Assignment #6 – My Mid-Assessment Post

In CT101, I feel like I am doing pretty good overall because I have used most of the tools of CT101.Commons website efficiently and effectively. What I have learned and retained the most are how to embed a video url onto a blog post and using hyperlinks to direct my classmates, professor and others to my source of information such as a link to a gif or a YouTube video.

The new skills I have developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my            my performance through self-reflection in this class by looking back and reviewing my previous blog posts to see if I need any improvements. So far, the blog posts I have done and completed are assignment #1, assignment #2, assignment #4, and assignment #5.

Keanu Reeves

The things I know now that I didn’t know before taking this class were how to make your own memes and embedding gifs on my blog posts and now I can do that on any other platform that allows embedding gifs and posting my own memes. I believe that the grade I am maintaining is at least a B or a B+.


I feel that my weekly blogging work is not expanding creatively. I am stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time. I can change that, instead of embedding five gifs or memes in every blog post, have some blog posts with five and some with seven gifs or memes, like a pattern.


The assignment that I am missing is assignment #3. I am commenting regularly on my classmates posts. But I have not responded back to comments given to me by the professor and my classmates. I am also participating during the class time. I will make improvements by being attentive on CT101.commons and checking my notifications more often for comments from my classmates and my professor.

be more aware

1 thought on “Assignment #6 – My Mid-Assessment Post”

  1. Thank you!
    I think that you are maintaining higher than a B+ and you can easily push forward here!
    Ah yes, there is a point of ct101 where one’s posts will need to break free of the first tier loop ->
    You are aware, that is the first step -> We will learn a bit more on creating the actual content – its is a good place consider – meaning, making images via image compositing, manipulation, digital art and illustration ( or plus the use of video and integrating video helps a lot!
    Great selections of GIFs and Memes here!
    Content curation is also a big part of the evolution as start building our own websites!

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