Assignment 3: Are Memes Art?

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.


Memes area concept or idea that spreads virally from one person to another via the Internet. An Internet meme could be anything from an image to an email or video file; however, the most common meme is an image of a person or animal with a funny or witty caption. The proliferation of social media has led to Internet memes spreading very quickly and reaching more people. Many Internet memes use humor and appeal largely to the adolescent and post-adolescent demographic: this demographic is much more likely to discover Internet memes, understand the humor behind them and be willing to forward it on to friends.”


The digital age has changed the type of media art is seen and created on. The use of paints and sculpting will always be needed, but the downside is these things break and get damaged over time. Memes are timeless in a sense they aren’t link to a period in time or an artist style. MEMES ARE ART

I had a horrible experience on the MTA Thursday after class. I got on a bus. My daughter and I boarded the bus, and the driver never secured my wheelchair. She told me it wasn’t her job to do so. She allowed my chair to skid while she drove as I held my daughter in my lap. By law, the bus isn‘t supposed to be in motion until my chair is secured. She wouldn’t give or name and badge number I reported her to the MTA. I even plan on Suing the MTA for negligence. I have made it my life’s mission to call people out on their crap when they violate my rights. Memes allow me to show how ridiculous people sound when they say ignorant things to me in relation to me being disabled. This is to bring awareness to inclusion and give a voice to people who may not be as vocal as I am.



This me 10 minutes before my first CT-101 class.


… Get my morning Coffee.

This is me 10 minutes after first CT-101 class.

When I learned what we were actually going to be doing in this course. It was like breath of fresh air.

We live in the digital age and since we’re  going to be stuck at home taking classes again…

Yup me too…

It would be great to not only become more technologically literate but to have our own platform where we can share our experiences  with one another.

Also, I think we can all benefit from some humor.  Some of the content that has already been post is not only fascinating but hilarious, so kudos to all of you. I really enjoy reading each post.

On a different note,

Don’t attack me but … I think Gif should be pronounce JIF.

Only because Gif to me it too close to GIFT and when I hear someone say it, it makes think of presents. JIF even though it’s a brand of peanut butter,  my brain doesn’t confuse the two thing. So fight me.

This class is awesome though. Unlike my other courses I feel that I have  complete freedom to express myself. To be honest,  I feel awkward turning  my camera on in classes. I don’t know, there is just something about it that make feel self conscious and exposed.

Homer gets what I mean.

This class has so far inspired me to become more creative in ways I didn’t think of before.

But unlike my other classes where we need to spend an arm and a leg for books. Our text book is the internet and as we all know…

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and if your football fan you should check out Mr. Chiseled Adonis (Warning: Strong Language) for some hilarious highlight commentary .  See ya’ll next class.

I love watching watching diy smoothie videos

I’m guilty of watching diy smoothie videos on youtube and instagram. It’s soothing to watch fruits be cut into small pieces and prepped for the freezer. When taken out of the freezer , the fruit looks like bite size pieces of candy with frozen condensation. When blended with a creamy base, it makes a whipped texture. With sorbet blenders you will see the difference between gourmet smoothies and regular ones.Gourmet smoothies are also garnished similar to smoothie bowls. A beautiful and creative garnish is a sight to see, it’s food art.



I’m interested in smoothies because they have an amazing effect when incorporated into daily routines. Fruits, veggies, oats , and , non-dairy products yield nutrients our body can’t create. When they are made with sea moss it adds a boost to help your immune system stay in shape. During this pandemic it is crucial to stay on top of your eating habits.

