So this is it huh ?
When I started here I was so excited to begin my last semester but now that it is coming to an end,
As of about 3pm later today… I am a whole college graduate. An Adult. The End of my childhood.
This college journey has been an ABSOLUTE rollercoaster, But this class was a shelter through the storm. It’s so wonderful to come to CT101 because it is safe space.
This was never a class I hated to come to because you would always get poured into even if it had nothing to do with tech. Prof. Ryan has created a place where us college students get to express ourselves and flourish in our creativity no mater what .
I learned that I love to blog with this class. I used to think I was a terrible writer but I learned to love my writing voice in CT101. I usually shy away from creative writing but blogging to me is like keeping a journal.
My writing voice is in my blogs is basically putting my personality to words.
Because of my new found love for blogging, I plan on keeping my website and developing it more. will be all things me and my Faith walk. I hope for it to be a space of influence and inspiration for those who desire a relationship with God.
As much as I would want an A+, I feeel like I deserve a B+ at best. I definitely dropped the ball these past couple of weeks and I haven’t been my putting my best foot forward. I really wished my semester didn’t end on the note that it did but life.
Be safe…Be great y’all!
See y’all another time! Wishing you guys well in all your endeavors!
Thank you so much for the great work this semester!
I appreciate your participation in our class dialogs and how that transcended into your blog posts as well!
New skills learned will now spill out into your new paths ahead!
Thank You!