Well everybody, the time has come.

CT 101 is in the books. Quite a journey. It’s a bit bittersweet. I honestly am hype with all of the blog posts I made. The website being personal and having that ability to have a free reign with my license given by the domain access was tremendous. I don’t wanna be crestfallen, but excited for the possibilities of this project.

I can only say when it comes to the grade evaluation that bar a few absences, I am adamant I can retain a A or A-minus for all the effort I invested In the class. Also the work rate I demonstrated to complete assignments basically as soon. they were presented. It’s all about the good vibes.

The site run down is like this. I wanted to cover my three sports teams in different ways, visually with a badge, a roster, and some stats. Each team has one of those going for them. I put myself with an image I rate as a reference to the author and a quote on invigoration (a crucial trait for me). Then I wanted to put a recipe that’s iconic to me and a motivational video. For people to kickstart some momentum for them. It sure did for me. Some of my favorite songs at the moment had to be in the mix. And two of my favorite pieces of my work in the past I published academically.

When it comes to the outline of my site. I like the variation of posts semi- uncategorized but following each other down the page, but two or three in a designated category. Maybe I’ll make them all into a category for organization purposes.
The dynamic that it is personal compared to my journalism site in my other class is interesting but gives me flexibility in publishing as I see fit.

I loved the ability to fuse elements that aren’t traditional in normal essay term papers to be incorporated in my work. As well as the confidence to post about topics that aren’t per se academic but personal more. To be able to consistently do that was immense, truly.
The link again is https://polishprincepalace.com/

I most certainly will update the site and add previous work to bulk it up. Even future videos and essays. Tackle topics that have limitation in an academic setting perhaps. It only will last a year so I will be sure to take screenshots of its fully developed state. I was glad to be introduced to this platform, seriously.
Here are some more pictures of my site (in order) for reference.

The class has been stellar. And a honor to work alongside all my peers. My socials are on my site if anyone wants to collaborate or network. Thank you Mr. Professor Seslow as well.

Remember, trust the process. And MUCH LOVE.

Kamil Kuzminski