I want to start this off with an amazing blog post reference from my classmate reflection post.
He is a pioneer because he was the first one to do the final reflection. He has an image of his favorite Pokémon in his
And I think I speak for everybody when I say we are all Pokémon in this class because we have evolved into a better version of ourselves. And I say this because now I take all this knowledge I learn from this class and apply outside it. I think that’s the greatest skill I take away from this class. I was talking to one of my professor Larry, yesterday actually about how CT have impacted my life and this class really show me that.
I mean the last line from the other paragraph literally. Likewise, I took like 3 CT classes this semester. I don’t know why I did it, now that I look back, next semester is my final one, and I’m done with all my CS classes which is my major (computer science). And I was just looking for classes with writing intensive class. So I found CT 201 from Professor Larry and choose it. Then I loved the feel of that class and looked for another class in CT and I pick CT 160 because I wanted to learn design since I’ll become an App Developer soon and wanted the necessary skill.
Here’s a fun story of how I decided on this class, I actually was not supposed to be in this class. I was supposed to be part of an art class. So glad I changed last minute my decision and all it took was to have ONE class with Prof. Stephen Kwok. After the introduction class, I immediately rush into the York College website and look for the CT minor requirement. I did not have a minor until that point but I knew I wanted this as my minor. And I know this was not an impulsive decision, I fall in love with media back when I studied at BMCC. I took a class with Prof. Ira Epstein and it made me rethink my major, was I meant to do computer science or multimedia is what I love? Luckily talking to him I looked at my problem differently. I can do both things because they actually connect. I have always look programming as a tool, anybody can make a program, is like a hammer and chisel to make a structure. All you need to know is how it works but if you don’t have that creative side you won’t be able to find solutions to a problem. Here is a public lecture from my old professor so you can get familiarized with his work.
I would like to talk about my website now and what I’m currently using it for. No only that, but I want to also showcase all the website I have. First, here is the first website I make on my own; HTML, CSS, JavaScript is called victorjota.com and while is not really my actual first website I create it’s the one I have build using all the information gathered. I created this for my project with Prof. Ira Epstein. I put so much passion into it. I remember when I bought the domain for this in this class, the professor told us to look for website name but I got too excited and bough it. More of this story here in one of my blogpost.
There is another one that I have called trovadordelpueblo.com and this was meant for one of my father shows so I have not assign a code into it. Maybe with the new experience I obtained I’ll use wordpress and make it real finally.
The next one I have I also made it in this class. I fall in love with the hosting company the professor show us and decided to make another website with them. This one is about a digital radio show I’ll be making soon so feel free to join!
And Finally here is the big one. I think I’ll probably transfer the domain to my brother (since we have the same name). But all my work and my plan I’ll continue with my old website. There I plan to make to upload tutorials of how to do certain things and the projects that I make. I think that being new to the technology make it complicated for me to develop my website. I’m so used to make every detail on my own that simplicity was difficult for me. Although as you can see I have many wordpress website now. I’m sure that with time I’ll learn. So keep checking my websites and my progress, maybe right now as you reading this my website is different then what it shows in the image. Anyway I’ll end it here since I have so much work to do with my website!
Assignment #1: Baseball Reference!
Assignment #2 Last minute with gif
Assignment #3- To Meme, yes
Assignment #4 – Media making
Assigment #5 – Trajectory
Assigment #6 – The Progress
Assigment #7 – I buy it!
Assignment #8: A Sad Story
Assigment #9: Customize
Assigment #10: The first post!
Assigment #11 – Wow
Finally, I’ll like to thank everybody this is a class that I’ll never forget!