Final Blog Post: my final “ty <3”

It’s the end of a GREAT era

TV gif. Side view of David Cross as Tobias in Arrested Development sobbing uncontrollably into a washcloth in the shower.

I’ve learned many things in CT101: website making to finding my own sense of uniqueness, using my words, as well as understanding that IT IS okay to talk about yourself. In this class, I was able to talk about my experiences in life and other classes and understand the importance of digital storytelling. I noticed that I’m very quiet in class, I usually say nothing other than smile and laugh along with Professor Seslow, but online I have so much to say, my blog post can go on and on and on.

(I’ve also learned to NEVER do anything last minute )

Joseph Sikora Drinking GIF by Power

And that’s something that I enjoyed. I enjoyed talking about myself for once and I hope to apply these new skills later if I still want to keep my website domain in the future. 

Which you should check out at

(hover over the logo).

I do think I’d maintain the website until I can no longer post because it’s something that I have for myself. On my website, it feels as if it’s another art portfolio for me and I’d like to share my experiences and my achievements there.

Boom Show Off GIF by AsmodeeGames

I believe my assessment grade would have to be a B because I feel like in the end, I didn’t try my hardest and because I missed a few classes because I would end up waking up late and a few more classes because I got sick during finals week. 

Failing Marc Rodriguez GIF

Here are all of the blog posts that I’ve done this semester:

Assignment #1: Starting Wholesomely, Ending Foolishly

Assignment #2: CT 101? More like EZ 101

Assignment #3: V0T3 4 ArT$Y M3M3$

Assignment #4: multiple leaves and girlfriends

Assignment #5: 😀

Assignment #6: mi-mi-mid-sem rEE-cap

Assignment #7:

Assignment #8: mungie is finally getting artsy

Assignment #9: artsy mungie or struggling mungie

Assignment #10: #getartsywithmeNOWWW

On my website, I display my experiences in my art classes, painting, and photography, and post some of the work that I’ve done. 

Website building was very hard. I was too focused on the small effects that it would do when someone would hover over the main menu, I was too focused on the colors that I used and how everything is organized that I forgot to include more content in my website.

Some frustrations were since I missed classes, it was hard to try and understand why would my post not pop up, and why would my different pages look like this and not like that.

But I overcame it by rewatching the lecture over and over again and just by playing around with it myself and got a better understanding that way.

Professor Seslow be like:

hard to believe mr. d GIF by CBC

Going back to my website, this is my home page:

It looks a bit weird because I’ve included images largely so that when someone would visit my website, it covers the entire desktop. This is set up like a portfolio from my work that I’ve done during my AP Drawing in high school to things I’ve done this semester.

(you can go directly there by hovering over the pictures that I included)

This is my oil painting page.

At the top, I have the work that I’ve done in oil paint, and below I have my blog post under oil painting.

(each medium is categorized, so I have oil painting and photography)

Angry Art GIF by Medalla

This is my photography page.

At the top, I have some photographs that I’ve done recently, and below I have my blog post under photography.

Taylor Paparazzi GIF

This is my about page.

Here, I talk about myself and what I plan to do on my website.

It was a great run!
I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and it was a pleasure to learn something new with everyone!

goodbye GIF

ty <3

Assignment #10: #getartsywithmeNOWWW

HELLLOOO fellow peers

Do you want to get artsy with me?

Well, I just posted my first blog post on my website

(I also slightly changed my logo but you may see no difference)

I know at first glance you may be confused as to where it is

It took me a long time to organize my page, but since I finally got it

I thought I would just explain it here 

Video gif. A light orange dog, ears flopped to both sides, narrows its eyes and positions its snout in a shy cartoon smile.

So the first thing you see is my home page

I dedicated this page almost like my portfolio to what I’ve done now and in the past

(make sure to scroll ALLLL the way down to see the full images)

Tonight Show Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

On the top right, you can see the main menus and so far I have three categories

It’s hard to differentiate which is my actual first blog because I organized each blog into the topics it’s associated with

Video gif. A young blonde haired girl in high pigtails drops her chin in confusion as she twists her head with her tiny palms up in wonder.

so I just dated each one with a preview picture of the work I did on that day

Looking through the first category, oil painting

(you can also go straight to this page by hovering over this photo)

On the top page, I have some of the recent paintings I’ve done and under I have my first blog page under that category

Youtube Eyebrows GIF by SoulPancake

The next category, I have is photography

(you can also go straight to this page by hovering over this photo)

Similarly to the oil painting, I have some of my photographs that I did recently, and right under I have a link to my first blog post under photography

Wildlife gif. A white owl turns his head to look straight at us and has an expression of pure shock. Its eyes are wide and its mouth is open as if gasping.

Lastly, I have an about page where I display the reasoning why I made this website, for this CT101 class and just basic information about me. 

Movie gif. Donkey from Shrek looks at us smiling and blinking innocently.

(if you’re looking at it and it’s empty, that’s because I’m still working on it but if come back on the 20th of December it’ll definitely be completed by then)

ty <3

Assignment #9: artsy mungie or struggling mungie

hello! hello! 

I hope everyone’s website looks great so far!

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I watched so many videos in order to customize my website in a way where I’m FULLY content.

(i’m very nitpicky)

Well Done Ok GIF by funk

I’ve made many adjustments to my website, for example, the color, the logo, the theme, etc.

I first started off by downloading Astra. I really like Astra because it has a wide variety of fonts and it’s said to be the easiest theme to use as well as to customize.

easy GIF

Secondly, I thought about how I wanted to organize each thing on my website and decided to have a different page and then use my Home page to demonstrate to others what the website would be about. Each page looks like this:

Lastly, I customized some other things for myself like the footer and the color scheme. I really like violet and blue so I used those two colors and used it throughout my entire website with different tints of it. In the footer, I included the main menu, my Instagram, and my email. I included my Instagram and my email just in case anyone was wondering what it was :3 

do it yes GIF by Apartment Guide

I thought to include the main menu again just because what if I blog so much to the point it’d be a hassle to scroll all the way back up, so including it again in the footer was just something that I thought would be efficient.

sci fi isaac GIF by Fox TV

Tying it all together, I thought deeply about what to use as my logo. I didn’t want to just use one from the internet, I know I wanted to create something so I used my girlfriend’s iPad and used Good Notes. I first just started scribbling with different fonts I can write in and end up with this:

( hover over this ^ to visit my website )

(I know my website looks REALLY empty BUT I have been working on it, it’s just because again I’m really taking my time in customizing the header, the footer, and each page layout.

definitely not because I’m having writer’s block :D)

The Boondocks Writing GIF by Adult Swim

I did decide not to use the theme that Professor Seslow suggested because again I wanted to be able to customize my website fully and start without a template. Overall, I don’t think it was too difficult to learn Astra, it’s better to learn just by playing around with it on your own.

How does your website look like so far?

I hope it’s

Mesmerizing Heidi Klum GIF by America's Got Talent

ty <3

Assignment #8: mungie is finally getting artsy

Long time no see!

Can you guess which domain name I picked?

During the last class, I still couldn’t decide which name to pick


Professor Seslow greatly suggested consulting with my inner spirit guides :D.

and I chose

Registering for my own domain name, setting up website hosting and word press was fairly easy, especially with the guidance of Professor Seslow.

I think the only thing that I struggled with was deciding on the name and designing the website

SpongeBob gif. Spongebob chomps down on his fingernails on both hands with nail pieces flying out like wood chips. His pupils are wide with fear.

I watched so many videos to customize my website and I took the time to play around with different themes that are offered on word press.

A video that really helped me was this:

( hover over the image to see the video )

I know it’s pretty lengthy but I got to fully understand how to use WordPress.

Currently my website it unfinished but this is how it looks like currently:

I know it looks like nothing much, but I like to pay attention to all the details first before going into the big stuff

( which tends to be the reason why I’m so behind because it can get so time-consuming .-. )

Frustrated Stressed GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

(if you also wish to have it look like this do the following:)

go to your wp admin > drop down to appearance > themes > click on “ add new ” on the top left > search for astra > then click on install 


Political gif. Barack Obama stands at a podium in a tuxedo. He puts two fingers to his lips and does a literal mic drop.

goodluck to everyone working on their website! 

I’m looking forward to seeing it :DDD.

gtg i have to work on mine now

The Office Crying GIF

ty <3

Assignment #7:

We’re creating domain names now, huh?

season 9 episode 26 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

It’s so hard to think about potential options since I have NO IDEA what I want to write about on the website. 

I thought.

r e a l  h a r d.

Confused Thinking GIF

And all I really talk about is art or talk about myself.


it’s just really what I know the MOST about 

 (definitely not because it’s the easiest topic)

Child Smile GIF

Thinking about these potential names was pretty easy since it was my name and I KNOW 100% no one else has my name B).

Potential names where I can just talk about myself and what I’ve done throughout the day could be:

1) 2) 3)

I thought the 1st one was just simple since it’s my name. BUT, I thought about how some may find it hard to type it or remember since my name is hard to spell out so for the 2nd one, I thought about my Instagram handle. THEN I thought about dailydoseofmungie.

(mungie is a nickname that my friends have given me since elementary school. I don’t really know where the -gie came from but it’s been stuck with me since :D)

Sesame Street Idk GIF

Potential names I thought about where I did have some kind of theme and were not generalized were:

4) 5)

I thought that for #4, I can talk about different art forms and any artistic hobbies one can adopt. I can show some of my work and maybe give out tips that I thought were helpful. I feel as if I have a lot to say about this topic: singing, playing the ukulele, sewing, drawing, painting, photographing, and now digital storytelling B).

For #5, I thought that maybe I could post different outfits that I wear each day.

 Lately, I’ve been thrifting every day…

Suspicious Meme GIF by MOODMAN

Which is bad BUT at least I get good deals :D. So, I can probably post things I’ve found at the thrift store and talk about the different trends that have been happening in fashion whether it’s streetwear, minimalistic, or vintage.

Dog Walk GIF

I am prettttty enthusiastic about becoming a future website owner.

I like how on a website, it’s your own thing. Similarly to Youtube, which is one of my favorite sites. You’re able to post video content about anything that you desire. On your own website, instead of making a video and editing, you’re just typing while expressing yourself without physically talking.

Another website that is one of my favorites is TikTok.

I know it’s an app, BUT YOU CAN ALSO USE IT ON THE WEB!

Similarily to most applications, you’re able to follow people with your content of choice, and it’s short and simple for times where you just want to take a break. 

(just as short as this post :D)

ty <3

Assignment #6: mi-mi-mid-sem rEE-cap

Animated GIF

I think I’m doing well… I think I just have a BIT of a hard time because I’m like:

 “oh? no due date? I’ll work on it next week!” and then next week comes around and…


But, I’m on top of it now!

(but not for long c:<)

Just Kidding Jk GIF

I’ve learned so many things. To hyperlinking words & pictures, how to PROPERLY make a good gif B), and how to use different websites like, ds 106 assignment bank, and the

Everything that I’ve learned and retained, I’d never have learned or used before I started taking this class, which I’m glad because each week we learn something new every day which gives structure to our blog in creating something fun.

Sesame Street Nod GIF

I feel like I’ve displayed most of my blogs where I’ve answered the prompt given and answered all the questions while having them flow to one another. Where it isn’t too much all over the place and where I still remember to hyperlink and not to use TOO many memes or gifs but just a good amount of it.

likeeee right about now.

dance marathon dancing GIF by Children's Miracle Network HospitalsI think through this self-reflection, I’ve realized I need to work on my time management. That even though each blog doesn’t have a due date, it does pile up. But I feel as if the pressure I give myself to finish it, makes me work on it even MORE and produce a blog that I feel IS good to post and not just a blog where I’m posting JUST to post.

I do hope I’m maintaining an A…

if I were to get a B, that’s okay too

but an A would even be g r e a t e r :D.

Animated GIF

I do see my weekly blogging work expanding very creatively BUT at the same time, it also looks the same. I do create different content by using different gifs with different senses of humor for different audiences I may have, but I noticed that ever since my first blog, I still have the same writing format. I either start with something that I think is “funny”, I use center alignment, and in some blogs, I may type 

 l i k e  t h i s


like this

(and no it’s not to make my blog longer, it’s just to really grab your attention :D)

real housewives GIF by RealityTVGIFs

Currently, I’m missing assignment #7. I made up the other blogs that I was missing not too long ago, so if you have the time, check them out.

Assignment #1: Starting Wholesomely, Ending Foolishly

Assignment #2: CT 101? More like EZ 101

Assignment #3: V0T3 4 ArT$Y M3M3$

Assignment #4: multiple leaves and girlfriends

Assignment #5: 😀

I haven’t commented on some of my classmates’ posts, which would be done by the time you’re done reading this :D. 

HOWEVER, when Professor Seslow or any of my peers comment back, I do always reply. During class time, I don’t really participate, and it’s not because I’m not focused in the class, it’s just that my anxiety p e a k s.

I remember Professor Seslow and a classmate asked about my palette seal, and that enough gave me anxiety even though it wasn’t even that complicated to answer back. I’ll make improvements to maybe stop worrying about things I shouldn’t be worrying about and just worry about the more important things in life :D.

(like this class)

ty <3

Assignment #5: :D

Finding Nemo Hello GIF

I define being alive as someone who is thriving. Whether it’s just pushing yourself to drink more water, or taking yourself out on a date, being alive is being able to push your limits.

Paralympic Games GIF by Team USA

 I thought being financially stable and being able to afford your wants and needs is what makes us alive, which is still somewhat true, but I feel as if making this our top priority comes from family influences.

I understand where they are coming from since they just want to give us a future that they didn’t get to have, but it’s to the point where some people tend to lose themselves and forget to take care of themselves. Yes, you need money to get around places, but if it’s a job where, I’m completely miserable, i’m güd luv.

Mean Girls Movie GIF by filmeditor

Being alive is making each day have a purpose, even if it’s just getting out of bed c:

I’m very passionate about art.

 (that’s what gets me out of bed) 

Im Up Rise And Shine GIF by MOODMAN

Anything that has to do with an artistic sense, I have much of a fondness for. 

Even if it was a math class, I always made my notes articulately where I can still make them my own, in terms of making my handwriting a certain way or drawing diagrams. 

Kid Smiling GIF

I’d say just the career path I’m taking is holding me back. Since I’m not an art major, anything I do isn’t for a grade anymore, it’s just a hobby, which is still okay but I still feel like it’s different showing it as an achievement than a hobby.

I’m inspired to express myself visually than verbally. I have a more challenging time expressing myself through words than through something I’ve made. I’m inspired to show others the world I see, even if it isn’t aesthetically pleasing at first glance; I hope I get to make something that isn’t usually seen as beautiful, b e a u t i f u l

I feel as if sometimes people think too seriously and say:

 “oh. it’s just a fork.” or “oh. it’s just a shadow.”

I hope to influence others to look outside the box and think deeply about how it makes them feel, whether through the composition, the lighting, or how things are placed. 

everything. has. a. meaning.

Working with the was really fun! At first, I didn’t really know what I was doing…

as per usssssual :D.

All I knew was I didn’t want to use anything that I didn’t construct myself. As I said earlier, I tried to describe myself without using words, so I combined things that I’ve made like my painting, drawing, and photographs. I made the pages in ways where there’s so much going on that you can’t fully grasp just like that, you have to actually take the time to analyze each one.

( hover over any of the pictures to see it together c:)

ty <3

Assignment #4: multiple leaves and girlfriends

This week’s assignment taught us to look through the 

ds106 assignment repository & the daily create

I like both websites as it has a wide variety of project prompts

(especially for someone who needs that kind of v a r i e t y ).

In Love GIF

Something that caught my eye in the ds106 assignment repository was the visual assignments, and I don’t know how much I have to

e m p h a s i z e

but I’m very much a visual learner c;.

Looking Jim Carrey GIF

I took the opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone”, by directly looking into any photography assignments since I’m also taking a photography class. There was this assignment called Multiply Yourself. I thought this was seen various of times and I felt like this was something I would enjoy since I already had much experience in Photoshop.

I tried using Photoshop Express but it was making me pay just to blend TWO photos >:c.

So I used Photoshop Mix which is also free :D.Since I didn’t want to multiply myself, I chose the second best subject, my girlfriend :D.

I took many photographs of her while she was doing her homework (which I thought was really funny because you can see how she goes back and forth to her laptop and iPad).

I opened Photoshop Mix and click on the button in the top right-hand corner. 

Then, add any photograph that you want to become your base, or whatever you want to be “shown”more.

Now, we see my diligent working subject and click on a n o t h e r  plus button and chose another photo. 

From here, we click on the option blend and just drag the slider to your own d e s i r eNow, you see how it looks bland and flat?

Just add a bit of pizzazz and you’re done!

I know it looks like there’s not really a MULTIPLE of her, but it almost looks like it was taken while she was moving and that was my vision for this assignment. I feel as if it gives more emotion compared to ACTUAL multiples of her.

Angry John Dyer Baizley GIF by Baroness

Next, I went to the daily create and there was this assignment called #tdc3934 #ds106 Imagine A Leaf #writeout.I saw it had 7 responses already and it had different responses, some people drew a leaf with the mapping of the stems and some shared their favorite photograph of a leaf. This is my take on imagine a leaf.

My type of drawings are more abstract, I really like one line drawings, so I just took the liberty and drew different kind of leaves and kind of drew them on top of each other just like the photograph of my girlfriend.

Tim And Eric Reaction GIF

I believe we needed to learn how to do this so could engage different audiences with our blogs. Of course, having a type of pattern in our blogs, our own sense of blog type is fun but it’s nice to change it up a bit. 

Youtube Cooking GIF by Rosanna Pansino

I think we should be doing a project every other week. A week to play around and learn new skills and tools so we can better our storytelling skills. I do think that these skills are important because it doesn’t hurt to try and learn new things.

Kamala Harris Trying New Things GIF by GIPHY News

I think it helps us look outside the box in having different audiences rather than just focusing on what we already know. Though we may not really do it well, at least we tried.

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

ty <3

Assignment #3: V0T3 4 ArT$Y M3M3$

In this week’s assignment, we were told to search “Are memes art?”.

Well, what is Art?

To some, people believe that art has no artistic value and were made for cheap laughs.

Emily Mean GIF by Film Riot

I define Art as something that an artist is able to express themselves and where the audience can connect with as well as interpret the piece based on their perception of it. Memes can also capture and spread awareness of what has been going around. For example, people made memes during the 2020 election or even about King Charles.

  Beauty is subjective and so is Art! Some people believe that even graffiti isn’t considered art… 

if so, what is this:

Animated GIF

(for more information about this piece, hover over the gif :D)

I believe Memes are good for Art and should be considered Art. I feel as if a marble sculpture is one of the classics in Art, and can still be appreciated but we have to understand what’s been mainstream in our generation B).

Animated GIF

When looking at memes, there’s also a wide variety, and I know sometimes it’s so absurd but that’s what makes it memorable.

Similarly to Art, Memes are also very self-expressive. There isn’t really a right or wrong way to express themselves. As long as you feel that you’re being heard and others can connect back with their own experiences, then it doesn’t matter to those who oppose the idea.

And to whoever thinks that Memes aren’t Art then…

they’re just mad they can’t make any B).

hyperrpg meme twitch proud dnd GIF

These memes can also have a story behind them that is highly relatable to the audience. When I was younger, I would always see these types of memes on Facebook:

I know looking back at it, the memes were pretty bad but this is exactly what I mean — everyone can reminisce back to this terrible time and is able to connect to one another. 

This meme is a great example of storytelling and communication and communication and storytelling in society. It communicates to others how exhausting it is to balance wants and needs and storytells what most people have experienced. I see it as a way where it just keeps society as a whole rather than us being separated by our differences, whether it’s through culture or age gaps.

For my  f a v o r i t e  class of mine, I decided to make this:

Animated GIF

Animated GIF

Overall, I believe Memes can be seen as another art medium. In the article, Memes as Art, I like how they mentioned, “Art is constantly evolving, but if the purpose of art is to express a human truth, the Internet meme fits the bill.”. As I mentioned earlier, marble statues can still be aesthetically pleasing, but Memes can also be aesthetically pleasing as well c:.

ty <3

Assignment #2: CT 101? More like EZ 101

My first initial thought for CT101 was “YES! Another possible art medium AND it’s online B)”

But then I got a notification that we would meet in person on the 30th of August.

Animated GIF

I thought the first day was very interesting. Everyone in the class is so diverse and so open to one another and everyone was willing to participate (except me :D).

Though, I rarely talk in class, other than to greet Ryan in the morning,

It’s interesting to hear what everyone has to say.

Not to mention all the nodding I do.

I Dont Understand Caveh Zahedi GIF by Eternal Family

Hearing about the course and its creative content has gotten me super engaged since day one. It’s very different than ANY classes I’ve taken. It’s where I still kind of have to use basic grammar and English but in everyone’s blog, it’s different, it has its own personality, its own flavor

Salt Bae GIF by Harlem Globetrotters

Even the instructions for the assignments makes me want to read the assignment over and over again.

& no it’s not because nothing is processing my brain

Loading Downloading GIF by Mashable

I really thought that CT101 required less thinking than my other classes. But so far, it’s the class that really takes up most of my critical thinking :D. Just like in any other art media, I find different subjects and tend to not know where to start. Here, it’s a bit more challenging because not only do I have to have a great title and hook, I HAVE TO HAVE A GREAT MEME TOO!

It really challenges me to find something interesting to talk about in order to engage the audience, but I hope I’ve been doing well.

Come On Yes GIF

r i g h t ?

There is so much creative potential in the class. As I mentioned earlier, finding a topic or something to engage the readers in your blog could be one. Another is having, or making, funny gifs. (Which in my opinion, Giphy really does god works because this gif doesn’t even make sense but it was so easy to make through Giphy) 

Animated GIF

and it has a variety for the text and the colors


Animated GIF

Honestly, I feel g o d l y.

super saiyan GIF

Of course, you can learn these Internet Tools using Google, but at the same time who would ever think to do something like this. I’m more of a paper-and-pencil type of person but since I’ve learned new skills using technology, it gives me another way to express myself in a way I would’ve never chosen before taking this class.

ty <3

Assignment #1: Starting Wholesomely, Ending Foolishly

Like any other college student, instead of working on their homework due the next day, I’m stuck scrolling on Tiktok. I lay on my bed and thought about the assignment prompt, “Huh, what does make me happy on the internet”. I thought of completely…


spongebob squarepants imagination GIFMy for you page is completely random. One moment I’ll see a selfless person willing to give and share their money to others and in just ONE scroll, I see Joe and Murry from Impractical Jokesters butting heads. It is my fyp after all :p (I guess I’m just as random).

dance baby GIF


On Tiktok, you can post your own content and like and share other people’s content too. Of course nothing tops Vine, but people like to see it as the so called “new and improved” version.

Some people still post the classic Vines such as:


#fyp #fypシ #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage

♬ original sound – marcus

But recently, tiktokers have been finding many ways to give back money to the community, whether it’s through a social experiment or a “give and take” kind of thing, it’s just heartwarming to see the smiles on their faces. 

Big Eyes Love GIF by WonderPals

Ricky Spencer, a famous tiktoker, did this social experiment where he was asking other people for food. This one woman denied him, but he saw another opportunity to ask another person for food. When the man proceeded to give Ricky food, Ricky then returned back the food and even gave money to the man for being so generous. 


#fyp #fypシ #topnotchidiots #socialexperiment #karma #karen #funny

♬ original sound – rickyspencer01

The funny thing was, the woman was STILL in the premises and can see the entire thing go down and even dared to justify why she turned him down. :|||

Season 6 GIF by Paramount+


And I’m pretty sure everyone knows the two guys that just stand infront of a campus and says completely nothing, but everyone JUST KNOWS to read the sign on their shirt. They do this thing where people have to do challenges and the reward can range to $20 or more. Just last night, I saw them post this Tiktok:


Would you do it? #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #fyp #foryou #viral #wow #lol

♬ original sound – AreYouKiddingTV

If I were that guy, I would do the same thing BUT I also thought it was just so cute to have these random selfies of other people.

Though, the guy didn’t enjoy not having his phone, the strangers for sure had a blast with it B)

Black Cat Laughing GIF

Another scroll down in my fyp, and once in a while we always see this guy:


Guess what time it is? Time to get some sleep!

♬ original sound – TikTok Tips

Or even this one:


Pause your scrolling. Time for a night time snack break!

♬ original sound – TikTok Tips

And sometimes, I just want to go:

Over It Help GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

To be honest, I’m a sucker for pranks. I recently discovered the Impractical Jokers through my friend who shared it to me, and ever since that one share, they’ve just been all over my fyp.

There’s this one old clip that I thought was so wholesome where Joe, Murr, Q, and Sal pretended to know this guy and it really shows how it made the guy’s day because he was being recognized for something he was proud of. 


Hilarious #fyp #foryoupage #comedycentral #trutv #impracticaljokers #viral #goviral #blowthisup #fypシ゚viral

♬ original sound – ??.??.??

And I guess that’s what I love so much about the internet :DDD

I love how there’s a variety of things to be entertained to. It can be completely random, something that makes completely no sense or it can be something that’s so uplifting that can actually inspire others to help one another. I understand sometimes on the internet it can be scary, seeing the news and the reality of life, but I feel as if life doesn’t always have to be negative if we spread positivity all around. c: 

To end this wholesomely, enjoy this last clip.

ty <3