CT 101 – Final blog post

As we get closer to the semester’s ending, CT101 has offered me an excellent learning opportunity. I got to learn many things during this semester and CT101 was the best class in this semester for me. I thought I was going to get into producing a lot of gifs and using them to describe topics in my posts when I started CT101, and it definitely seemed like that throughout the semester. Since the beginning of the semester, I’ve been using GIPHY a lot and have discovered some very cool memes that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. CT101 was one of my favorite classes at York College throughout my undergraduate years. I enjoyed learning and developing new design and blogging abilities. I think I’ve figured out the best way to write these blog postings. These postings contain memes, photos, videos, and hyperlinks. Learning it, understanding it, and being familiar with it have made it really simple.

Beginning of the semester when professor told us to make a meme, that moment it make clear to me that this class going to be a lot of fun and a lot of creative things to learn. I liked writing weekly blog articles about myself and my classmates in this class. Week 3, and week 4, Week 5, week 9 were my favorite blog articles. These were my favorites since I felt like they were the most innovative, and I was quite pleased with the outcome.

All of the assignments we’ve completed so far have helped me learn something new on the internet and look at other postings that have taught me something new. I can’t believe it’s been four months already. It seems like it was only a week ago I was worried about how to make a meme  CT101.

Here are all my completed assignments:

Assignment # 1     

This task was all about finding things on the internet that made you happy.

Assignment # 2
Making our first GIFs & GIF narratives .

Assignment # 3 

We analyzed if memes could be called art. Which they are, in my opinion.

Assignment # 4                                                                                                                       We picked two posts that we found interesting and used the DS106 Repository to create our own version of those posts and in this post, I made a meme on our professor.

Assignment # 5   

Exploring creativity.

Assignment #6   

Mid-Semester Reflection was when we looked back at what we have done so far and wrote about how we are feeling so far and the grades we can expect going forward.

Assignment # 7 

The process of selecting a domain and the various options available to us was a lot of fun. I was also having difficulty selecting what I should put in the domain’s content.

Assignment #8 

The domain was set up and ready to use right away.

Assignment # 9 

Did not have too much at the start but customizing the website as we went on felt really good. Customizing the website can be a little tough at times though.

Assignment #:  10                                                                                                             Setting up and messing around with my Domain and learning some WordPress.

Assignment # 11     

Looking at other classmate’s work was a good way to round off each assignment.

Assignment # 12:
we add the website’s URL and progress, let’s jump in! WordPress tutorials on adding Social Media content into our blog posts, pages, and sidebar widgets.


For my website, I decided to post my all photography and some short stories. My home page begins with an introduction to who I am.


On my Blog page I post one of my short stories. The name of this story is “Old age HOme”. It’s a story about two grandchild and their grandparents.

My contact page provides links to my social media accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter, as well as my email address and the hours that work best for me.

This class has been fantastic, and I will miss it greatly.

Thank you for everything Professor, I enjoyed being in your class.
Thank you so much all of my classmates and hopefully see you on campus someday.


Assignment # 11

Panorama mode combines photos to make a panoramic photo, allowing us to capture more of the environment. It was difficult for me to set up the photograph while also moving around to alter each new frame. I tried to take pictures outside, however, I couldn’t get the picture.

I think in New York City it really hard to take pictures without interruption.

Then, I tried to take pictures at home. My friend helps me to take the picture.


Here is the picture the professor took in your classroom hallway.


Assignment # 12


A website that caught my attention was Fatema’s website http://love2explore.net/# . I really like the way she customizes her website. and her post about “Most favorite destination”. I also like how well the colors complement one another. 


Another website I like the most was Elizabeth’s website https://cookwitheliz.org/ . I enjoy how she personalizes her website and I like the ‘Icon- cook with Eliz’ on her website. In addition, Her post about healthy food is really informative.

Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

How am I doing in CT101?
Being of this semester, I wasn’t confident enough to get through this. Creating memes and hyperlinking are the fun things that were really exciting. I’m doing fine right now, however, I have a lot of assignments to submit.

How many points have I earned so far, and what grade do I believe I am maintaining?
The first few assignments I have done on time, however, in the middle skip some assignments. I feel that everything I’ve shared so far has been taken seriously, and I’ve learned a lot in the process. I attempted to follow the professor’s directions as closely as possible whenever I posted something. So, I feel I was successful in maintaining the quality of my blog postings. I trying my best to get A.

What have I learned and retained the most?
I’ve learned a lot of different methods to express myself and modify things, as well as a lot of knowledge. That information came from a variety of websites I learned about in CT 101, includinghttps://mmm.page//, https://assignments.ds106.us/, and https://giphy.com/.

What new skills have I developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my weekly posts?

Till now, there are so many new skills have I developed, cultivated, and displayed regularly in my weekly posts. The first thing I learned was how to create memes and GIFs. I found websites like GIPHY and Imgur quite intriguing and simple to deal with when the lecturer introduced us to them.

How do I assess my performance through self-reflection in this class?

I attempt to assess my performance through self-reflection by regularly reading comments and feedback on my posts to see whether my professor or fellow classmates have advised that I improve in terms of formatting or offering a more detailed explanation of something.

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

There are lots of things I know now before taking this class. websites like GiphyImgurDS106, and mmm.page , etc and most WordPress.  One of the best things that makes me so happy is to build my own website. The skill I learned from this class helped me improve my general communication abilities, and I am grateful for that.


Are there any assignments that you are missing?  Are you commenting regularly on your classmates’ posts? Are you responding back to comments given to you by the professor & your classmates? Are you participating during class time? 

I participate in class and respond to the professor’s questions during class. While the lecturer discusses the homework and works on drafts, I also take notes. I also make an effort to comment on my peers’ posts on a regular basis and to answer to comments on my own articles as often as feasible.

Assignment # 9

The theme was the first thing I worked on, however, I chose to go with the default configuration of Twenty-Twenty. The new WordPress theme is Twenty Twenty-two. As a new to WordPress I active the theme Twenty-twenty which helps me to customize my site after watching zoom recording instructions.

For this assignment, I add a new item to my menu. I neam this new item ‘Photography’. Photography is my hobby. I’m so happy to upload my all photograph to my site. To add this option, first you have to go to ‘Menu’, then click on the primary and press the ‘add items’.
Another thing I edited from my site is the Social menu. I add my personal email address and my facebook link. I didn’t want to have my Instagram icon on site. So I remove this from the menu.

Domain Name Registration


I never thought I had to register for a domain. I feel happy to even think about it and create a URL on my own. Registering for domain names takes me less time than thinking about what domain name I suppose to use. After thinking about using my Facebook photography page

name to register for the domain. However, the name is already registered. Then I decided to use my nickname. I think back to my country and here in the united states, most people call me by my nickname.

I’m looking forward to becoming a website owner since it will extend my online experience.

Reclaim Hosting made registering my domain a pleasure. I had a promo code on my york email. I just put the code to claim my domain. Good thing is that we don’t have to spend money on this Reclaim Hosting.

after checkout, I just need to install WordPress. All this process seem so easy after I watch professor zoom’s video recording.
Here is the link of my website.

Assignment #5- Digital Art and Creative immediacy


Creativity : The ability to develop or identify ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that might be beneficial in solving issues, interacting with others, or amusing ourselves and others is characterized as creativity. In simple terms, the ability to create something is call Creativity. Creativity enables us to see and solve challenges in a more open and innovative manner. The mind is opened through creativity. A culture that has lost touch with its creative side is imprisoned, and generations of people may be closed-minded as a result. It broadens our horizons and might assist us in overcoming biases.

Immediacy is the the ability to draw one into immediate and direct engagement with something, causing a sense of urgency or excitement.


Intuition is the ability to understand something without resorting to analytic thinking, bridging the gap between our conscious and unconscious minds. Even if it defies examination, intuition provides a decrease in total cognitive load and the capacity to respond swiftly while offering confidence in our knowledge and decision-making.

Creativity + Intuition + Immediacy = Universe

Using mmm.page was really fun. In this assignment, my concept is about our imagination. I think in our life imagination pays a good roll. Since we are born our imagination leads us to become something in life. we’re all born curious, creative, and imaginative. When we were a kid we wanted to be like Superman, Spider-man or Betman. As we grow up our imagination get change.  Imagination and innovation are really important in science, without imagination, science would never ever have existed. Knowledge without imagination is nothing, imagination helps scientists to encircle the world, take an overview look, it acts like a wing that takes thoughts to the sky. We shouldn’t stop imagination because we never know what tomorrow  will bring.

Here is the link of my mmm.page


Assignment 4 #- DS 106


There are the two project that I would like to do on this site
https://assignments.ds106.us/types/visualassignments/page/4/  .
One of the Project name “Name the Flower” and other one “The Forest Gump Project”

Project: 1
My First project I chose from Visual Assignment .

In this assignment, I was instructed to look up the name of the flower in the photo on the internet and name it.

First, I open the google chrome browser and  on the search bar type “Find the flower name”. Then google suggest me lot of website “How to Know name of a flower”.
Then I click on the website name gardeningchannel.com . In that site there are lots of flower image and description where to find those flowers. I find the flower on the 7th page on the  website. The name of the flower is “Corepesis (Tickseed)”. There are lot of kind of Corepesis, Common tickseed has yellow to orange flowers, many with double petals. However, the Image of the flower name is ‘Golden Tickseed’. It grows between 18 and 24 inches tall. There is the link on Youtube about this flower.

Project: 2
The Forrest Gump Project.

In this assignment, I asked to find a picture with your-self in the history. For this project I have to use Photoshop.

First of all, I had to download Adobe Photoshop on my phone. I used to edit on my PC. However, since a couple of weeks my PC has not been working. So I had use my phone to edit this picture. First, I search a picture of Forest Gump on google. Then I mix another picture within it, for that I cutout the subject and copy that image. Then, I click the first image and paste the cutout subject into the picture.

CT 101- Assignment 3- Memes are Art?


Similar to how art does, Memes may provide a cultural perspective as well as a feeling of critique. Because memes are an expression of thoughts and feelings, they should be classified as art.Most are you stumbled across one while going through Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms a minute or an hour ago. Memes have long ago permeated the mainstream, becoming a common sight on social media feeds and, more recently, on the walls of art gallery displays.

Meme makes our live more easy to express our thought on social media, we easily can show our funny excitement on virtual media by using memes. I think this pandemic make memes most popular than ever before.   The latest and greatest spin off in the meme art world has been the viral Bernie Sander glove photo. Everyone start making meme with Bernie Sander viral glove photo. It so easy to make meme. Just we all need a funny photo and add some few words.

The meme style attracts our eyes in a world where we surf through news feeds for hours at a time, and most of them can be read and comprehended in seconds. It would be insane for me to suggest that memes can’t be used for storytelling after using memes to explain this entire piece. Using memes to communicate a tale makes no difference to me. All you have to do now is create or locate the proper memes to tell your narrative the way you want it to be told.

GIF – Assignment 2

What did you think on the first day of CT 101?

The first day of CT 101 was really great.  The class was fun and relaxed, and Im also excited about this class since it will motivate me to learn sign languages. On the first day of our class first time I got to learn working with GIF. It is fun to work with GIFs.

Did you like hearing about the course and its creative content? How did it make you feel?

The course content is make to so excited. It really fun to work with GIfs and memes. Before the taking this course I didn’t even know that their is lot of other site to find GIfs. To be honest, The first day of class make me feel like “Not what I was expecting from Communication Technology”. That the first class I ever get to change to do my assignment with funny GIfs.

How does CT101 compare to some of your other classes?

Comparing to my other classes CT101 give me more freedom. It the one of the most enjoyable class I ever had. This course giving me to opportunity  to learn how to tune with this internet world.

What are the potentials of this class?

This class would able to become confident communicators and media producers using digital storytelling, which incorporates 21st-century skills.  I think the most potentials of this class to creative use of technology. It would help to focus on one specific topic and feature a particular point of view. So I’m really excited to learn more about this.


I Feel learning new skill that use internet tools is so important. In last decade  modern technology and internet change so much that If we do not how to use those internet tools we could not better understand of this world. Instance, if someone don’t know who to use Facebook or some other application, might be he couldn’t realize what is happening in Ukraine. 

The things that make me happy on the internet


When I was 8 years old, I first got my PC and later that year we had an internet connection in your house. The first thing that internet brought me joy was I got lots of games access though the internet. I don’t need to give my flash drive to my friends or buy any new CD for new games. One of the most interesting game I found on the internet was FarmVillege. Farm Village is a simple game in which players can handle all aspects of farm life in the Middle Ages. As I grow up in Bangladesh and when ever I used to go my village those farming always makes me curious how farmers grow vegetables. In that game FarmVillege, The user started with an empty farm and a set number of Farm Coins, the game’s principal currency. Players earned XP  by cultivating land or purchasing goods in the game. The most interesting part of this game is readied the land for planting seeds, which would eventually be harvested after a set amount of time. I kind a feel that this game helps make to me more patient.

The another things that most make me joy using internet is movies streaming sites. In this pandemic I couldn’t think my days without Netflix and Amazon Prime video. In last 2 years the amounts of movies and series I watched on those sites, I never watched that amounts of movies in my whole life.


Another thing that makes me happy using Instagram. I love to follow the people I like most and uploads my photograph to my account. Photography is my hobby. I take lots of picture of my camera and phone. Even I spend my most money buying new lens for my Canon.