i also deserve an A because the only reason why i would think i would deserve a lesser grade is due to my absences. but i do not think i should penalize myself for taking advantage of the accessibility of the class as a working, full time student with a long commute.
i know that i could have made it school many times if i am being honest with myself, but i also know that if i had gone to school those days my quality of work in this class and all of my other ones would have been poorer because i would have had less time to complete them. i think in 2023, just a few years after we discovered most things could be done online, i do not have to feel shameful that i did exactly that.
i completed every mandatory assignment and with the exception of assignment 6, which admittedly was quite rushed, i feel my blog posts grew every week, were well thought out and nicely executed with hyperlinks and gifs and i always followed the prompts provided. i completed all of the mandatory assignments and built my website up.
i definitely plan on continuing to run my website long after this class is over. i am really grateful that this class gave me the opportunity to create one. as i’ve previously mentioned, i never thought about creating my own website before.
now, i already gave myself a grade but if i had to give one to ct 101, i’d give it an A+ great professor, great assignments, and a flexible learning environment. the voices behind ratemyprofessor definitely were right about ryan- he’s a fan favorite for good reason!
you can see all my work from the semester here :
Assignment #3- do memes imitate life or does life imitate memes?
assignment #9- domain name registration, hosting set up and word press installation
my one regret from this class was not commenting more on my classmates work because i really did admire it from afar. i’m proud of all of for how far we’ve come and i hope everyone who is reading this enjoys a great winter break. peace out, ct 1o1 !