How am I doing in CT101?
I think that I am doing pretty well in CT 101. I think I grasped the concepts and understood most of what was taught in the class so far.

How many points have I earned so far and what grade do I believe I am maintaining?
I’m not so sure how many points I have earned so far in this course. I believe that I am maintaining a B+ or a C+ grade in this class because I do all of the work and I try to do all that my professor requests of me.

What have I learned and retained the most?
I have learned a lot about gifs these past few weeks. I was able to create some gifs of my own and use them for my posts. I never paid much attention to gifs until recently now that I’ve been in this class but I do think they’re very cool. You can make any kind of gif, whatever your emotion is more than likely there’s a gif to match it and also they’re pretty simple to make. I also learned a lot about memes and how to create them as well.

What new skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?
A new skill that I have developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts is incorporating images that relate to what my project is about. I also include gifs within my work as well.

How do I assess my performance through self-reflection in this class?
I assess my performance through self reflection in this class by looking at how my work improves week by week with the different assignments. Each week is a different assignment which helps me learn and grow. Each week I know about something new and I just include it in my work.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?
I know how to create images online, I know how to create gifs too. I know about multiple websites now where you can make gifs and create images. I know how to look for specific images I want now without having to use the most common ones like Google or Yahoo.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain – or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?
I do see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively because each week I learn something. That means that for the next week I will come back with some new information that I can include within my project for that week.

Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them. Are you commenting regularly on your classmates’ posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates? Are you participating during the class time? If not, explain why. This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?
I am currently missing two assignments and those are assignments 5 and 7. I am going to try and complete them soon. I comment on my classmates’ posts but lately I have not and I want to get back into doing so. When I receive comments from my professor and my classmates on my posts I try to respond back to them as soon as I can. I am not responding during the class time because I try to listen more to soak in most of the information. To improve my grade I should participate more during class and speak up.

Assignment #1:
Assignment #2:
Assignment #3:
Assignment #4: