Assignment # 2 New Communication Gifs
To gifs or not to gifs, that is what has come of us today. How to gif and show your personality?

Many platforms can help make gifs, the top2 websites are Giphy and Imgur. For me making an account on Imgur was easier than Giphy was. For me that made me choose Imgur over Giphy right away less of a headache. For some odd reason on the website there was an issue saving my password. Other than that I was making a gif on Imgur but where I wanted to start and end the gif gave me trouble. After giving it a good effort I gave up and I went to giphy. On their website to do the gif I wanted the start and end time making the gif was less 1,2,3 easy. So making the gif is more easy than on Imgur.
Good blogging is when there is a Gif. Having an blog with out a gif is like a newspaper article without a picture very rare I read it, only if I had to or if its about something I needed then I would read it.
Gifs are away of life, its part of us because millions of people are on social media and social media can not keep going without Gifs and memes. There is a saying I said it in my first post, “the internet is undefeated“
Its Pretty much a new language that people can understand without any words just like sling words becoming part of the dictionary. But at the same time there is another saying that says “a picture is worth a 1000 words” I say that to say one group of people can see a picture and think one way. While there are other people that think just the opposite of the same picture. Perfect example the picture at the top is used to say the internet is undefeated but in reality Muhammad Ali actually has 5 losses in his career.
Floyd Mayweather is actually undefeated in boxing so he should been the picture I used for the internet being undefeated. So to answer the question yes gifs can tell a story, but I would say to be clear with the story you want to tell maybe should use more than one gif, as well as an explanation.

Starting the first class as soon as I sat down I was not into it just because its the first class. But when the professor started to just talk and tell us about himself and how the class is set up and everything is recored I started to think this class is not bad at all.

When the professor was explaining the course and its creative content. I felt like there was a chance of me getting an A in the class. I actually always wanted to make my own memes but I never took the steps to make my own.
Comparing this class to other classes is like asking a kid do they want to eat cook vegetables that mom made or McDonalds. It’s obvious the answer is McDonalds. Mostly all other professors main focus is getting through the syllabus to say they did their job. This professor is connecting to the students then working with them to get through the syllabus. I just feel a difference.

The creative potentials to this class is endless and its really up to me and the class to where this class can go in creativity. But for me doing these assignments and what I find funny reminds me of peter from family guy. Because my thinking is either block because I don’t use my creative side anymore or something I think is funny thats not funny to others or it may not be appropriate.

learning new skills that use Internet tools is one of the best I things we should be learning because everything in this world is technology base or moving in that direction. So doing the post I feel smart but I think after the class I am going to go back to my old ways and not always using technology with creativity involve.