Answering this question is a bit tough now. I did not realize that yesterday was the day to submit this post. I accept full responsibility for not double-checking the deadline. I’m hoping to not receive a failing grade. Before this submission, I would say I would’ve been at a solid B. This is because I missed one blog post. I have completed posts 1 to 11.

This class was enjoyable for sure. I learned many new things. One of which is panoramas. Taking these photos was trial and error for the most part. Besides making gifs and memes, this class allowed me to become more familiar with Photoshop. I learned to resize photos and make sure they were of still quality.
Here is a list of my completed assignments.
- What Made Niko Happy This Week.
- It’s Gif Not Jif.
- Memes Forever!
- Donning My Content Creation Hat
- Creativity + Immediacy + Intuition = Niko
- The Mid-Semester Assessment Post
- Innate Domain
- Building My Website
- Customizing My Website
- Customizing My Website (Blog Posting)
- Panoramic Storytelling & Multiplicity
I plan on maintaining my website because I would like to use it for professional reasons. This includes adding it to my resume and Linkedin profile.

Let me introduce you to Niko Balkaran – NYC Journalist.

On the landing page, you will find my latest stories. I currently have two of them up. I decided to change this from a static page because it will give the website some variety.

Next is my Bio page. This is one that I would like to work on some more. The reason for this is that I would like to optimize it for mobile as well. I would also like to extend my biography some more.
Now, this is the page that gave me trouble.

It was a difficult process trying to figure out how to add categorized blog posts to pages. I searched for what felt like hours before finally finding this video.
In it, the person went through how to do so step by step and introduced the grid block. I’m still experimenting with it, but it has been smooth sailing so far. And so, here’s my Broadcast page.

My next page is the Contact and Social Media page. Here you can find my email address and Twitter and Instagram.

Photography is the next page of our tour. Here, I used a slideshow plugin to organize some photos. I discovered this plugin through a YouTube video from a few years ago. I plan to expand this and have different slideshows on this page.

On the Radio page of our tour, this is where my future work that has aired on York College Radio will be housed. I’m in the process of reviving a news show so episodes from that will also be on here.

And now we come to the final stop of the tour; Written Pieces. Here, visitors to my site will be able to find my published stories whether it is from Pandora’s Box or some other publication.

Overall, my website is simple in design. But, I think it is perfect for the content I will be uploading to the website. As mentioned above, the biggest challenge in building my website was figuring out the grid design for categorizing blog posts. While there may be unforeseen hurdles, I think the various skills learned in CT 101 have prepared me to tackle them.

Great work this semester!
Haha, I always factor in the additional day for deadlines :)) because, life!
You have completed great work here in ct101 this semester that will earn you an A!
Thank you so much for the stylized and engaging posts! Plus your participation in the comments section was always thoughtful and supportive!
Your site looks great! Keep pushing it!
Happy summer!