CT101 Final Blog Post / Saurav Singh

The stress during December is always something I hated about college. After this semester I only have one class left so I am not too sad about this semester being my hardest so far. While the start of December is always my most hated time of the year because of all the tests and deadlines the later half is something I look forward to a lot since my birthday is right after finals week followed by Christmas and then we have New Years partying!! This will be me after finals week!

CT101 was a really nice experience, and it was something different from what I have been doing so far for the last 4 years, which was just A LOT of math and coding. I have my hardest final coming up after I am done with this post and a part of me just wants to go lock myself in my room and just stay in bed but I have to take it. At the start of CT101, I knew I was getting myself into making a lot of gifs and using them to describe things in my post and looking back to it now, it definitely felt like that through this semester. I used GIPHY a lot since the start of this semester and even found some really nice memes which I wouldn’t have seen if it wasn’t for this class. CT101 will definitely go down as one of my favorite classes during my undergraduate at York College. The website we made was also something I really enjoyed as it gave way to expressing myself even if it was a little bit to my fellow classmates. I will try to update and make some more changes to my website as I go along with my life.

This class allowed me and others to show what they are passionate about and use their creativity into their posts using images, gifs, videos, and many more creative and fun ways. This class holds up as one of the best so far for me and Professor Ryan made the class even better. It sucks that we couldn’t be in person I think that would have made the class even better than it was already.

All the assignments we have done so far have been really great into me finding something new on the internet and also looking at other posts which showed me something new. Here are some of my posts so far from this semester:                                                                                                                 Assignment# 1:                                                                                                                     This assignment was all about what makes you happy on the internet.

Assignment# 2:                                                                                                              Blogging! Using gifs and describing things with them.

Assignment# 3:                                                                                                                    Here we looked at whether memes were considered art or not. Which I think they totally are .

Assignment# 4:                                                                                                                       We picked two posts that we found interesting and used the DS106 Repository to create our own version of those posts.

Assignment# 5:                                                                                                             Exploring creativity, something that is very hard to come by at times and then at times you can’t seem to run out of it.

Assignment# 6:                                                                                                                  Mid-Semester Reflection was when we looked back at what we have done so far and wrote about how we are feeling so far and the grades we can expect going forward.

Assignment# 7:                                                                                                              Picking a domain and the different choices we had was something really enjoyable experience. Also had some trouble deciding what I show be putting as far as the content of the domain go.

Assignment# 8:                                                                                                                       Set up the domain and it was ready to go from the start.

Assignment# 9:                                                                                                                      Did not have too much at the start but customizing the website as we went on felt really good. Customizing the website can be a little tough at times though.

Assignment# 10:                                                                                                               Setting up and messing around with my Domain and learning some WordPress.

Assignment# 11:                                                                                                                  Looking at others work was a nice touch to end all the assignments.

Wow, what a journey it has been all these posts and something a little  different in all of them.

Now on to the website!

Opening Page:

First Blog:

Some of my favorite fights from One Piece:

From there we have the dumb/lovable main character, Luffy: 

Following that section we have the Basketball side of the page!

Starting off with my favorite players to watch and follow along:

From there we go into some of my favorite plays from the NBA: 

And now to end it all off with some comedy! 

We are now finished off with my website. I tried my best to put in the clips which are really special to me as well as trying to put some in there which others will also like. I would still like to add more things to my website even after the semester is over as I feel like it’s still missing a ton of things. Using the tools to make the website was fairly easy as Professor Ryan did a great job at explaining everything that we needed to do to set it up. I do plan on messing with CSS a lot during the off time we have and learning some new techniques to build better websites and, in the process, use what I learn to hopefully keep this website up to date.

That’s all for my website and for all of the assignments we did together. As for my grade I did slack off during the semester and while I was able to complete all the assignments, they were still, late. The grade that I think I deserve in the class is probably B, or B+. While I want an A of course who wouldn’t I still want to be honest with myself and with the Professor. This class has been a blast and I will definitely miss it next semester when I take, yet again, another computer science course.

1 thought on “CT101 Final Blog Post / Saurav Singh”

  1. Excellent work, Suarav!
    Thanks so much!
    A fine personalized example of the many creative skills learned and applied here in CT101!
    You have completed great work across all of our class criteria, assignments and projects.
    Thank you for the participation!
    Your site is looking good so far but I suggest adding a navigation menu once you expand beyond your consolidated post 🙂
    Have a wonderful holiday!

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