CT101 Final and 13th post.


CT101 Final and 13th post

The things that I have learned in this class are a lot, from making a website to getting a domain and the us of gifts. One the first thing that I learned were the uses and different tools that the CT101 website can give you, in order to make you blog posts. Something that I learned is the method that I almost never used prior to entering to the class its the use of Hyperlinks and Gifs  to tell my stories and give context to people. Never before I have personally thought about creating or designing a website, however in CT101 I learned how to make one with the use of WordPress  with my own domain, which is a term(Domain) that I never use or truly understood prior to entering the class, however I do believe that I could improve on designing my website. 360 degree photos is one of the best/favorite things that I learned in this class, since I was quite used to see it on places like google maps but never truly dig into how is it done, but thanks to professor Ryan Seslow  I finally learn how is done through your phone.

I personally believe that deserve a grade of A-B, since I have 13 assignments/blog post publish(this one counted) and 18 comments, plus my website and domain completed and submitted.

I will probably apply these new skills in the real world on my assignments from others classes, for example hyperlinking terms to their meanings and sources, and adding some of the images related to their own specific topic, another example of me using the skills that I learned, will be creating a website for a company or someone that might require me to do as a job, and the last new skill learned that I could potential, use will be the 360 panorama if I want to do a project and they require me to have picture on it, I will probably do a 360 panorama in order to show a better view of a place.

The reason why I will not keep my domain is pretty simple, its because I think its a great name (RealEstateAtGreatRates) for a domain and for a company therefore, I will let it go since I believe that at some point or another, someone will likely pick that name for their company and website online.

My first frustration on my website was by using the twenty-twenty-two template, since it was super confusing and sometimes I couldn’t find some of the features that I wanted to use for my website, therefore I decided to change it to twenty-twenty template which became easier for me to use.  my successes were quite a few after I changed templates, for example I manage to create blog post that didn’t need to be click in order to see them, I had a search bar which I didn’t had, I could finally add pages on my top panel for me to add an Contact me and an About me.


Inside of my website there is a good variety of blog post and pages where you can find information and recommendations to get into real estate, one of these pages being my key aspect page where I discuss the different and important aspects of a house.

Another page/section inside of my website that I have created is The best websites to look into houses on., the list of websites, that can help you with to find the right place to find your right house, this list has 20 different websites listed and hyperlinked for you to look into their description and what kind of feature do they have, since different people have different preference when it comes to what they want I offered a good amount of variety to the list so you can find the website which is the best suited for you. 

Housing prices across the states is a section that looks into the differences prices throughout different states throughout the country, and measure the prices through the median house price and its monthly mortgage per each state, for example the highest median price was found on the state of 155,800 which can be consider “cheap” at a national level.

and of course I added a Contact me and an About me so visitor can know who am I and if they ever wanted reach to me, my contact me contains my yorkmail.

Link to my website: RealEstateAtGreatRates.


Assignment #12

Assignment #12

Hello everyone, here am I with another wonderful blog post for this week, about the ourselves feedback on our different websites in WordPress.

The first person that I looked into was Niko Balkaran’s website, which is a pretty good looking website in my opinion, it looks clean and solid and easy to understand and locate different tools and and some of features of the website.

My second website was Overthinkersanonymous.net where everything and anything makes sense… Made by Satiya Ishak, and my opinion about it that is super aesthetic looking website with a lot of interesting images that have and old vibe to them, however I could the section to leave a comment and or any feedback.

The third website that I visited was GIFS and Memes by Stella, I visited the website which contains a lot of memes and gifs, and their history/background which is pretty cool, since almost none knows their history and how they came to be, plus we get to see iconic memes from the past and news memes that have come out this year so far.


Assignment#11 Panoramic Storytelling & Multiplicity.

In this assignment I will share my multiple attempts using a 360 panorama, with my phone inside my room. This is my first attempt using the 360 panorama(Sorry for my messy bed), I think that it was a solid and good attempt, it actually looks like if it was a normal photo to me, however you can kind of see that there is some curvature on the bed and probably in the walls.

This is my second attempt on doing something with the 360 panorama, here I tried to replicate my hand in each frame, however since I was using one of my hands to grab the quarter and the other grab my phone, therefore I end it up shacking a bit, as you can see I end it with a somewhat of a fainted hand over each frame, you can even see a black void in the top left corner due to my shacking hands.

This is my last project/photo with the 360 panorama,  I tried to make a mini story with a plushy, the narrative of the story is that the plushy is trying to get to the computer, in order to start doing his homework, however he has to make a huge jump from the kingdoms of my bookbag to the land of the bed to finally arrive to the land of the laptop.

Assignment #10 week 11.

Flint Lockwood Computing GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

 ASSIGNMENT #10 Week 11.

Hello everyone today I just published TWO new blogs one about my first publish blog and another one about me in WordPress, and some modifications to my website with some of the plugins(Classical).

My first post invites you to enter.

Hello everyone here is my new website, made with the classical plugin that is use in CT 101, however is use on WordPress on my domain about RealEstateAtGreatRates, here is my link to my webpage http://realstateatgreatrates.com/?p=17&preview=true 

Hello everyone please click on my about page to see more information and contact me for any topic, and do not hesitate to ask me or give me any feedback on my page thank you.

My second post(about me) also invites you as well.

Hello everyone I’m Angel Batista and I’m the owner of the domain of RealStateAtGreatRates.com, I’m a student at York College this is my first year in 2021-2022 on CT101, I created this domain to talk about real state and discuss their prices and geographical location in the country.

You can contact me through my email at [email protected].


These two posts were my first experience writing on WordPress for my first time(beside the website), I finally have some experience and I hope I can get to make more post about different topics.

Assignment #9 Week 10 using WordPress.

 Assignment #9 Week 10 using WordPress.

Today I used WordPress to make my website of RealEstateAtGreatRates with my domain, where I spoked about places where you can find the cheapest houses around the country, I try to provide the average house price in the United States and the lowest Prices as well, my two sources were The Ascent  and Appermenttherapy, the theme that I used is twenty twenty-two.

I did removed some of the default aspects of the theme, however these aspects where minor details to make the website look even better, I added some pictures to give a sense of topic that is discuss on the website, I did not looked into YouTube videos since I wanted to explore WordPress by myself.

I wanted to make it a little journey for to explore, since I’ve never used WordPress Before, I did not made a second page since my point was to give a simple and general Idea of where you could find cheap real Estate and the shortest amount of time, however I did gave some advices at the end of my Website in order to find your prefer housing, my website can be found in this Hyperlink RealEstateAtGreatRates.com. If there is any idea or feedback for me to add please comment it on it I will appreciate an Outside opinion where I can based on as well.

Assignment #8 Registration.


Assignment #8 Registration.

Potential Logo.



My experience setting my domain on reclaiming hosting was kind of alright, I ran into some issues here and there and I actually needed to Email the support, but at the end I manage to get everything done and download WordPress.

The first Issue that I met was that there was not a cPanel for me, therefore I had to contact IT support in order to get my panel, at the end I was told that I needed to activate my domain which I  did and got cPanel, after that I downloaded WordPress and which yet again I ran into another issue.     Whenever I try to download WordPress I get the same Result, and at the moment I have not been able to fix it, plus I have not found a way to contact support for WordPress such as an Email, I have look into the forums and yet have not found any information about how to fix an installation error for WordPress, therefore I’m now stuck if there is anyone who can help me I will be thankful for.

News: My issues have been fixed Hosting contacted me and asked me if everything was fine, and I told them about the WordPress issues and they solved it and now I’m ready to use WordPress.

im- | Fandom




My domains name could vary a lot depending to what kind of topic my page will be speaking about, however I will stick with housing and the buy and sells of houses, the 10 names that I could possible go for are as follow.
#1. Housing and Buying.
#2. Sweet Home Sweet Dorms.
#3. Great Properties made Properly.
#4. Feel like Home.
#5. Ordinary Homes.
#6. Real State at Great Rates.
#7. Mr. Properties
#8. Secure a Future.
#9. Get a Great Place to Live.
#10. Good Place, Good rest.

I think they will be a great way to attract people towards my page, and let them know what is the page about by just seeing the name of the domain, well my thoughts on my website is that It will probably die in the black whole that is the internet since I lack the Experiences on making websites and pages, and as an average 18 years old I do not have a house by myself, and I barely have any knowledge on the stock market, one of my favorite websites are YOUTUBE which looks like this:
How to Create a YouTube Channel to Grow Your Brand and Make MoneyAnd the Reason why I like it it because, #1 it’s easy to use #2 I’m used to it and #3 it’s really easy to learn and explore it, another Website that I like to listen to music is SoundCloud, which looks like a bit like YouTube, but still pretty much different, SoundCloud looks like like this:  SoundCloud

Assignment #6 Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

Sharpen your writing skills with this comprehensive creative writing bundle | CNN UnderscoredAssignment #6 Mid-Semester Re-Cap Time!

The things that I’m doing in CT101 vary a lot, from making blog post, making websites with pictures to give them meaning to each of the pages, using gifts to our blog post, to commenting in other peoples blog post. The skills that I have developed are creating web pages and how to make them look great for those who visit my work, the use of gif in blog post and how I can use them to represent an idea or feeling. Each week I use those skills learned the week before so I do not loose or become rusty using those skills, I asses my performance by through acknowledging what I being ask and what do I need to do in order to my Blog post in the right way.

I think that I’m doing decent to great on CT101, since I been doing most of my work on time and commenting for a decent amount of time, I have 5 Blog post at the moment with  Things that I like to do in the internet(Assignment #1), How can we use gifs to communicate feelings or emotions?, Assignment #3 are memes art?, Assignment #4 digital story telling., ASSIGNMENT #5 and my current assignment that I’m not capable of Linking because it has not being publish(which is this one), what I have learned and restrain the most is the use of Gif as a story telling, since is one of the skills that I think I’m going to use the most in the future, the new skill that I have developed weekly is to use images and memes as a way of story telling device, something that I know that I didn’t knew before entering the class its to create web pages on the internet using images and words to describe the page and it’s own meaning.

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When it comes to my weekly bloging I feel kind of stuck, since I have not made any change to them or to my writing style, the way that I think that I could change my blog post style is by adding gifts and images which is one the things that I use the least, since I barely use images to do essays paragraph in other classes, at the moment I’m not missing any other Assignment, and YES I’m commenting on peoples work but I do think that I could be commenting more often, when I’m in class and I have a question I always try ask to my Professor.



In my own words creativity is the mental skills of creating anything for a specify purpose with a design, color and structure.

Intuition is the skill of knowing someone’s situation based on clues given by the person, just by purely analyzing that individual looks.

Immediacy is the act of getting close to someone and getting involve with their personal life.

I think that those three words goes as follow, Creativity, Intuition, Immediacy which is the same pattern that is on the CT101.

I think the meaning of being alive is actually a lot of things and it can different from person to person, It can be from just wanting to have a family, enjoying life by itself, love and to be love, pleasure, future and sometimes it can be all of those things combined in someone’s mind, life is not about a single thing is about a lot of things that rather you look for or they come to you, I have not manage to see life from someone else interpretation since I actually never asked that question to someone else, because how complicated the topic can be.

On my two pages I will express what is life all about through images and Gifs, I will differ with the source material but I will keep the same theme which is life.

My first page about life is in this hyperlink , that was my first try on the page I will try to improve a on it.https://build.mmm.page/angel_batista.main


My second attempt or page is in this Hyperlink as well, I tried to change the form of the page but remained with the same theme or life and what is life.


My experience with WW.mmm.page was quite good, even though I can see a lot of room for improvement to my methods of creating pages, it’s a simple page, is not that complicated as other pages, overall is really simple to use and it has a lot potential when it comes to creating a page, I created pages that tries to symbolize life in different forms and it’s meaning.


Assignment #4 digital story telling.

Assignment #4 digital story telling.

My first project that I would like to do is the writing assignment on DS106, and the second type of project that I would like to do is the design project, also the one that I think I could do by myself would be the animated Gif assignment since I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to Gif and how do they work, and my last media type that I would like to learn but I have not manage to do so, it’s coding which we have a coding assignment on the DS106 page, the reason why I choose the writing assignment and the design assignment, it’s because writing a story is one of the basics things that you have to do in order to tell a story to an audience of people who will probably read the story, and the reason why choose design it’s since I’m going to write a story I will need a way to tell the story and how to make it feel real or make the reader feel emotions reading the story.

The amount of project and assignment that I think I would be doing in this semester, using my writing and design skills on CT101 are going to be about roughly 5-15 assignment in my opinion, and really do think they are important because that’s the only way for me to communicate the things that I’m thinking in a the best way possible, sure there is a lot more of ways to communicate but writing and designing a writing style, are the skills that I have used the most since High School.

As you can see having a design and a style adds more details and it makes the story a bit more complex, but at the same time understandable and easy to read.

Assignment #3 are memes art?

Assignment #3 are memes art?

some sources claim that memes are a work of art because of their cultural such as the page named newsrecord which claims and says “In this regard, memes in fact serve as a generational expression of art. Art evolves with its medium, and has continued to do so in the internet age. Where previously an artist’s materials were often limited to oil paints and graphite, the digital era has led to a more versatile medium”.

However there are counter arguments who opposed the idea of memes being a form of art for example, the page SpookenVision has stated “There is, however, a counter-argument that says memes can’t be art because they have no artistic value and were made for cheap laughs. And that’s true: memes have a short lifespan and can only be popular for so long. Memes of 2018, like Ugandan Knuckles (seen above), only lives in a short lifespan because of the environment. In the case of Uganda Knuckles, it lived only until virtual reality (VR) users were able to learn how to make better online avatars. Memes about video games die out as soon as the next big video game hits the shelves. Political memes die out as soon as the politician becomes irrelevant, like many of the Hilary Clinton memes, compared to Donald Trump memes that are still used because he’s now the President of the USA.”

This is a picture of Uganda knuckles a meme from 2018 that came out from a VR game to socialize with people, which is a 3D model made by someone in a software, and here when it comes my opinion when memes are art, since art can be everything that express any sort of emotion or message, memes like Uganda knuckles could fall into the categorization of art since, it kind of sends a message of cuteness or just a funny form of a character that we all know from our childhood from the show of sonic.

I don’t think that memes hurts art in any single way since memes are not a valuable custody, that you can buy and hope that anyone would get the message or even appreciated since memes are everywhere.

It happened to but with CT 205 in the same room.

I Think memes are great way to communicate between individuals and share feelings and emotion, usually a lot of memes are about peoples feelings and those memes become relatable to them due to their experiences in life, for example the meme that I created about finding the room is probably a meme that more than one can relate to since it happened to me in my other class of CT205 which is in the same room.

I do think that memes can be use for story telling, since a lot of memes are used from shows that already have a story by themselves, for example this panel from a show call JoJo can be use for a lot of story telling.

the template by itself comes from a manga panel, that has a lot of stories and battles therefore in theory you could use all of them as a form of memes and piece of media to express emotion, plus the template of the meme is a piece of art by itself since is a drawing.

How can we use gifs to communicate feelings or emotions?

What is a Gif? Gifs are a great way to communicate feelings and thoughts, in a short type of video format without audio and in a low quality.

How can you transmit emotion or use Gif depends on your situation, for example I can use them to show my current state or mood, which I currently did to showing the wizard frog being sleepy and yawing because of it.

(The Gifs can’t be play on the page but if you look in the into the links you will be able to see them normally, the links are inside of the image).


Another example of Gif representing people’s feelings is in this Gif, where there is a guy waking up super confuse/surprised out of his bed, which I guess It has happened to a lot of people during their life when they wake up late.

(The Gifs can’t be play on the page but if you look in the into the links you will be able to see them normally, the links are inside of the image).

I used more Giphy since is more full of regular and clean gifts that do not contain any text or memes, unless imgur which is full of Gifs that are memes with blank texts on top of them, I personally rather use Gif that I can look deeper into them and that are made to just watch and feel what do they have to offer you.


What did you think on the first day of the CT101? My thoughts on my first day of school in CT101 are, that it was relaxing and surprising for me since my professor was deaf, plus I felt happy that I finally had a page to do my work, that isn’t the all reliable blackboard which I know for shutting itself down when I most need him.

Did you like hearing about the course and its creative content? How did it make you feel? Yes I do like hearing about the course and it’s content since I’m learning new things in the internet that I did not knew about in the pass, it makes me feel less nerdy or the type of dude who has to spends a lot of time in the internet because of current circumstances.

How does CT101 compare to some of your other classes? CT101 is more relaxing compare to other classes, is kind of a break that will allow you to progress with your classes and credits through the whole semester, which is a nice thing to have.

What are the potentials of this class? I guess the potential of the class are the topics of what we can speak about in any given future, for example how social media works, how influencers change people’s mind, what are the negative things of social media and how they could be fix.

How do you feel about learning new skills that use Internet tools? I personally feel great since the internet will be with us for a long time, and the more time passes the more we are going to rely on it even more than we are doing now, so I guess these new skills will help to develop any type of skills that we will probably use on our future jobs/workplace.

Things that I like to do in the internet(Assignment #1)

The activities that I personally like to do in the internet are quite diverse but there aren’t that many.

1.the main thing that I like to do and use is to watch YouTube and  channels that I like, those channels vary between content such as gaming, story telling, reviews and shows.

2.The second activity that I like to do in the internet is to talk through social media such as Discord, Facebook  and rarely reddit but my main social media is Discord and that is the place that I’m the most active in for most of the time since I always checking it and is relatively easy for me to open it and check if anyone has said something to me.

3.The third activity that I do and I think I enjoy the most is listen to music in pages like SoundCloud, a page that I been personally using since 2013 if I remember correctly, my taste of music varies a lot can be from electric to pop, alternative, Hip Hop to even classic music depending on how I feel at the moment.

4.My fourth activity and one that I been picking up lately again is to draw digital art in the style of pixel art, I have a software named Aseprite that I use to draw digital art in a pixelated art style, a style that used to be use in video games back in the 80s-90s videos games of the moment, such as Street Fighter and Metal Slug which are games that I really liked when I was a kid playing in my PSP and PS2, when ever I finish the art that I do I’m always posting them in places like reddit and discord, places where people can see it and sometimes give feedback about my drawings and how I can improve them.

5.My fifth activity and the one that I been doing the longest in the internet is playing videos games, I been playing videos games since I was 5-6 years old, when I first manage to put my hands into a computer and look to pages like Friv, which used to be a page full of flash games that sadly I cannot play anymore due to googles new policies and how flash has become outdated throughout the years, and since then I been playing games and games until these days even though I can see my decline in gaming since I’m getting more busier with school work and chores.