I don’t know where to start. There is a lot to unpack. First of all, can we talk about how fast this semester went by? I swear I was just learning how to make my own GIFs yesterday. Every other class, you take an exam regurgitate information and you’re done. That’s the last you see of your professor and classmates. You leave feeling empty and cold, you whole existence came down to that one piece of paper and that 1-2 hours you had with it. This reflection makes it so much more intimate and even harder to say goodbye.
Although I never talked to anyone outside of class this was the most connected I felt to any of my classmates even if it was behind a screen. In other classes you don’t get to see the work others put forward. There is something really special about watching everyone grow and build their skills. Watching people’s personalities and interest shine through. I enjoyed interacting with people by reading their posts, commenting on their work, and reading comments left for me. It was a fun and overall new experience. I know I’ll never have another class like this so I want to say thank you to anyone who read my posts or commented on them.
I think I started off really well this semester, I was growing and thriving. I don’t think I finished off as strongly as I could have. It went downhill after I started not keeping up with the blog posts on a weekly bases. I put in all the effort I could with the time frame I had left. I must say I am a little disappointed in myself for falling behind at the end. Which is why I plan on keeping up with my website. I know I could do better and I want to prove that to myself.
Even though there was some set back I still learned a lot from this course. I sharpened my skills as an author and editor. I learned how to create and manage my own website. I mean, how awesome is that?! I learned how use and navigate WordPress while also learning to express myself through my own blogposts and images. I’m happy that I went the extra mile be designing my own icon and logo. I even commissioned two artist to draw a portrait of me and one of my dog Onyx. It made my website that much more personal. All and all I feel like I deserve an A-.
As stated before, I will keep up with my website. I’ll have the domain for a year so might as well take advantage and have some fun! I want to reinvent myself. Am I crazy for wanting to delete everything and starting off fresh? I have new concepts and new ideas, after seeing everyone else’s website I am reinspired. I like the lifestyle vlog I currently have but I want to home in specific content. I feel like the blog will look more put together that way.
My Website So Far:
My website name is erickughh.com. The purpose of my website was to create lifestyle content. It ranged from everything including my dogs and my plants. My plant hobby is my favorite thing ever, and it brings so much happiness and joy. I wanted to share that with everyone else. I also love watching TikToks and wanted to post content I thought other students related to. Click here to watch a couple of TikToks I thought were funny and relatable. Over all, It was a fun experience creating my website. Using WordPress “Twenty-Twenty-One” was relatively easy and beginner friendly. The only frustrating thing was thinking about what to post! I overthink a lot. I thought a lot of content wasn’t good enough. I need to keep in mind that this website is for fun and just to share my joy with the world.
Past Blog Posts: