Time moves fast, doesn’t it? I feel like I was just writing my first blog post on what makes me happy on the internet. Now we are all writing our final blog post after three months of digital storytelling. Looking back we did a lot of great work in our blog posts and the things we created.

In this class, I enjoyed writing blog posts each week about myself and other classmates. My favorite blog posts were Week 1, Week 4, and Week 5. These were my favorites because I felt like this is where I was most creative and I was really proud of the results. Each week challenged my storytelling, creativity, and writing skills. In the “real world” I plan on taking these skills I enhanced in this class and using them just in day-to-day life. Every day in life you have to think creatively to solve problems. We are always telling stories whether writing them online or in person. These skills I have learned in this class will be used in good use. I definitely plan on using more gifs in texting, everybody is going to be tired of my gifs.
In this class, I learned . . .
- How to express myself through Blog posts
- The use of Gifs, hyperlinks
- How to use WordPress
- How to create a website with WordPress
- The Art of Digital Storytelling!!!
Check out all the blog posts I did this semster👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Assignment #1 – What Makes Me Happy on the Internet?
Assignment #2 – Thank you, professor. 🤝
Assignment #5 – Floating in Space
Assignment #6 – Its Mid-Semester Assessment Time
Assignment #8 – My Domain Registration
Assignment #9 – WordPress Customizing Fun
Assignment #10 – Exploring WordPress
Assignment #11 – Checkin out Websites’
Notice how my blog posts have changed from my first to this one?😏
I honestly think I deserve an A- in the class.
I did every blog post assigned with 100% effort. I took a lot of time for each blog post and even went back to some to make sure that I was proud of the work. None of them really looked the same. You can see the progression of my work from the first blog post to the last. I definitely have progressed in digital storytelling. Isn’t that the purpose of this class? Then my creative works I did such as my mmm.page, my music mashup, and my website are great. The only thing I would say for myself is that I could have participated more in class and been more interactive in all the blog posts.
My favorite part of this semester in this class was hands down making my own website in something I am passionate about, Music. My website is for people to share music together. I personally share my favorite songs of the month, the concerts I go to, and my hot takes. Let me give you a tour. Come along 🙂
Welcome to JAIMUSLUX

Creating this website was not as hard as I originally thought. Professor guided us well with his tutorial videos on setting up our domain name, starting to build our website, and adding plugins. The only frustrations I really had were picking a template to choose from. they over 4,000 options to pick from. I searched for hours looking for the right one. I was obsessed with building my website because I was so excited. Building a website is no small task it involves a lot of work if you want it to be what you envisioned. Nonetheless, I love how it turned out 🙂
Now the question is will I keep this website up? 🤨🧐🤔

I REALLY want to keep up this website, I see great potential in it. The only thing that is would be holding me back from maintaining this website is if it actually grows a community that people would participate in. If I wasn’t able to get people to visit the website there wouldn’t be any point. My content may be better on social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram. Maybe I can grow an audience there and then direct them to my website. 🤷🏾♂️
What should I do? Comment below 😉
