They call it the end, but it’s really just the beginning of something new!
We have achieved so much this semester. I’d say this is perhaps the best. While there was so much to learn, I can’t contain it, I’m happy that I was a part of CT101.
From Blog Writing to Website Building, we did ALOT! Keep reading to see everything I worked on in this class.
I liked the fact that the class was very hands–on and interactive. It was a great way to learn how to use technology to tell stories engagingly and creatively. Our instructor was very knowledgeable and always willing to help if we had any questions or needed assistance. The class was also very fun , and I enjoyed all the activities we did.
I would definitely recommend this digital storytelling class. It provides an excellent introduction to the basics of digital storytelling and offers plenty of hands–on experience with the software used to create digital stories.
I did more writing this semester than any other. It was totally worth it, though. Checkout my blog entries below:
These were my blog posts from newest to oldest. Guess what? The first one I did is still my favourite. It encompassed everything I wanted to speak about. I can’t believe it’s been three months, though. I’ve grown and learned so many skills.
Here are some skills I learned in CT101:
- Storytelling: Learning to craft an engaging story that can effectively communicate a message or idea is a valuable skill for any digital storyteller.
- Visual Design: Understanding how to design visuals that draw in an audience is essential for any storyteller.
- Writing: Writing compelling copy that captures the essence of your story is a key skill for any digital storyteller.
- Research: Developing research skills will enable you to find the resources and information you need to tell your story effectively.
Now on to the website!
Maintaining and regularly updating a website is essential to keeping it secure, relevant, and user–friendly. As the website owner, I will ensure that my website remains up-to-date with the latest software and security updates and regularly check for any broken links or outdated content. Additionally,I plan to update my blog and other content on the website regularly to keep visitors engaged.
To head over to the website, visit
Now, this is the homepage. You can learn more and join the ARPPRA world experience!

After seeing the homepage, you Discover So Much More! It’s seamless and easy.