You made it to my finalized website !
Let me tell you it was NOT easy!
If you check out my blog post from the CT 101 website, you will notice a lot of things have changed. And I mean A LOT!
For refreshers this is the original route i went with the website

Different right !!
Since the beginning, i wasn’t too pleased with how the website turned out. But I literally worked on it for so long that day I decided to just leave it as that, but it’s a new day; different mindset !
While looking for new templates that seemed like forever to find, I really loved this template. It’s called Seahorse (name is very deceiving) . I loved the colors, fonts, the layout and how the photos were laid out.

That being said, it was completely different than the last one I had chosen and even editing wise was completely different. The dashboard options were different when editing which made things very confusing.

Customization for a new template..

I felt like customizing the old page was eaiser yet harder at the same time. Everything was just organized but it was still challenging !
But with patience, dedication and perseverance i was able to make it through!!
Lets start with the tour of my new website !

Here we have my homepage ; the first page the user will be loaded into.
A few years ago I learned that colors that attract people the most are red and yellow and iIm just noticing that thats what my page consist of haha. I made a little phrase that rhymes which i thought was cool!
ANYWAY Right below that i have two buttons that will bring you to the shop page ( which i will disscuss more later). Not only can the user access the shop page from here, but can also access it from the top menu.

As you scroll down i replaced the template default photo to a logo rug we made for a close friend’s business and thought it will be cool to mention we go as far as doing logos for companies.

Now scrolling even more down
The user can read more into who we are and our main mission with this company. I will definitely change this in the future when I get closer to finalizing the website for retail!

Underneath that there’s a photo I generated on dall-e and the contacts of my friend and I with socials!.

When you press the shop button it will lead the user to the prices of the rugs. I was able to get this block by scrolling at the different price templates they have. I thought this was the most fitting.

This is just where we had our first assignement for our blog post. The photos listed are first original rugs we created.
links to all my post on CT 101
I learned many things from digital classes in ct 101. I learned how to use creative outlets even when I have no knowledge about it. CT101 helped explore different creative routes such as photoshop, editing, animation, blogging, creating a website and more. I learned how to express myself with memes and getting more familiar with the universal language !
I definitely will keep this website, I might pay to change the name because I had to choose a random one because I still don’t have a name for my actual tufting business, but once I find a name that I like I will be changing it. I do like the new layout I choose too. I hope to use this website as a place where customers can look at. As for grades, I believe I deserve an A. With each blog post and assignment I made sure to put 10010% into it. I had fun but also made sure I was doing what was required.
I love how you have a tufting talent. I’ve always wanted to take a class and make my own rug! This is awesome! This class has benefitted you greatly! Farewell peer ??
So good!
I love the website!
And such talent! I love the rugs!
Im so excited to see how you have applied the website project to manifest a business website to showcase your craft / skills and make the world aware that you are open for business!
So exciting! Wishing you the best and please keep in touch!
Thank you for a great semester, full of commitment and dedication to our classes!
Great work indeed!