Final Post- FIN

About Course and Skillsets

Taking Ct101 has been a fun and exciting journey. I initially thought this class would have been a lot of work but I was totally wrong. I thought I would’ve had to be computer savvy and be able to have prior experience of using the internet and different software. But boy was I WRONG! This course is very user friendly! Professor Seslow is so great at his class course tutorials; that even if you missed a week of work you would still know how to do the assignment.

There were a lot of times where I missed a set in a live class session and the zoom recording saved me. Lol

I have learned so many skill sets like gif and meme-making, hyperlinking, embedding videos, creating my very own domain, and challenging myself to learn how to create logos. The CT101 website was set up in a way where every week we were learning a new skill set and were encouraged to recreate content containing all we learned. These assignments were never too difficult in my opinion, seeing that I am a millennial and the content was familiar to me. 


It’s a bittersweet feeling to know that this course has come to an end.

Website Information 

Because I enjoyed how we were able to pick and choose how we wanted to do things and we had most of the creative authority. Especially when it came to our websites! (Heres the link to mine)

I thought I would have had more time to develop my website. I created my website with the intent to self journal. So, I would blog about my self-care ideas, quarantine-safe fun activities, and/or my every day-to-day struggle as a young adult. One major success is that I was able to follow the step thoroughly to develop my website. It wasn’t hard to customize it to my liking because I had a visual in mind already. I was going for a stylish but simple look because I am girly but not too extreme. One of my biggest frustration during this process was TIME. Between my other demanding classes and CT101, I didn’t get a chance to post as much on my website as I wanted to. But seeing that I’ll be done with classes this week, I will definitely keep up with posting. I feel as though writing can be very therapeutic and so this is why I will upkeep my site.  

My website is set up pretty much like the tutorials the only thing is that I have included an about me page and a gallery. The about me page is just a little summary of me and what the website will entail. The gallery is just there for all the logos and/or pictures I make upload in my blog post. 


I feel as though I deserve an A, A-, 


I have managed to complete all of the week’s assignments. Also, I have put my best effort into creating content that was completely thought out and structured. I was always taught when you do something make sure you give it a 100% and that’s what I did in this course!

Louannie N. Smith

1 thought on “Final Post- FIN”

  1. Thank you so much!
    Outstanding work here this semester in CT101!
    Thank you for the well crafted, creative and weekly insights!
    Your work grew and expanded week to week, thank you so much for the commitment to the class.
    Your website is looking great Im excited to know that you will keep it going! (You must!)
    Have a wonderful Holiday!

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