The Final Blog Post
War is OVER. The semester is finally finished. As a college freshman, one year went by so quickly. This semester finished way quicker than the first one. But CT101…you will have a special place in my heart for real. The flexibility of this class and being able to creatively express myself felt like a breath of fresh air compared to my other classes. I can say I really enjoyed that I had to channel many creative ideas to make my blog posts. Before I used to hold back on letting my creative ideas flow because I didn’t want to be seen as “extra” but thanks to this class I’m over that. I’ll let my creative ideas flow where ever and whenever.
In my Mid-Semester Recap blog post, I mentioned that I took this class to see if I would enjoy communications as a major. This class gave me a great first impression but I sadly don’t see myself pursuing this in the future. However, with all the great things I’ve learned and all the websites and tools I’ve been introduced to, I’ll definitely be using them in my daily life outside of school. Mostly when it comes to my Sims and editing any of my Sims photos, I will be going straight to Photopea. Photoshop aint free!

One of the major things I’ve learned is how easy it is to create your own website…Well, that’s AFTER you get your domain name and work on it outside of campus because the server is blocked on campus. But aside from all of that, it’s quite fun and easy. It’s funny though cause the hardest part was the customization. I was sort of confused but in the end, I succeeded.
For my website, I decided to go with a minimalistic approach. I didn’t want to do anything too crazy so I was simple with it. After I got the color scheme together I added some pictures to make the front page look more aesthetically pleasing. And I loved how it turned out. I call it “My Digital Diary”. Each picture represents what I’m going to post on my blog. So the headphones are about music, the computer is about gaming, and the bag of books is about the books I’m reading. Here’s the link tr3na3.com.

I have three pages, one that tells you what my blog is about, and another one that directs you back to the homepage of my blog a navigation section. You can check the navigation which gives a short description of what each category is about. Also speaking of categories, if you want to navigate through each category without going back and forth to the navigation page, you can also click the categories at the top right of the screen. The reason I made three different is so people read what they are interested in without scrolling through my entire blog. For example, if you are only interested in games then you click on the gaming category and you’ll be able to see all the posts related to gaming. Here’s a quick overview:

In this class, I believe I deserve at least an A. In my past blog postings, I have continually put out my best effort to demonstrate innovation and uniqueness throughout the semester. Each piece was the result of significant research and a genuine interest in the subjects at hand. Not only did I work hard to complete the assignments, but I also went above and above to find other materials and websites that expanded my knowledge beyond the limits of the course. The improvement I have made is amazing.
Here are all my previous blogs posts:
- Happy On The Internet
- Are You Memeing Me?
- My Sims Obsession- I mean Passion
- Build An Outfit
- Mid-Semester Recap
- My Domain Name
- Website Set Up
- Website Customization
I am extremely grateful for the opportunities this class has provided me. It’s been an enriching experience, broadening my mind and cultivating a true interest in the subject. I am grateful for the knowledge, abilities, and perspectives I have learned, which will have a long-term impact on my personal life. I hope everyone enjoys their summer break!