Assignment #6: Midterm Recap Post

It’s midterm week and it’s time to reflect on how this semester is going. Being honest, I don’t think I’ve been doing great, mostly because my attendance hasn’t been the best due to my job and family issues. Doing the blog posts have been a blast but can see my attendance becoming a hinderance towards my grade.


I’ve learned quite a number of skills while taking this course. So far, I’ve finally learned how to use Giphy and Imgur. I appreciate even more how skillful it is to make effective memes and to use them to form a coherent story.

I can see myself improving after every blog post. At first, I would become overwhelmed on what and how I should post. Additionally, I was too concerned with under/over explaining my blog posts. Now, I think I found healthy middle ground of the text/gifs ratio.

At this point in time, I am only missing Assignment #5. Here are the hyperlinks to my other blog posts in numbered order:

Assignment #1: Internet Happiness

Assignment #2: My Reaction Gifs

Assignment #3: MEMES & ME

Assignment #4: DS106

A huge stumbling block is that I haven’t been taking the time to comment on others’ posts. I’ll be honest, there’s times where I forget to check back and completely neglect checking what others posted. Or my participation is on the low side mostly because of my bad attendance this semester.