Assignment #1 Example Fun with Ryan

an animated gif of the woodside train station in queens nyc

Assignment #1 Example Fun with Ryan

I’m excited to be back and teaching again!

Here we are in the Spring semester of 2023. I have a particular love for teaching CT101 at York College!

“CT” is short for Communications Technology, and the course is called “Digital Storytelling”.. (I know, the name of the course says it all!) It has quite a bit of history and I will share more on its origins soon. CT101 makes me happy. CT101 takes place on the Internet!

I love this class because it can literally help and inspire everyone. There is something here that everyone can learn and benefit from while also helping others evolve collectively. I say and mean everyone because lets face it, “we” spend a lot of time using the Internet..

Its a relationship, really!

We can all benefit from learning new digital tools, techniques, applications of self-expression and participating in a cross CUNY community here on the commons. (Which is a piece of the Internet that makes me happy! Oh I already said that..) CT101 puts an emphasis on creating and publishing content to a class blog whilst experimenting with what the potentials of “what a blog post can be”…

This also makes me happy. WordPress makes me happy!

What is making you happy on the Internet this Week?

So here we are, officially jumping into CT101 this second week. We have a ton of great stuff to cover, learn, share, create, apply, rinse and repeat this semester!

Assignment #1 asks you to share; What is making you happy on the Internet?  We can do cool things like hyperlink text and verbiage.. We can make an image or ten, an animated GIF like the one above and below – also a “clickable thing” that redirects to another page or place on the Internet. That IDEA in and or itself makes me very happy! So in essence, the creative and practical functionality of the Internet as a whole makes me really happy.

The Internet archive makes me happy too! (did you know about this?) Jump in and go waaaaaaay down the Internet cultural rabbit hole!

Lets dig a bit deeper..

The GIF above is taken from my profile on GIPHY. (go ahead and click on the image of the hyperlinked word to find my “stock” of animated GIFS. You can use them and embed them almost anywhere on the web. Thats the beauty of – its a search engine for animated GIFs and animated Stickers, like I said, its Internet culture and Internet culture makes me happy! Website’s like Giphy have a lot of utility, they give us the opportunity to share our emotions and feelings through looping visual imagery. This helps me express myself in so many ways. makes me happy this week!

a screen shot of the home page at the moment


I love to make animated GIFS! And guess what, you are going to learn how to make them in our class! I love GIFs and I feel that they are a huge part of Internet culture. Come on now, we all love animated GIFS! I made most of the GIFs in this blog post. These are just a few of the many of thousands that I have made (did I say thousands? Yikes, its true, I cant stop!) I blame Professor Michael B. Smith for this as he got me into GIFs and making them! Be sure to check out his blog here.

OK, so those are a few things that are making me happy on the Internet as well as a few ways that I use the Internet. Let’s get started!

PS – Did you notice the formatting for this blog post? Notice how my images are the same size and how everything has been aligned to the left? This is intentional and it helps the viewer/reader easily absorb the content. You too will learn how to apply a similar format, though it may see a bit tricky to manage at first, you will easily get the hang of it!



Week #13 – Social Media N’ WordPress

Week #13 – Social Media N’ WordPress

Share your Website’s URL & Have Some Social Media Fun with WordPress..

(The Assignment #11 details are below – a Zoom recording is directly below)

Zoom Recording / tutorial from class on 11/30

Passcode: 7%cSatm$

This week in CT101 we will share and explore each others websites, learn about creating and adding social media content into our posts – (this might be your own social media work or work taken from your favorite feeds / brands / people) to expand your narratives. We will also chat about “custom links” and how to add them to your websites navigation menu structure. Of course I will record this process during Zoom and post the video here below afterwards.

Here we are 3+ weeks into being the proud owners and admins of a new Website! We are customizing our pages, building menu navigation, tweaking colors and blogging away into oblivion! It is exciting, and discovering new ways to create and share content are a big part of this process.

Important info – when we install WordPress onto our domain and hosting platform it comes with many default settings. Some of them are useful of course but ultimately we should be changing and altering those default settings to better match the concept behind “how” you are using our websites. Customizing your website to also meet basic accessibility standards is crucial. If your website is not easy to access read or follow along with due to conflicting design elements it will rank poorly in search engine results and likely be flagged as such.

Assignment #11  Details:

(3-parts – see below)

Part 1: Its time to share your new website’s URL, please add it to the comments section below in this blog post (My example is already there as an example, your URL should look similar but with your own domain name)

Simply leave a comment below sharing your website’s address and press the “Post Comment” button!

Be sure to include the –  http://  part

Here is an example–>  http://your-website’s-name .com 

This is my example of my website URL


Part 2: As the URLS begin to appear in the comments section below, select and begin to explore some of the website’s of your fellow classmates! Leave them a comment or two about their progress directly on their website! Then, write a new blog post here on CT101 sharing your thoughts and feedback about discovering your classmate’s websites. Be sure to include screen shots -it may be of their homepage (or other pages) and you must include their URL in your post (and hyperlink to it!)

Questions to reflect on for this post: What do you like about the websites that you discovered? Did you find a favorite blog post, website formatting, or project? Share it! Give some feedback!


Part 3:  Publish a new blog post on your new website! The new post should be about something related to the websites focus. If your website is focusing on “Baking” then write a great new post about baking. If your website has a focus on “Movies & Entertainment” then write a post about that and what has your’e caught your interest. *Please keep in mind, your blogging practice should be expanding and getting more creative with every post that you make.

***Many people continue to forget to add images, videos, screenshots and other forms of visual media that we must always include in ever single post. 


Our Class Lecture Topic this Week – Adding Social Feeds & Posts to WordPress

It’s time to talk about the impact of social media and the many roles it can play in our storytelling and blogging practice.

The recording this week will walk you through the process of embedding social media content and related media that you see taken from the class zoom sessions. Please consider adding some of these tips and tricks into YOUR websites posts, pages or sidebar widgets!

Have Fun!

Exploring the WordPress Potentials, Part II!

Exploring the WordPress Potentials, Part II!

Customize, customize & cus-to-mizzzzze!

Zoom Recording / Tutorial for Weeks 11 & 12

Passcode: 4@4+dOr#

Welcome Back!

***This post and assignment will cover weeks 11 & 12 (11/17 & 11/23)***

Getting specific with WordPress and context?

Last week we started setting up our new websites by simply discussing the potentials of the creation process. We talked about how to set up a new page, working with the navigation menus, working with widgets in the sidebar or footer areas, installing plug-ins (especially the Classic Editor for blogging) and the differences between posts, pages & categories. We will review this again this week too.

The process takes practice, trial and error and a bit of curious experimentation. How did you do last week? WordPress is a very intuitive piece of software, and it wants your creativity! Lets continue forward. I will be sharing a new series of demonstrations (and as always I will add the recorded videos from our zoom classes here below.)

Lets begin (or continue) populating our new websites by publishing both a new blog post there this week and also “cross posting” that information here on CT101 as well. There is an efficient way to easily cross post content across wordpress websites. This means we can publish and re-publish that same content in two places for more visibility. 

Here is a hypothetical example -> Lets say you just published a great new blog post on your personal website (the one with your new domain name) but you also want to share it with your classmates here on the CT101 website. Lets go ahead and try that.

Here is an example of that – you can prepare something in a new post that reads:


Add your Blog Post Title (all blog posts need a great title!) 

(insert an image – GIF – Meme – Quote – or some kind of related media)

Dear Readers / Friends / Colleagues  –

I just published a new blog post here on my website:, (make sure to hyperlink the post url) please come and check it out and feel free to engage in some fun dialog.

(add context)


This is a very minimal example above but perhaps just a title and a link is not that interesting? We need a bit of compelling energy to draw the reader from CT101 over to your site. So make this interesting and creative!


Assignment #10 (2- parts) 

  1. Website progress – Continue to customize and work on the visual design of your website. Will you add a new page, a category, a plug-in? Will you re-publish posts from CT101 on your personal website or use the technique shared in class? Feel free to publish your progress as a part of the blogging assignment below.

2. Blogging Assignment Prompt – Publish a NEW blog Post on YOUR new website, the post can be about anything that you wish that has direct context to your new website’s stated intentions (what you site is being used to promote and share.) After publishing the post create a new blog post here on CT101 that shares a synopsis of your new post from your website that will entice and grab our attention, be sure to include the direct URL to the new blog post.

Zoom Recording / Tutorial for Weeks 11 & 12

Passcode: 4@4+dOr#

Week #10 – WordPress Customizing Fun

Week #10 – The WordPress Customizing Series, Part 1!

Zoom recording from class on 11/9:

Passcode: fpnY&eb8

This week in CT101 we will be focusing on getting everyone customizing their new websites! The coupon code that you need to get started was sent last week to your York e-mail address. By now, many of you have gotten started, you have a new registered domain name, a web hosting account, and a website framework (wordpress) ready to be built and customized! Ill be helping here with the customizing process of WordPress. This part will have multiple aspects to it. There is a lot to share, create and test. The process is experimental, fun and will take a few weeks as you make several visual and functionality decisions about how you would like your website to look and flow. Keep in mind, we are designing our site so that others can navigate to it and through it easily, so good design plays a big role here.

The customizing of your website will play out in context to “how” you also plan to use your new website.

**Assignment #9 – Assignment Details:

Lets publish a NEW blog post this week that shares your 1st series of website building / customizing progress. What did you work on this week? What changes did you make? What aspects were fun or easy, and what aspects were difficult or hard to troubleshoot through? Think of this post as a “tutorial” for yourself and by writing out your steps, the ambition is to retain them and also review them.  Make a statement (or a series of statements) about HOW you will be using your new website as we go forward. Will your website be a specific project or a series of many things all brought together into one space? You can brainstorm in this post too just by free writing how you feel about that. You can publish that post here on the CT101 class site and add a “Link” to your new site, and also publish the post on your new site too.

My ambition (prof) is to make a new series of “how-to” class videos on the wordpress customizing process and also share some helpful curated content from the Internet as we go. We will be discussing HOW we will all be using our websites individually, just to mention again 🙂

But WAIT! You cant do anything listed above unless you have done this: -> Domain Name Registration, Hosting Set Up & WordPress Installation! <- Please read this important post to get started! (from last week)

Im going to focus on using a popular new WordPress theme called “Twenty-Twenty-One” – this theme is extremely versatile and is great for wordpress newbies and beginners. I highly suggest that you consider using this theme (it comes with wordpress when you install it upon setting up the hosting account). All themes are different, and many of them out there promoted on the Internet are not free (plus, its always helpful to start with a theme that has a good amount of video documentation that already exists.)

More to come! 

Week #6 – Digital Art Making Immediacy

Week #6 – Digital Art Making Immediacy

Lets talk a little bit about Creativity, Immediacy and Intuition. In this post lets learn how it can inspire your storytelling:

For this assignment you will need to follow the video tutorial created by prof. Ryan in class on Tuesday 10/12. I will walk you through many of the steps needed to complete the assignment.

*Zoom Recording / Tutorial is here:

Passcode: XJ?#u8%V


**This is a long post so please spend time with it and absorb it as many times as necessary and remember, my posts are also examples**

Creativity is..

Immediacy is..

Intuition is..

In what order do these words go?

Creativity + Intuition + Immediacy = …….. 

Lets pause, and become aware of this very passing second. I mean REALLY AWARE, so stop and be still.

You are alive. Contemplate that. What does being alive mean to you? Have you ever defined it beyond someone else’s interpretation? If not, its time to do this, and no, it can not be done in the next 3 seconds.. I believe that a big part of this life is to create and express that unique ability we all can contribute.

It will take some reflection.. More than a single blog post, but perhaps this is a metaphor, a portal that lures you in and activates you.

You are a thinking, breathing, feeling, sensory being processing this exact passing moment. Exactly as you read this from the specific location that you are in, with the age that your body is, in the time zone of the highest level of what you understand consciousness to be. We can always expand this awareness. Its a metaphor (there is that word again), because all the while, you are simultaneously existing on a seemingly gigantic rock spinning through the “space” that the best of the best of the best world’s scientists keep discovering only keeps expanding into more….well, space. In the grand scheme of things, our gigantic rock may not be so gigantic when we think from this perspective. Its actually the size we think it is relative to our awareness of it.

How do you develop the ability to audit this awareness and ask yourself what potentials lay in this metaphor? And, how can we apply this to other things that we wish to change or create from scratch.

It will require creativity, intuition and imagination. So go ahead and ASK.

Ask yourself: “What is the creative potential of my awareness of this moment, and how may I intervene?

When we turn this directly to our weekly creativity exercise and re-propose the question: “What is the creative potential of this assignment? what is the creative potential of my web browser?”

What would you like to express about this moment and the awareness of it? How might or will you do it?

Chances are, you are holding your “device or viewing this through a computer” as you read this.

You know what device I am referring to. Perhaps its a laptop, desktop, iPhone, android or a tablet? It doesn’t matter and either way, it first started simply as an idea. An expression of a collective need to expand, grow, learn and express. Much like the infinite expanding space that we mentioned above your device(s) is an intermediary tool to express the potentials of creative space. Our viewing screens are rectangles… sometimes they are held and viewed vertically and sometimes they are turned horizontally, but before any content is consumed, its a rectangle in its form. That rectangle is a window, and so is a web browser window..

Your tech device(s) are remote controls for the planet!

We interacted with simple geometric shapes every single day, we take all of them for granted and rarely think of the doorways we are passing through as rectangles. Or the TV that we watch as “the rectangle.” As we walk up steps we rarely think of them as the horizontal rectangles that stack upwards or downwards.. You get the idea..

What is the creative potential of YOU and the rectangle that you are holding or looking through? (this is the part of things where you think Im a little weird, right? lol..)

SO what are you passionate about? What is that you always wanted to express and share with the world? What is it that holds you back? Is what holds you back on the other side of the window?

If you never “Start” then you will never have a result to work from. The only metric you have are the ones that you fear your expression wont compliment.

So, lets start. Lets express. Lets share this into that rectangle / window that you are looking through and make it a practice.

Lets jump into our assignment / exercise – lets experiment and create a space on the web that is yours and personalize it. Broadcast yourself!

Taking risks that benefit your growth and personal development while impacting and including your fellow human beings has serious mental, spiritual & emotional value.

This is your story, and storytelling is the communication pilot of the Electric Landscapes we navigate.


Assignment  #5 – Digital Art Making Immediacy

Assignment Description:

  1. Experiment with this “Free to Use” Digital Tool: Lets create an account page using (its Free!) – is a web browser based digital collage / website making platform / space. It works perfectly in your web browser. It also works on mobile devices! Based on the blog post here above, what are you inspired to do? What are you inspired to make or create? Each student will produce 1-2 pages using the platform. Each published page generates its own URL.

*Zoom Recording / Tutorial is here:

Passcode: XJ?#u8%V

2. In a new blog post, share your experiences working with What are compelled to create and what did you create? Be sure to share the published link to your page(s) – its a good idea to take screenshots and hyperlink to the screenshots. 


(Many thanks to MBS for the tip off!)

I personally got pretty excited about and began working on an exhibition of digital art collage pages. Here is an example I made with

Last week we chatted in class about using image manipulating software to create graphic assets – do you recall the tutorial? If not, you can check week #5’s zoom video for the tutorial. – is a free web browser based digital image making and manipulating application, we can alter and manipulate and prepare images in this space!

Ill share my process and will record everything. We will need images! 

Places to find Images online – Creative Commons based: – great resource for images and transparent assets! (we will use this for the workshop)

National Gallery of Art  With the launch of NGA Images, the National Gallery of Art implements an open access policy for digital images of works of art that the Gallery believes to be in the public domain.

Digital Public Library of America The Digital Public Library of Americabrings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world.

NYPL – The New York Public Library Digital Collections Archive

Flickr CC – Creative Commons on Flickr.

Gif Cities – Internet Archive

Lets get creating!

Welcome to CT101 – Digital Storytelling! FALL 2021

an old TV from the 1980s hosts the Digital Storytelling course title program

Welcome Everyone!

I hope that you are safe and healthy! Here we are: CT101 – Digital Storytelling! The Fall Semester of 2021

Ok, this blog post is a lot things, but first and foremost it is a welcoming! Im excited to meet everyone and share our 1st class session to connect and learn about each other. That’s Nyle DiMarco below, he’s a Deaf Actor and Artist, he is showing us how to say: “Nice to Meet You” in American Sign Language. Im also Deaf and Hard of Hearing, so you can expect to learn some ASL and see more ASL GIFs this semester! I hope that you like animated GIFS, we are going use a lot of them here, and make them too! We are going to spend a lot of time discussing ways that we communicate.

an animated GIF of Nyle DiMarco signing "Nice to Meet You" in American Sign Language

There is a lot of compelling content to cover this semester in CT101, which will happen in many fun ways! Lets start this week with a real time Zoom class at 10AM (the zoom link and passcode is already posted on our Blackboard course page and I sent as an announcement to your CUNY e-mail address.)

**This is the direct URL / Link to our class Website – <—that link is where EVERYTHING is happening for CT101. Im a fan of blackboard and will only use it to remind the class about password sensitive things, like the zoom info..

Please make sure you are familiar with the CUNY academic calendar,  as there are a few up and coming holidays this month where classes are not in session.

kermit the frog rigorously typing - animated GIF

The CT101 Class Structure

CT101 will be taught synchronously via Zoom and asynchronously for the lab session. Ill explain all of this in our first class.  Please know, I am always here to help you be the best that you can be in our course. And we are all here to do the same for each other. Our class is a community! A big part of our class is exploring your creativity and being experimental with the Internet! Plus, we will learn about the evolving array of digital tools that are available to us. We do quite a bit of the creative work from our own personal work spaces as we integrate the class work into our lives.

Please know, I will always screen-record each and every assignment’s description, how-to’s and tutorials and share those videos here on our website. Please think of this website as a repository of information, energy and inspiration for the course (and beyond!)

*The Class Website – Our class website takes place on the CUNY Academic Commons! You will soon discover that the Commons is a huge resource and regular source of inspiration and community! Im excited to share this with you all.

**This Week’s Assignment – In the comments section below (if you scroll down to the bottom of this page) Lets leave our first Comment!

Your comment will serve as our attendance today, but please introduce yourself! Tell us a bit about yourself, What is your name? What you are studying here at York College?  What is your favorite movie, activities, ice cream flavor? Favorite place to visit on the web? What are you most interested in at this moment? Etc..) Feel free to add some links! Lets get to know each other.

**PS -I moderate all the comments to make sure that spam bots don’t spam us into oblivion! If may take a few minutes before your comment shows up, no need to submit it twice if you don’t see it appear right away **

Also, please explore this website, read through the syllabus and some of the course resources, it will be super helpful in the next coming weeks.


Exploring the WordPress Potentials, Part II!

Exploring the WordPress Potentials, Part II!

(The assignment info & the 2 video tutorials are posted at the bottom of this post)

Welcome Back! Getting specific with WordPress and context. Last week we started setting up our new websites by simply discussing the potentials of the creation process. We talked about how to set up new pages, working with the navigation menus, working with widgets in the sidebar or footer areas, installing plug-ins (especially the Classic Editor) and the differences between posts & categories.

This all takes practice and a bit of experimentation. How did you do?WordPress is a very intuitive piece of software, and it wants your creativity! Lets continue forward. I will be sharing a new series of demonstrations and will add the recorded videos from our zoom classes here below.

Lets begin populating our new websites by publishing both a new blog post there this week and also cross posting that information here on CT101 as well. There is an efficient way to cross post content across wordpress websites. Lets say you just published a great new post on your website and you also want to share it with your classmates here on CT101.

An example of that may be done in a new post that reads:


Add your Blog Post Title (all blog posts need a great title!) 

(insert an image – GIF – Meme – Quote – or some kind of related media)

Dear Readers – I just published a new blog post here on my website:, (make sure to hyperlink the post url) please come and check it out and feel free to engage in some fun dialog.


This is a very minimal example above but perhaps just a title and a link is not that interesting? We need a bit of compelling energy to draw the reader from CT101 over to your site. So make this interesting and creative!


**This Week’s Blogging Assignment Prompt**

Publish a NEW blog Post on YOUR new website, the post can be about anything that you wish that has direct context to your new website’s stated intentions (what you site is being used to promote and share.) After publishing the post create a new blog post here on CT101 that shares a synopsis of your new post from your website that will entice and grab our attention, be sure to include the direct URL to the new blog post.

The Video Tutorial for this weeks’ assignment is posted below (from 4/20/21)

Passcode: .&#4e3w.

The Video Tutorial for this weeks’ assignment is posted below (from 4/22/21)

Passcode: 5QZG0$L0

The WordPress Customizing Series, Part 1

The WordPress Customizing Series, Part 1!

***Below is the zoom recording from classes on 4/13 & 4/15 – you can follow along and start customizing your site!***

Video Passcode: ^0EJ5T8q

From Thursday’s class on 4/15 is below

Video Passcode: !$2pj7h=

This week in CT101 we will be focusing on getting everyone set-up with their new websites! The coupon code that you need was sent last week to your York e-mail. By now, many of you got started, you have a new domain name, a web hosting account, and a website framework ready to be built and customized! Ill be helping here with the customizing process of WordPress. This part will have multiple aspects to it. There is a lot to share, create and test. The process is fun and will take a few weeks as you make several visual and functionality decisions about how you would like your website to look. This is play out in context to “how” you also plan to use your new website.

**So, lets publish a NEW blog post this week that shares a statement about HOW you will be using your new website as we go forward. You can publish this post here on the CT101 class site.

My ambition is to make a new series of “how-to” class videos and also share some helpful curated  content from the Internet. We will be discussing HOW we will all be using our websites individually, just to mention again 🙂

But WAIT! You cant do anything above unless you have done this: -> Domain Name Registration, Hosting Set Up & WordPress Installation! <— Please read this important post to get started! (from last week)

Im going to focus on using a popular new WordPress theme called “Twenty-Twenty-One” – this theme is extremely versatile and is great for wordpress newbies and beginners. I highly suggest that you consider using this theme. All themes are different, and many of them out there promoted on the Internet are not free (plus, its always helpful to start with a theme that has a good amount of video documentation that already exists.)

More to come!


PLEASE E-MAIL me and say hello, let me know how I can help you! [email protected]

Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

Its Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

**there is a video recording of this process below**

Wow, here we are at the midpoint of our CT101 semester! Time… goes by waaaaaay too fast.. Lets take a minute to reflect, lets take a minute to regroup, lets induce a class reflection!

Let us ask ourselves the following questions, and reflect:

“How am I doing in CT101? What have I learned? What skills have I developed, cultivated and displayed regularly? How does this contribute to my weekly progress? How do I assess my performance through self-reflection in this class?”

This part is tangible and clear as we have been producing results over the last 6 weeks in the form of blogging, commenting, creating visual imagery and participation. Lets take stock, follow me below,

The CT 101 Course Schedule page is where everything is – this is the CT 101 HUB – this is the space where all the assignment and learning details take form each week – (just in case you forgot) – this is where you can recap and catch up –

Last week, you will have noticed the blogging prompt under week #6 – “Picking a domain name and discussing the process. What is a domain name? Read this for the assignment prompt – DOMAIN NAME TIME!” This is an important post as it will help us streamline into the website building aspect of the course. The last 6 weeks have been preparing us for this.

In fact, before we move into the next phase of our course, I want to take a week and reflect upon what has already been accomplished. Lets title this assignment The Mid-Semester Assessment Post

Assignment Details:

In a new blog post titled; “The Mid-Semester Assessment Post”, please assess and reflect upon your last 6.5 weeks here in CT 101. Please answer and address the following questions below, and also provide hyperlinks back to all of your previous completed blog posts. This will help illustrate some of the questions below as you tell a compelling story here in the CT 101 blog space: (of course, the use of imagery is helpful and needed but please don’t default to using too many GIFs or memes to fill in the gaps, the emphasis should be on the written word)

How am I doing in CT101? What grade do I believe I am maintaining? 

What have I learned the most? What is my greatest learned asset in this class so far?

What skills have I developed , cultivated and displayed regularly in my posts?

How do I assess my performance through self-reflection in this class?

What do I know now that I did not know before taking this class?

Do I see my weekly blogging work expanding creatively? If so, please explain –  or am I stuck in a loop where my posts seem to look the same most of the time, how will I change that?

Have fun with this! Feel free to include contrasting relatedness in the form of links, images, video or Make Something New to express how you feel about this post! (a technique from the dS106 assignment bank perhaps?)

Here is the Video Recording from class in Week #7

Passcode: qEP*mG6X


Digital Storytelling Project Flexibility

The ds106 home page image with assignment prompt icons

There is A LOT of CT101 Digital Storytelling Project Flexibility..

**the video recording tutorial for this project can be found at the bottom of this post**

Professor Michael Smith introduced me to the DS106 Assignment Repository many many years ago.. I am glad that he did! 

Now that we are getting comfortable with publishing blog posts to our class website, embedding media like images, GIFS, videos and hyperlinks, its time to push things further with content creation and deciding on how you will go about it.

Prof. Smith wrote the following in a blog post from a previous semester;

“In CT-101 you will have the opportunity to create many, many different pieces of media throughout the semester. Inspiration for these projects can come from a number of places. Two are websites that inspired this class and are hosted by a digital storytelling class at the University of Mary Washington.

One is their ds106 assignment repository which has project prompts that are categorized by a variety of media types (visual, design, audio, video, mashup, writing, fanfic, and animated gifs). You can browse through and sort by most examples completed, most viewed, newest, and more.. 

The second is also a site known as the daily create which gives a daily project prompt to “make something” using various media. If you post the completed piece with tags to the sites they feed from, you’ll see your work on that page as well.

Finally you can also find a particular site that has a media piece and/or project type of interest to you (Tumblr and/or Reddit can be fun for this – Photoshop Battles is a favorite of mine.

Browse through these sites and find two projects that you think you would like to do. One that you believe you already have the skills to do or you believe you could figure out on your own. And another (hopefully of a different media type) you don’t know how to do yet and would like to learn.”

*The ASSIGNMENT – In a New Blog Post – working from the DS106 or the Daily Create site select, describe and hyperlink to two assignments/project ideas and tell us why you’ve chosen them. What do you think you’d need learn to do them? How many of these kinds of projects do you think you should be doing in this semester so that you might learn and build both emergent storytelling skills and use new tools to create them? Why do you think these skills are or are not important? Be sure to actually complete one of the assignments and add it to your blog post. Also, be sure to leave a comment or two on one or more of your classmate’s blog posts! Prof. Seslow will go over a example in our class time and screen record the process.

**Here is the video recording for week #5 – and some insight into handling this week’s blogging assignment**

Video Passcode: 5eyVM$ET

Are Internet Memes ART? 

Are Internet Memes ART? 

Let’s discuss! You know that you want to!

**The Zoom class video recording and tutorial for Week #4 is posted below at the bottom of this blog post**

First – (lets screen the video above in class and then later read the article below for more context.)

Second – The Assignment Details: A New Blog Post is in order.

Start by doing an Internet search for; “Are memes ART?” – See what you discover, gather those links and be prepared to share them in your post. No matter how you cut it, memes are here to stay… but is this good or bad for Art? Is this good or bad for communication? Are memes simply just forms of self-expression? Or are they MORE? Well, why or why not? I want to know what you think. Lets create a compelling way to share our response. And by all means plan to create, search for, discover and share your favorite existing Memes via an image or URL, or embed them into your new blog post for this coming week. How will you craft a narrative between using Memes and your own personal experiences?

**Oh, and, you MUST create at least 1 of your own memes to express your sentiments for our CT101 class! Be sure to include the words “CT101” in your meme!

Perhaps, you will say “CT101 be like…”

OR, “What if I told you that CT101….”

All of this nestles quite well into in new Blog post! (thats your assignment!) Please consider the formatting of this blog post that you are reading right now. Notice how we see a mixture of images, video and hyperlinks that help give context and reference to where we are drawing resources from. (wink).

Some Online Tools for making Memes: – (create a free account) – (create a free account)

Make a Meme – work with some of the Internet’s classic templates

Mashable’s top 6 Meme Maker Picks – various tools

More Insight on MEMEs:

The Wiki Definition(s)

A good synopsis via

Another Take via


***The CT101 Meme Project will later be exhibited on the NET-ART website as a collaboration project!  Check out some of the other projects on display there now –


Are Memes the Pop Culture Art of our Era? Kate Knibbs

(I know, I know, its a dream come true assignment!)

Have fun!

**The Zoom class video recording and tutorial for Week #4 is posted below:

Passcode: T6j4m1!!

Assignment #2 – Making our first GIF post!

Making our first GIF & GIF Post Narratives!

Assignment #2 – (scroll down for the full video tutorial)

Exciting times! Lets make some GIFS and explore the history, contexts and potentials of this Internet Culture Sensation! GIFs are obviously here to stay! How far will they go?

But First, and Importantly:

What makes a successful, compelling and engaging Blog Post?

We have a contrast and a result to work from now that we have published out first assignment, looking back, did you cover all of these aspects listed below? (you can always edit and update your existing posts!)

Good Blogging:

  • is thoughtful with your post titles –  How will your audience know what the post is about if you don’t make this clear and engaging?
  • giving your opinions, feelings, insights & philosophies – Ct101 is a platform for you to share, express and discover the potentials of creative writing through media and narratives.
  • backing up your resources, inspiration and research with links, we need to see where the information has come from.
  • proof reading your grammar and punctuation. Its OK to work stylistically, but it should be kept consistent.
  • and always embedding cool media that’s made or found from elsewhere to give context and keep the audience engaged.
  • what could we add to this list?

(you can click on the images above and they will re-direct you to their websites. I did this by selecting the “custom URL” option in the media / image uploading specifications area and added the URL)

Imgur and Giphy are great platforms to explore and create GIFS with! They have a HUGE repository to choose from! In our Zoom class this week (week #3) lets check out both of these platforms in a series of live video tutorials, both Imgur & Giphy are free to use and work with. (You can sign up for your own account, both are free) Lets experiment with both platforms this week as we work on this post. Be sure to share our thoughts on what you think about both, did one work better for you? If so, what were those features?

**Below is the class video tutorial for week #3. Referring back to the video will be helpful in completing the assignment.

Passcode: LO^q8s&$

*The Assignment Details:

Lets publish a NEW BLOG POST of your own and comment on one of your Classmate’s GIF Posts!

This week – lets create a NEW blog post using your CT101 Author access on our class website and embed a series of new Reaction GIF s that narrates your feelings about our CT101 class so far! How can you tell your story in GIFs so far?

Think about these questions; What did you think on the first day of the CT101? Did you like hearing about the course and its creative content? How does CT101 compare to some of your other classes? Also, address what the potentials of this class are?! (yes, you can make this post as long you wish and make it flow like a story – This assignment description that you are reading is also a BLOG post example of the assignment!) Each reaction GIF that you use should be accompanied by a sentence or two or three of verbiage to help describe the GIF and narrative you are communicating.

**And be sure to also comment on one of your Classmate’s GIF Posts!

Here is an example of me responding in GIF expressing above : “Demonstrations and examples will be shared and executed in our class Zoom lab time, don’t miss it!” (and if you do miss it, Ill post the video tutorial from class here below) Sinister audio fades in and out as Skeletor GIFs himself into oblivion!

Lets get started!

**PS – Here is a handy tutorial on how to make a GIF from a YouTube URL using Imgur from Prof. Smith a few years back –  My first GIF post

How do you say it / pronounce it? Gi-f or Ji-f?

The battle continues! And the Internet will not ever let us 

Oh, and what about some GIF history?

Here is the WIKI for the GIF file format – its a good read.

Smithsonian – History of the GIF

Mashables take on the History of the GIF

A good article for WIRED on the 30th Birthday of the GIF

**In case you missed it above – Below is the class video tutorial for week #3. Referring back to the video will be helpful in completing the assignment.

Passcode: LO^q8s&$

Assignment #1 – Internet Happiness?

Assignment #1 –

What Makes You Happy on the Internet?

Now that you are signed up for the commons and the CT101 website, its time to begin experimenting with the wordpress blogging editor! Remember, all of the assignment content that you see here is an example 🙂

Your goal for this week will be to read and follow the info / links listed in our class calendar for Week #2. Absorb the information and then begin to prepare and gather all of needed media, images, links and content to create and publish your first blog post here on our class website!

(This assignment was created by Professor Michale Smith a few years ago, it still holds true as a great example and ice-breaker for our first blogging assignment.)

Prof. Smith asserts;

“In your first blog post, take the time to introduce anything you want about yourself and describe a piece of the internet that is “making you happy” this week. Share what the content is about, the media format, and the online space in which is was discovered. Make sure it’s something you can ’embed’ in your post and be sure to link back to the original source of the the item.

Below is an example:

discovered recently a writer who made side-by-side comparisons of frames from the Simpsons with frames from the original movies that inspired the cartoon. I love this kind work because it shows how culture is seemingly endlessly recycled and remixed.

Here’s the original, famous “shower scene” from the 1960 film Psycho:

Here is another example of this assignment that Prof. Seslow made from the Fall of 2020, hope this helps as inspiration 🙂

Assignment #1 – Prof. Seslow’s Example – Internet Happiness


Getting Signed Up and Signed Into the CT101 Website!

Getting Signed Up and Signed In to the CT101 Website & the CUNY Academic Commons.

Welcome back Digital Storytellers!

Please wait and follow along with me during our zoom class session to get signed up (if you can wait). 🙂

As we know, a big part of CT101 is the class the website. It is where you will begin your active role as an “Author” of our CT101 community and where you will be publishing most of your class work and assignments. You will also become a part of the CUNY Academic Commons Community (Im a big fan!)

**First things first, It is super important for you to have access to your York College E-mail Address, and to make sure it works! 

You will need to have access to it in order to sign up for our CT101 web site and the CUNY academic commons. If you need assistance with setting this up do not hesitate to contact the York College help desk at 718-262-5300 as needed or at


Lets Get Started!

We must follow the sign up steps in the order below (I will demonstrate the process in our Zoom classes on 2/9 & 2/11 and record it to post here after class.)

*Remember, you must use your CUNY e-mail address for this!

1. We will Sign Up for the CUNY Academic Commons Here – simply fill in the form and complete the sign up! You will receive an e-mail to verify your account. Do so!

2. After you sign up for the CUNY Academic Commons please Sign Up for CT101 and use the SAME username and e-mail address into this form <– this info will allow for me to send you a direct invite request from our class website to become an Author of the website. Please accept the invite when it arrives via e-mail.

And then….

Its time to “log in” and get blogging. The log-in prompt is always located in the main navigation menu area of the website (depending on the device that you are viewing the site in, you will see it in upper right hand corner of the page via desktop or laptops, but mobile devices may see the log in prompt on the left side of the page, either way, click “Log In” and enter your Log In credentials. 


VIDEO Tutorial:: The link below is a screen recording from class on 2/9

Video Passcode: &3VtgV@t


– Be sure to use the password when accessing the recording. The video will help you retrace your steps if you need to, and the video is also for students who are not attending the zoom sessions

You cant start blogging here on CT101 until you have completed the sign up process above.

The first blogging will assignment will also be added to our class schedule later today on 2/9. Please come back and check on it to get started!

More to come!