At first, I didn’t really know what to expect from this class.
I walked into the class, sat down, and listened to the first lecture and for the most part, my thoughts consisted of, “Hey, he looks like Jeff Bezos”
And I also thought about this speech from Metal Gear Rising: Revengence about Memes at some point in class.
But I started to think about a lot of the stuff we were going to do. The internet, whether for better or worse, is a home for me.
It’s my connection to the outside world outside of school and work. It’s a place where I market, host, and promote my work
So I figured this class was fitting for a lot of the things I wanted to do especially when it came to my number-centric work.
I think a cool thing I learned later in the course was all the alternate free sites used for making Gifs.
Normally I would make them on Adobe Premiere but I was reminded of the fact that there are many free alternatives to the adobe products I used.
It was nice to teach people how to make Gifs with Gifs and I wish more tutorial pages were like that.
In Assignment 3, I was able to divulge why I think Memes are an art form and what makes them special. I think that making memes as a means to tell a story during Assignment 1 helped me understand the potential for using Memetic language to communicate an idea.
I got to photoshop myself into a historical photo which challenged my photoshop skills a lot and taught me how to use certain filters more effectively.
I left the class with not one but two sites.
The first site I made was my MMM Page
I explained why it felt so minimal during assignment 5 but to summarize I felt so conditioned to make everything slick and simple as to synchronize with the current state of the internet that when it came time to maximize I struggled to figure out what to do.
The last site I made is very important. The process of making it was surprisingly easy to a point.
Naming my site after my brand was simple enough. I didn’t have many other ideas.
At first, making the site was difficult. My goal was to place one of my two series on the site.
I really struggled to do what I wanted to do for my website. The key to hopping the learning curve though was so easy I was practically upset by the fact I didn’t do it sooner.
Typing in WordPress and Webcomic I found a plugin called Toocheke and a tutorial on how to use it which made transferring my series far easier.
I feel like this site is the most important thing to come of this class so far because it can serve as a place to consolidate and archive my work if something were to happen to it on the other platforms I occupy.
I think because I handed in the final so late I probably deserve a grade between an A and a B.
I thought I had done this assessment already but somehow I didn’t. I’m taking two classes with Ryan which are both a blast so I think my brain is fusing the two together.
As I explained in the Mid-Term assessment. I feel like I grew in my skills in terms of blogging and found a perfect balance when it comes to the usage of memes and Gifs.
I successfully create a website to host my series. I responded to as many posts as I can and giving feedback.