What did you enjoy about our class and how will you apply your new skills to the world?
What didn’t I enjoy about this class? I’m experiencing a whole new side of social media. Learning the ins and outs of website creation. During the course, I found the process of building a website to be very interesting. The idea of creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life was very exciting. I also learned how to use different tools such as WordPress, plugins, and other tools in order to create a website that was visually appealing and functional.
You learned how to build a website, will you maintain and keep up your new website? If so, how? If not, Why not?
My new website-building abilities will come in handy in a variety of areas. For instance, I may utilize them to design websites for companies or I can aid others who wish to build blogs or display their work by utilizing my talents. With my gained expertise, I’m sure I’ll be able to design websites that are suitable for any purpose and appealing to the eye.
One of my greatest achievements in this class is my website g3ni3.net
Just gonna give you guys a quick tour to make navigating my site a little easier, on the main page I have about photography and blogs. If you click the About page you’ll be taken to this new page.
I give a little info on my website and what to expect, it definitely needs some shapping but I’m satisfied for now.
If you head back to the main page and press photography you’ll find an empty picture book. Here I plan on posting any pictures I take or things I create as well as any photos used in my blogs. Sometimes I end up with a photo album full of different pictures that have nowhere to go and nowhere to be seen, this is the perfect place to showcase my work and what interest me as well as any cool things I find.
can you tell I added a page? the ideas just keep coming.
From the main page, there are now new “behind the scenes” options that let visitors into my thoughts and previous blog post to see how this website came to be.
The Behind the Scene section is my second blog post I thought it d be fun to show people the thought process behind the name.
Finally, if you select the blog tab you’ll be met with my first official blog entry in the blog section, I won’t upload the whole text because it’s up to you to go check it out yourself.
what grade you have earned in our class and why do you deserve that grade?
I believe I deserve a grade between a B+ to a B, I’ve shown improvement throughout the semester, tried my hardest on all assignments, and while I was far behind schedule my understanding and knowledge are shown through my weekly blog post, which will be linked below.
Personally, it feels like I’m doing pretty well in ct101. Reading and starting the assignment is usually the most stressful part of this class. Once I recover from the feeling of impending doom, the course becomes fun and exciting. I lose track of time completing work.
What have I learned and retained the most? What new skills have I developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my weekly posts? What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?
I’ve learned so much about websites, design, blogging, and other topics. For the first time, I am able to say that the lessons and information I learned will live with me forever and that I might actually apply those skills and expertise outside of the classroom. Throughout my time in the class I’ve learned a multitude of cool tricks, on my weekly post I use hyperlinks and giphs regularly, I’m able to create my own memes with free accounts and I now feel experienced enough to run my own website, which I do.
What grade do I believe I am maintaining and why do I deserve that grade? Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why – or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that? Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them.
Wow, such good questions. While my work is a bit late, I am producing quality work. I’m following guidelines, referring back to zooms, and ensuring fun interesting content filled with exactly what were learning for that week. All of my posts are engaging and entertaining, they’re easy to tell apart and don’t share a repeating theme. Currently, the only assignment I am missing is the final submission post which will be uploaded tomorrow. With all of this information put together I believe I am maintaining a B+ or B.
Are you commenting regularly on your classmate’s posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates? Are you participating during class time? If not, explain why. This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?
My participation in class was low because attendance wasn’t mandatory. I can’t say I’ve been commenting regularly on my classmate’s posts but I do try to comment whenever I’m in the midst of doing my own work or after I finish publishing. I would rarely reply back to comments. I do plan to make improvements on my commenting action and engage a bit more.
Here’s a link to my other pieces of work that weren’t highlighted
Time for the good stuff. Creating an interning cohesive website other people would enjoy as much as me. The first thing I did was change the website color and font size, quickest and easiest thing todo right as you begin the creation process
I decided on a short and funny heading and tried out a few pictures, nothing seemed to fit together well.
I found these images while looking through the WordPress options and fell involve, they matched perfectly with the background and really brung the front page together, I also liked that the flowers were named.
I knew already I wanted a comment section in my website but I wasn’t sure how many or where. I downloaded a plugin For comments and after my first attempt I had a comment section. My next step was adding pages.
After a few mistakes, I figured out how to add an about page, now I have to explain to the people what my site is all about.
I was beginning to feel like a pro I knew what I needed todo and how todo it. I found the website coming togther way faster now, all it needs it more content. If you don’t believe me take a look for yourself 😉
I started off testing a few of the names I created and was very sad to find out most of my “.com” options were taken.
After a bit more typing I found a suitable name g3ni3.net
with my website created I began installing word press, the entire process only took about 10 minutes, before I knew it the hard part was over.
Just like that my website is officially up. there wasn’t much to it. Now I get to experience the best part, decorating.
In the beginning I Felt very overwhelmed trying to create my website I still wasn’t sure what the website would consist of so creating anything felt hard and unimaginable, but I now have a better grasp of what id like to create and I’m excited to see it come together.
I think choosing a domain name is the hardest part of starting to create anything, the most unskippable part of the process. I pondered for a bit on not only what I would call my website but what it would consist of. Naturally, my first and last name made an appearance and I thought to name it “Genielleshaw.com ” or something similar to that, but this was not visually appealing and I couldn’t imagine my first website being only my first and last name.
The names weren’t flowing but I didn’t expect them to. I knew that if I wanted a cool website name that id love and wouldn’t regret in two weeks id probably have to do some heavy-duty thinking. I also considered a few nicknames such as Gen, genie, and gens(s for shaw). While they were better than my first thought I just wasn’t enthralled by the idea, it felt like something was missing.
Finally, I had my greatest idea yet! I should add numbers. I came up with a few variations g3nmn3, g3ni3, and g3nie I’m not sure if I’m going to stick with one of these or try to come up with something new, but I do enjoy these names a lot more than the others and I’m open to suggestions.
I took me awhile to decide what I would use, but I figured the most entertaining thing would probably just be a mashup of all my favorite things.
I started with a sunset for the base picture from here ill add on details.
I used some of my favorite characters, including Sailor Jupiter from one of my favorite animes, Sailor Moon, Inosuke from Demon Slayer, Sack Boy, who was previously mentioned in a different blog post for currently being one of my favorite video games/characters, and Dragonanir, my favorite Pokemon, to create my final product. I’m actually really happy and impressed with it. The dancing girl at the bottom wasn’t included for any particular purpose; I just happened to see her as I was finishing up the project and felt she fit in nicely.
This video game cover mashup sealed the deal for me in terms of the most eye-catching content in the mashup category. My mind began filling with many games, titles, and characters that would fit together in a game.
When considering a video game mashup, Sackboy: A Big Adventure was the first title that came to mind. I’ve been playing it for a few weeks and I’m really enthralled. Sackboy is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the LittleBigPlanet video game series. Sackboy A Big Adventure is a LittleBigPlanet spin-off that trades its typical 2d view straightforward Mario structured game, it features a new range of perspectives and 3D movement. My favorite aspect of the game is its adorable skins, I usually play as a strawberry or bumble bee.
The second video game I chose was Overcooked
Overcooked is a fun challenging cooking game that you can play with up to four friends, you cook a multitude of dishes while facing different obstacles and trying to serve your hungry customers.
My next step was finding the perfect overcooked background (ignore the tab overload)
With a background selected, I headed over to Photopea and hoped photoshopping would be as easy as everyone said it was.
After a few failed attempts to find a good image on pixabay I knew Google was my next option
three cheers for google!!!
This was my completed project, I was only able to find one transparent image but I’m pleased with the outcome. I’d definitely do this again.
One assignment I would like to do but don’t yet have the skills for would be “your story as game”While this assignment looks fun and challenging it would require more Photopea skills than I currently have and I would also have to think of a unique story game with a cohesive coherent storyline.
Crocheting is one of my biggest passions. About two years ago, I began to notice a lot of handcrafted crocheted things like purses, pants, sweaters, dresses, bags, etc. Even though I was intrigued by what I was seeing, it would be another year before I decided to start crocheting for myself.
In the beginning, it was hard for me to even get past the first row. I followed videos, read step-by-step guides, and occasionally asked some of my crochet experienced friends for assistance or tips. Sadly frustration took the better of me for a while and after a few failed attempts at different designs, I put crochet behind me.
Nowadays I crochet in my free time making everything I see Online and replicating store-made items. it’s useful and comforting. you can crochet anything from a hat or shawl to dolls and stuffed animals. Discovering new patterns is entertaining. Similar to knitting, weaving, and making your own clothes, crocheting can serve as a link to a bygone era when these useful skills were more than just a pastime; they were a necessary activity for people who required apparel and household items.
Art is expression put into the creation, which makes memes art. While memes are not the traditional art form they provide an interactive, inclusive, and constantly changing environment on a multitude of platforms.
Memes are always changing and growing with what’s new, which is wonderful for art since they elicit strong emotions like joy, rage, or astonishment. Memes open up new avenues for self-expression and more.
How I describe CT101 to my friends
can memes be used for storytelling?
Of course, using memes to communicate stories is one option. On applications like Twitter or Snapchat, a meme is posted alongside the narrative to help create the mood and pique your attention. The meme provides the reader with a visual. Memes can also be used to show your response with no words necessary.
Now for three of my favorite memes
A rumor was started about one of the women at the table and the group arrupts in a simultaneous “who said that”
Princess bubble gum created lemon grab, and after seeing how strong the enemies weapons were he asked to be unmade before battle.
“Is this the Krusty Krab?”
One of my favorite spongebob episodes, Patrick gets a job at the Krusty Krab and has to answer the phone.
One of the many things that have been making me happy on the internet would be the upcoming primal Groudon and Kygroue event on pokemon go. Pokemon go is a mobile game that tracks your location and allows you to catch, battle, and evolve your pokemon. I started playing pokemon go a little over a year ago and now keep up with most events and updates the game has. For me, this event has been long anticipated since they first announced late 2022.
Another event that made my week was the new episode of the last of us airing on HBO max. The last of us was originally a game that was produced into a show. I played the last of us and was thrilled to find out there would now be weekly episodes and hopefully a second season.
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