Final Blog Post ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

It’s a wrap. We have made it to the final blog post!!

The grade I believed I have earned in this class is an A. I deserve that grade because I have attended most of our class sessions, did all my assignments in a timely manner and commented on my classmates work.

The thing I enjoyed most about this class was the creative freedom we were allowed to have in these posts.I will apply the new skills I have learned into the Digital journalism field making the news industry a little more fun.

My website is now up. I plan to maintain and keep up my website, I have so many ideas for it like talking about my favorite foods, ranking songs, ranking hair colors. I can use my website has an online diary and just post when I want. So far I have transferred some of my post from here onto the website but I plan to make new original works soon.

My website overall look 🎀


I’m really happy with the way it looks!! The aesthetic is so pretty the light baby pink, the bows and the pearls. I did like the simplicity of the font 🎀

I have written a Welcome post on my website  🎀

At the bottom of my welcome post it directs you to my next posts 🎀

Assignment #7 – This is MY DOMAIN… ;)

Alright, let’s have some fun with this one.

Honestly, this is the most exciting thing I’ve done in a very long time. It’s the website I’m working on, which will be about books and a pseudo-book club. I have never been a part of a book club, so I’m kind of just using my imagination. Furthermore, I don’t know of any other site like the one I’m describing, mainly due to the heavy fanfiction side I’m working on.

Growing up, I was embarrassed to admit that I read fanfiction, especially when I started reading. But I’ve always been fascinated with books and literature, exploring stories and reading about different variations of established stories.

For example, I spent approximately eight years reading Percy Jackson fanfiction, among others, but it was mainly Percy Jackson. I want to create a website that can be used for established books, and as someone who reads all, I know that there are fanfictions that are just as good, if not better, as real books.

Here are some of my favorites:

I will also spit out a couple of names I’ve created to choose from. I think I already know which one I want to pick, but I still want to put out the choices that I have made. 

  • PageTurners
  • ReadersRealm
  • BookishBanter
  • ReadingRetreat
  • StoryCircle
  • TalesTogether
  • PagePalette
  • LiteraryLiaisons
  • BookishBoulevard
  • NovelVoyage – Winner

The main reason I picked this is that it sounded fancy. Still, it also included the word voyage, which to me represents travel across great expenses, as well as the word novel, which to me is important because up until I got to high school, I did not know what a novel was Ever explained what a novel was and it’s just a funny story. So it becomes, in my eyes, something that means a journey across a great expanse of worlds through the words and literary sculpting of dreamers.

Assignment #6 – Semester Reflection

How am I doing in CT101?


I think that all things considered, I am not doing too badly in CT101. But I know I’m not doing the best I could be. I’m not as attentive in this class as I would like and have missed several classes. My schedule sucks, and I know that I could be doing better.

What have I learned and retained the most? / What new skills have I developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

Some things that I’ve learned that I’m retaining is honestly just being more active on the technological and social front. I don’t really text. I don’t really blog. I don’t really talk to people that often, but now I’m doing that more, and I’ve started using Reddit because I’ve got into dungeons and dragons; I’m a lot more expressive in how I talk to people through GIFs and memes. So, that’s one thing I’ve definitely taken away from this class.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

I did not realize how people interacted with the Internet, and I don’t use social media or technology. So, I’m developing skills on that front, considering I had none before.

What grade do I believe I am maintaining, and why do I deserve that grade?

I’m not even going to try to advocate that I should receive anything above a B. Honestly, I didn’t realize how bad my schedule was until now, and I genuinely regret how it worked out. Still, I enjoy the Zoom lessons when I watch them, and I think I would be happy with a B or B-, but I know I’m not near the level of an A.

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain why. Or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time? How will I change that?

I am noticing that I’m slowly becoming more creative, but I don’t know how to work the website to get that kind of flare in my posts. I’m not very good with this kind of thing, but I am getting better, and I think I have to explore the website a bit more to take my posts to the next level.

Are there any assignments that you are missing? If so, list them.

I am missing some assignments, but only the ones after this. I will do them soon, and they will be uploaded soon. I need 7 – 10. 

Are you commenting regularly on your classmates’ posts? Are you responding to comments made by the professor and your classmates?

I have read many of my classmates’ posts and commented on a couple of them, but I need to start commenting more and going a little more in-depth on their posts.

Are you participating during the class time? If not, explain why.

I tried to be in class as much as I could, but I just can’t with my schedule, and I’ve also had a lot of personal things going on in my life that have come out of nowhere that are just not helping in any way, shape, or form. 

This is the time to be accountable. How will you make needed improvements?

I will try to do better in the future and be mindful of the different commitments I have next time. Now that I’ve gone through what I have, I can roll with the punches better, so to speak. 

Final post

Hmm let’s talk about CT 101. This being my first year in york i didn’t really expect a class like this most of my classes didn’t really have a social media presence in it and Were mostly on textbooks that are recyled from year to year. Ct 101 allowed me to express myself in a way I never thought I would using memes. I was shocked when I heard this at first since I just thought of memes being something you send in a text when you don’t know what to say back to who you’re texting. Or just putting it under an instagram post never doing assignments about them. CT 101 was breath of fresh air if it wasn’t for this class i would never know how to copy and paste, sad right but it’s the truth, i never knew how to copy and paste on my computer or even generate my own blog or website even though it was changeling it was fun to do out of the normal stuff and master it with the help of my professor.

What grade did i earn in this class to be honest i would give myself a 65 or 70 ,you may wonder why not a 80,90, or 100 i don’t deserve to have a high grade to be honest i do my work and complete it ,but i don’t come to class and even when i do come to class, i don’t really participate but the whole class doesn’t, i feel like i didn’t go to class often because it wasn’t a very funny environment for me, i’m already antisocial myself and the class environment just made it worse, that’s why i stayed home most of the time.

                                                                                                        What I did enjoy about this class is that it was different it was about expressing yourself using what are new normal is technology, and using images and memes to express how we feel without having to really write it down and using social media which was my favorite part ,cause that’s all we consume now , I will use my new found such as copy n pasting and using more memes in my daily life especially the memes with my friends and copy  n paste with my assignments .                        .

                                                                                                 Know let’s talk about my website to be honest it will be like a 50/50 percent I up keep my website it will be a fun way for me to just write what I’m thinking or my own fashion blog post . If I do up keep my website I will try to post a topic of fashion , hair  or any drama that is happening  on social media . Or try to build a website of my own were I can blog and sell products .

                                                                                                             Now let me introduce you to my own website  Let’s get a round of applause , my website is just the inside of a girl from the city me , I will be reviewing clothes , hair  giving out advice and just being myself on my website , building a relationship with my viewers and just having a big sister relationship with my girls.      .

                                                                                        When you first go on my website this is the first page my intro just giving a little inside of what my website is about and what is included.

                                                                                            This is my first blog post in this episode we are talking about hair and why I think wigs are a good protective hairstyle and why you should start wearing them .

                                                                                             This is my second blog post bringing in the social media aspect of tik tok and giving a report of a situation that happened and my opinion of what happened.                                                                                .

                                                                                              This is where you’ll be able to see or look up my blog post if you want to look at them again or just want to browse .                                                                                                  Know let’s talk about the building process of my website I would say the most frustrating part for me was trying to add on the pages which I had to email professor for beside that it was very easy to custom my website I just wish I knew how to add videos on it  but I will learn since this is my first website and I will definitely be making more in the future .

Final Assignment

Final Blog Post Of CT101

Endgame Now GIF - Endgame Now GIFs

We reached that time of the semester where all our classes are coming to a wrap (Nowadays months just seem like there speedrunning). Finals and of course final assignments like this one and then we finally have the short break we wanted. Atleast attempt to enjoy the time you have to rest 🙂

Sigh Of Relief GIF - Spongebob Squarepants Nickelodeon GIFs

What I enjoyed in the class

I honestly have had a really fun time expressing myself in a form of post while getting to mess around with so many images and GiFs, I even used to hate using zoom but the zoom meeting links were so useful then a random video on youtube. I mean who wouldn’t enjoy a class where you literally have a choice to stock up on memes. Even able to repeat the process with decent memory the more post created………unlike the lessons in my other classes :C

Meme Spiderman GIF - Meme Spiderman GIFs

Now with these skills you can express yourself to the world with a post or website creating if you want to get an important message out to other or share some passions that others may share an interest too. Its pretty much how most fandom. communities start to begin with.

Woah Po GIF - Woah Po Kung Fu Panda 4 GIFs

Website Creation

I haven’t fully decided but I would like to maintain my website creation from time to time when I have no major distractions in the way. Most likely post about comics and superheroes, since it is one of my favorite things. Can’t forget the part that it seems very appealing for me to own my own domain name(Still shocked that was actually not a taken domain name already).


These are some screenshots of my website, notice I did try added a color background but apparently with this theme you only see the color background on the far right when you zoom out.

Website Coming Soon Please Wait GIF - Website Coming Soon Coming Soon Please Wait GIFs

With this class you also learn alot of websites you can mess around for fun or even use it for creative purpose, like…….

Photopea, Tenor(where I find all these GIFs to begin with), meme generator(If anyone wants to create their own), and with many other useful tools for us to use.

I Found Them Joseph Smith GIF - I Found Them Joseph Smith South Park GIFs

CT101 Reflection

The grade I believe I have earned is a A, and the reason behind that are I try to make it clear that I take the time with all my assignments without seeming like i’m doing the bare minimum. Even able to complete all my assignments even though my first completed assignment was the 4th Post (Honestly one of my favorites). I also try to not miss so many classes and comment on others post as often as I can.

Killer Bean Forever Angry GIF - Killer Bean Forever Angry Mad GIFs

Looney Tunes Thats All Folks GIF - Looney Tunes Thats All Folks The End GIFs



CT101 Final Blog Post – Justin Torres


Well after all the classes I had, let’s recap what I learned:
  • Photoshopping
  • Posting GIFs within uploads or links
  • using WordPress for our website
  • Making memes with Giphy
Speaking of the website, I have made much progress so far! 😁
Here let me show you the following:
(Keep in mind this is the best I can do with all the other stuff I had to do, Scroll down to see the page as well as go to the About section in the footer and click on Quby GIFs and History of Quby it’s very fun to do these kinds of websites honestly.)
The grade I deserve is an A+++ lmao , I’m kidding but a guaranteed A or A- for sure because I’ve worked hard all semester and I show up on time in classes, 2 days I took off only because I wasn’t feeling well but I still gave it the best shot I had! 😄
In all honesty, in the real world, I would use all of what I learned in this class for my future job which is web design believe me I won’t forget it at all and as for my website once the plan expires I unfortunately won’t be able to renew it but at least I’m having fun before the expiration date 😁
This is Quby and I signing off one last time, as always keep it real and be you!

Assignment 6: Midterm

How am doing in CT 101?

I honestly think I am managing well with the type of schedule I have but I am still pushing through. I am behind a good amount of assignments in this class🥲 but applying the strategy take one assignment at a time is helping me out a lot🙂.i

What I learned and retained the most?

What I learned the most was all the tools and things that are required for blogging, posting, and even trying to have a presence on the internet🙏. One example is the use of using Gifs, memes, and links to help polish a post.

Also learning from the professor and classmates is helping me out a lot🫡.


What new skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

The new skills I developed were creating blogs, creating memes, and using gifs to help further explain my post.

Another skill I learned was time management in this class I always thought getting more done as soon as possible is the way to go but its actually the opposite.



What do I know now that I did not know  before making this post?

The thing I know now that I did not know was when the professor introduced us to assignment bank.

The minute I saw that website I knew I was going to have fun with it😎



What grade do you believe you are maintaining and why do I deserve that grade?

This is a great question😓. I honestly think I deserve a B because I do try my best to complete all assignments in a timely manner.

My attendance is bad because I never attended class but hopefully watching the recordings, and commenting on other’s makes up a little bit for the attendance🙏.


Do I see my blog post expanding creatively? If so, please explain why- or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?


Yes, I truly do see my blog post expanding more creatively. I do try my best to implement new ideas in each post.

There are times when I do feel stuck but with the help of the internet, my professor and classmates helps me expand on my creativity.


Are there any assignments you are missing? If so, list them

Yes, the only assignments are assignment 7, assignment 9, and assignment 10. I am proud  of myself of the progress I am making so far🙂.

Assignment 7

Assignment 9

Assignment 10:



Are you commenting regularly on your classmates posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor and your classmates?

I honestly feel like I am doing well on this part because every feedback I have received, I responded and every responded on a good amount of classmates posts.



Are you participating during the class time? If not explain why.

That’s a great question but I’m not going to avoid it. I haven’t attended any class in person but I am watching the recordings, commenting on classmates posts, and responding to any feedback.

Hopefully I get partial credit for that.


This is the time to be accountable. How will you make  needed improvements?

By trying my best to attend at least one class in person and continue to take my time doing the assignments, and continue to participate by commenting on my classmates posts🫡.

This helps me a lot




Assignment #5 – Digital Storytelling Project


Lets Do This

The project that I decided to work on due to prior knowledge and some experience is the “Subtitle GIF .” This is where I put a new spin on a GIF I like or think I can use to tell a funny joke. My usual means of positive social interactions are cracking jokes and making witty comments. So, I think this will fit well with how I usually interact with people. This project is going to be relatively easy, considering I used to do stuff like this when I was in middle school. But I will work with the crying toad/frog GIF for this project.

Bro what

So, the GIF editing and creation software that I used, Kapwing and Ezgif, are two relatively easy-to-use and navigate sites, though, to be honest, I prefer Kapwing.

You must upload your favor to the website under the upload media section at the beginning of the creation page.

Then, it would be best to go to the text area and put a subtitle over the gif.

You can do more, though. You can also upload different elements and audio, use different templates, and whatnot, but I kept it simple this time. After that, you download it. 


The next project I want to work on is not something that I’m not that familiar with. It is a sprite editor-based project based on my design. Back in high school, I took a computer science course; needless to say, I didn’t understand it, nor was I very good at it.

However, my friend and I have recently started developing a fan-made Pokémon game. We are unsure how far we are going to get into it, but he asked me to design some Pokémon, so I figured I could create and upload a project for the class.

It will be by no means easy because I’ve never done anything like this before, but let’s see what happens with it.

So, I first get an image of a fantastic creature. Usually, I love drawing, but instead, I’ll use an AI generator for this because hand-drawing them and then trying to turn them into sprites is way more convoluted.


Then, I use PixelArt to rework the image into a reasonably usable sprite.
Then I play around with colors, resizing, and layers until:
This is a more extensive form of the sprite version since the spirit version is about 100 x 150 pixels.
A couple of assignments on the depository caught my eye, but I’ve never done anything like this before. It is actually pretty cool, and I can’t wait to see how far we get with the game.

Assignment 10

So far on my website, I didn’t go with the recommend default theme the professor mentioned. Now thinking about it he was right. I tried looking through other themes but majority of them although they may look appealing it just looks a mess just like this kid eating this burger below. At this point I’m going to stick with what the professor said.

It has too many things on it personally. Now back to the website called Threads and Headlines, I want it to sort of look like a real life magazine you would pick up in a local corner store. I want to include things such as fashion, beauty, music, helpful tips, and many more. I want it to cater to all kinds of people.

Think of Vogue Magazine’s website for instance, they cover topics such as beauty, health, fashion, lifestyle, and many more. I kind of want to mimic that but also make it my own as well.

So far these are the customizations I made to my website so far. It’s not much but it’s something lol. Here below is the home of my blog. It may be somewhat blurry. Looking back it, I think I’ll end up changing the theme.

CT101 Final Blog Post & Course Completion Information

CT101 Final Blog Post & Course Completion Information

Here is the class recording from 5/7: Please Watch, especially if you were late or absent in class this week.

Passcode: bnSRL1h.

Here we are in the final 2 weeks of our Spring 2024 semester!

It is my intention to get things set up in advance to help and give everyone enough time to finish / revise assignments, catch up and feel confident about our course completion. Most of us will be focusing simultaneously on finishing our website building project, as well as populating the website with blog posts and content, while others may be retroactively catching up on or revising blogging assignments and commenting. 

a very excited jeff goldblum gif

**Please read all of the information below carefully & mark your calendars**

Please e-mail me with any questions at – [email protected]

Please know, I am always here to help in anyway that I can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Please know, it is not too late to catch up if you are a bit or even far behind. We can work together but I need communication in order to help.

**The last day of regular CT101 classes is Tuesday May 14th..

All of our class sessions and assignments have video tutorials that are recorded and added to the weekly blog post assignments on our class calendar page here.

**All course work must be completed and published no later than Wednesday May 22nd at 6pm – that is the absolute deadline.

**Please read all of the information below carefully & mark your calendars**


**Final Blog Post Submission Guidelines**

Please make sure that you follow each step below – it is really important to illustrate each retained skill and the ability to follow the guidelines below.


*Each student will write and publish a Final Course Reflection Blog Post.

Students will publish the Final Post to the CT101 website.


Students will kindly e-mail the direct link of your final blog post to me[email protected]no later than Wednesday May 22nd at 6pm and NOT before Tuesday May 14th.


***Please do not publish or e-mail the final blog post link to me before Tuesday May 14th.. This post and submission process is to be done during final exams week and serves as our final exam.***


*The e-mail subject of your final blog post will say: “CT101 Final Blog Post/Your First & Last Name”

I will confirm your e-mail by replying “Received” once I receive it.


Here is an example below for finding a blog post’s direct URL – (this is the direct link to the text you see at the moment in the web browser address bar at the top of the browser) The post must be published in order to copy it and paste it into your e-mail to me – it would look something like this below.

*Your final blog post is Mandatory, it serves as our final exam and final project and it must include ALL of the information stated below:

Your final blog post will be a detailed narrative and re-cap of what you have learned in CT101, and a reflection and assessment of what grade you have earned in our class and why you deserve that grade? (Yes, you must include this part, it is mandatory).

What did you enjoy about our class and how will you apply your new skills into the world?

You learned how to build a website, will you maintain and keep up your new website? If so, how? If not, Why not?

Your final blog post should include a culmination of supporting images, GIFs, videos and hyperlinks to all of your existing published blog posts.

(pro-tip – you have already had practice with the mid-semester assessment post, think about this as “part 2 ” to that post)


Please let this post display the best of your skills sets learned and applied! 


**The final post should be your absolute BEST work.**


*Final Website Link & Description –  As a part of the final blog post each student will be sharing their new website URL (your domain name) it must be hyperlinked and you will give a clear descriptive tour of their website and share how the website is being used. Plus, share thoughts on your website building successes, frustrations and an over-all assessment of building and having a website. You must include a screen shot of each page on your website to support your website tour. Your website must be free of ALL default WordPress content that came with the initial theme and must have at least 2-3 published blog posts, 3-4 pages  and should display a clear visual customization from the default template.


****It is Not Mandatory, but if you would like the opportunity to visually present your final blog post & website to me in person during final exams week – please meet me on Tuesday May 21st @ 10am in our classroom 


*The Final Blog Post submission requirements as stated above are Mandatory, please let me know if you have any questions.


All questions should be sent to – [email protected]

Im here to help!

Assignment #10

Assignment #10

Customizing our websites

Stumble Guys GIF - Stumble Guys GIFs

It’s about that time again for everyone to get creative and really express their image. Updating the front image of our websites, a name that either relates to our site or just our own personal title of choice. It’s all based on what you yourself think is best.

This Is My Design - Hannibal GIF - This Is My Design Hannibal Hannibal Nbc GIFs

Sadly the themes that may shine out of the rest in your option is stuck behind a paywall unless it’s one of the themes with a number.

Not Everything Works Out The Way We Want It To Isabel May GIF - Not Everything Works Out The Way We Want It To Isabel May Jolie Jenkins GIFs

You may make a category that could make a selection of what the viewers may want to see a bit easier to navigate. Decorate the home page to give it some of your passion and sends a message on what this site would even display.

Its Time I Took Control Stan Marsh GIF - Its Time I Took Control Stan Marsh South Park GIFs

Overall this doesn’t have to be time consuming, if you want to make minor or big changes go ahead. Just enjoy messing around and exploring on your own creation

Im Out Of Here Escape GIF - Im Out Of Here Escape Anime GIFs

Assignment #9- Domain registration.

I am not going to lie it’s getting a little scary in the class having to pick a domain name and setting up your website. Above all I still prevail 🙂
1. Domain name
I chose the name the name I think I resonated with this name because everything on the site will be about me. I will be a hub where I feel safe to share parts of my life and also for others to see.
2. The set up
After putting in the necessary information I was given my order confirmation.
I was then sent my email verification.
I then went on to verify my email address.
I went on to install the WordPress application.
Then finally we have the website
3. Opinion
In my opinion the set up was pretty straight forward. The only part I’m particularly scared of is the customizing of the website. I don’t think I have a team in mind or anything that really speaks for my personality but I’ll see. A much as I was scared these steps were pretty good.
Come back for part 2!

Assignment #1

Assignment #1

Something that made me internet happy this week

Guys I Found It Seth Meyers GIF - Guys I Found It Seth Meyers Late Night With Seth Meyers GIFs

It was news of another season of a show that came out last year that I really enjoyed watching through. Honestly with all my classes and my personal life, I forgot about this show until I saw a post on it.

First Poster for "My Adventures with Superman" Season 2! : r/superman

Most people that know me, would for sure know how much of a fan I am to superhero content. The show My Adventures with Superman is getting a new season this year and ITS THIS MONTH!!! Starting off with a hour season premiere, I’m so excited.

Surprised Ryan Reynolds GIF - Surprised Ryan Reynolds Shocked GIFs

Of course it comes out around the end of the month, and sadly near the time of finals and I am really impatient when it comes to waiting for content, while of course making sure I’m passing my classes…….. Im sure I’ll manage though 😀

Deadpool Fake Laugh GIF - Deadpool Fake Laugh Hiding Real Pain GIFs

assignment 7

I previously made a domain name with just my name and number ( I did this during class as I was trying to get help with the whole process.  Although I have already picked a domain name, I would’ve chosen one of these five after deep thought.
I would dedicate this page to my hair and makeup. I would use it as a page to showcase my work not only on my self but other people. I would probably use it as a business page as well and build a clientele
I am excited to be a website owner. I have always wondered how websites are created. I figured it would be incredibly tedious and complicated but it turns out to be pretty easy. It makes sense that they’re so many websites right now because anybody can do it.
A few of my favorite websites are
1. Netflix
I love watching movies and netflix always has some of the best on their website/app.
2. Amazon
I love shopping and being able to buy affordable things online that arrive quickly.
I am excited to be a website owner and sharing my interest in anything in regards to beauty. Stay Inspired!

Continue reading “assignment 7”

Assignment #9: Domain Name Registration, Hosting Set Up & WordPress Installation!

My experience with registering for my domain name was surprisingly easy. The steps were straightforward and the process was quick.


With the original domain name I chose to register, the site would not let me (m& Therefore, I went with my next best option which was I chose a name under crochet because if I were to take my site seriously and have it longer for a year (since that is how long the coupon will last), a crochet site is something I can start with to make pieces out of. 


Though it has been a while since I have crocheted, I know it is something I can easily pick back up and learn new skills. After registering my domain name, I realized I should have come up with a better name due to my domain being close to the same as others. The only difference is the person’s name. There is no going back, so this is what I have to stick with. Especially since once a domain name is createdthere is no editing it. At least the good thing is that I did not have to pay, especially for a domain name that I am not satisfied with/not my first pick.