This semester has been nothing short of amazing, truly. After going to that first day of class, I’ve looked forward to every Tuesday since to see what cool new skill we’d be learning that week.
What I enjoyed most about this class is the creative freedom that we were allowed on every assignment. Each task we were given was so simple but could be interpreted and completed in many different ways, which was also really fun.
I think I earned a grade A/B because I completed each assignment that we were given and I commented on posts for the majority of the semester, coming on to the end I know I could’ve done better with commenting which is why I think I could receive a B.
Assignment 1: What is Making You Happy on the Internet?

I wrote about my favorite places on the internet, specifically YouTube, and shared some of my favorite content creators on there.
Assignment 2: Making our first GIF

Assignment 3: Should Memes Be Considered Art?

Assignment 4: DS106 Assignment

Assignment 5: Digital Art & Creative Immediacy

Assignments 2-5 were where our creativity was really tested. I learned how to make memes and gifs using sites like Giphy, Imgur, Makeameme, dabbled in web design with mmmpage and even created a website for our DS106 assignment. These were loads of fun to complete because there really were no limits on what we could create.
Assignment 6: Mid-Semester Reflection
The Mid-Semester review was similar to this one, just reflecting on the first 6/7 weeks of the course.
Assignment 7: Picking a domain name
Assignment 8: Registering my domain name
Assignment 9: Getting To Know WordPress
Assignment 10: First Website Post

The journey of creating my very own website: was one with a few bumps in the road. It took me a while to actually figure out what I wanted my website to be about and after that was the struggle of finding an available domain name. After this, registering my domain name and setting up the website itself with Reclaim Hosting and WordPress was smooth sailing. Designing the site was my favorite part because I could make it look exactly how I envisioned it.
Assignment 11: Panoramas and Storytelling
This assignment was fun, especially going through the process and coming up with ideas first, in person with the class. When the time came to take the panoramas on my own however, it was a bit more difficult.
Assignment 12: Surfing The Web
This was probably one of the easiest assignments of the semester, because we had basically been doing this the entire time. It was really exciting to explore everyone’s websites and see what they were able to come up with.
I have some pretty cool ideas that I would like to explore for the remainder of the time I do have the domain, especially during the summer. There really is no limit to what I can try when it comes to having my own website, I just really hope I do maintain the site while I have it, because why not?
These following 3 plus the home page are the only pages I have so far, however I do have 2 posts up on my website already. One of them is categorized as photography because it is mostly made up of photos.

A huge part of the class was giving feedback on others’ posts, I enjoyed reading and receiving everyone’s comments just as much I enjoyed reading your posts every week. You guys are extremely talented and I’m glad I got to witness some of it.
This course on its own is a pretty cool one but I think having Professor Seslow as our teacher made it even better. Whether it was making a joke or letting us know that he’s here to support us, the experience was infinitely better because of him.

Thank You!
Great work on this!
Exciting times and the proud feeling of accomplishment!
You have completed great work here in CT101!
Thank you for the commitment to course and its work, plus our community!
Thank you for the kind words too, this is such a great class to teach and I please know that I am learning a ton along side with you and our classmates!
Your website is looking great and yes yes the summer is a perfect time to populate it on your own time,
have a great summer!
Thank you professor! Couldn’t have done it without you so thank you again for an awesome semester!
Thank You!! :))