CT 101 – Final blog post

As we get closer to the semester’s ending, CT101 has offered me an excellent learning opportunity. I got to learn many things during this semester and CT101 was the best class in this semester for me. I thought I was going to get into producing a lot of gifs and using them to describe topics in my posts when I started CT101, and it definitely seemed like that throughout the semester. Since the beginning of the semester, I’ve been using GIPHY a lot and have discovered some very cool memes that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. CT101 was one of my favorite classes at York College throughout my undergraduate years. I enjoyed learning and developing new design and blogging abilities. I think I’ve figured out the best way to write these blog postings. These postings contain memes, photos, videos, and hyperlinks. Learning it, understanding it, and being familiar with it have made it really simple.

Beginning of the semester when professor told us to make a meme, that moment it make clear to me that this class going to be a lot of fun and a lot of creative things to learn. I liked writing weekly blog articles about myself and my classmates in this class. Week 3, and week 4, Week 5, week 9 were my favorite blog articles. These were my favorites since I felt like they were the most innovative, and I was quite pleased with the outcome.

All of the assignments we’ve completed so far have helped me learn something new on the internet and look at other postings that have taught me something new. I can’t believe it’s been four months already. It seems like it was only a week ago I was worried about how to make a meme  CT101.

Here are all my completed assignments:

Assignment # 1     

This task was all about finding things on the internet that made you happy.

Assignment # 2
Making our first GIFs & GIF narratives .

Assignment # 3 

We analyzed if memes could be called art. Which they are, in my opinion.

Assignment # 4                                                                                                                       We picked two posts that we found interesting and used the DS106 Repository to create our own version of those posts and in this post, I made a meme on our professor.

Assignment # 5   

Exploring creativity.

Assignment #6   

Mid-Semester Reflection was when we looked back at what we have done so far and wrote about how we are feeling so far and the grades we can expect going forward.

Assignment # 7 

The process of selecting a domain and the various options available to us was a lot of fun. I was also having difficulty selecting what I should put in the domain’s content.

Assignment #8 

The domain was set up and ready to use right away.

Assignment # 9 

Did not have too much at the start but customizing the website as we went on felt really good. Customizing the website can be a little tough at times though.

Assignment #:  10                                                                                                             Setting up and messing around with my Domain and learning some WordPress.

Assignment # 11     

Looking at other classmate’s work was a good way to round off each assignment.

Assignment # 12:
we add the website’s URL and progress, let’s jump in! WordPress tutorials on adding Social Media content into our blog posts, pages, and sidebar widgets.


For my website, I decided to post my all photography and some short stories. My home page begins with an introduction to who I am.


On my Blog page I post one of my short stories. The name of this story is “Old age HOme”. It’s a story about two grandchild and their grandparents.

My contact page provides links to my social media accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter, as well as my email address and the hours that work best for me.

This class has been fantastic, and I will miss it greatly.

Thank you for everything Professor, I enjoyed being in your class.
Thank you so much all of my classmates and hopefully see you on campus someday.


5 thoughts on “CT 101 – Final blog post”

  1. Hey Sudipta,

    I agree CT101 has really made all of us more creative. It is great that your website is dedicated to photography. I really believe this class was a great opportunity to show the fun side to learning and will help us be better students. take care.

  2. I loved the GIFs you used at the beginning and end of your post. I agree this class has given us so much creative freedom compared to other classes. This has been one of the best classes I’ve taken.

  3. Wonderful work on this!
    Thank you so much for the great creative work each week!
    Your skills have evolved greatly each week!
    Thank you for the regular participation and your website, wow, looks great!
    I love the idea of short stories and using it as a hub for creative writing!
    Thank you for the consistent commitment to your class work and the ct101 community!
    Have a great summer!

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