Assignment #3/ Memes and hyperlinks


Anthony Adams in Yellow Suit Rubbing Hands meme

This particular meme reminds me of my behavior at times while learning how to master certain functions on the computer. It can be quite intimidating at times for me. Nonetheless, it has made me come out of hiding. Thus far this journey that I’ve been traveling, has been and still is very fulfilling!! I’m peeping, I’m checking the situation out. I can surlyVisually analyzed imagethat I am intrigued.

Are Memes a Form of Art?

Many people question if memes are a form of art. Let’s examine what is referenced about this matter by doing an internet search. This is what Google had to say:

This is what Youtube had to say:

This information comes come creative

Not Sure if Meme or Artform · McKelvy Scholars Program · Lafayette College

Some may ask if memes can be used for story telling? I believe that they can. What’s so amazing is that memes can be personalized from one’s own gallery or platform. Many folks have done stunning art designs with the usage of memes. If done correctly, it may take the place of children’s fable stories and animation.  Is it not true that most children’s books and the funny papers display silly graphic visual art stimuli? It has been many decades that these two commodities have been desired. Just as the energizer bunny keeps going and going, memes too will share this aspect.  Actually; as I’m going along with this presentation, I am doing my best to tell  a story using memes.  Let me know what you think!!!

The Funny Papers | The Saturday Evening Post

Serious Albert Einstein meme

So delightfully serious minded. Einstein was a creator, and all creations are a form of art. Satnavs and Google maps are two major inventions derived from Einstein’s discoveries. Satellite navigation system {satnavs} and smartphone map apps give us the quickest route to a destination of your choice.   https://www.>  Now ain’t that a kick in the head?

Now if the above memes are not a form of self expression, then I just don’t know what is. In every aspect of life, there is good and bad. The internet itself is a mighty tool that has done so much good for many. It is a fast paced tool that brings rewards and downfalls for individuals.

What is internet

During my last class, Professor Seslow introduced the class to memes and hyperlinks. I will not ever take credit away from my professors teaching capabilities, and I couldn’t even if I tried. Seslow is indeed just that good at what he does! Nonetheless, he has also instructed the class to use the internet if someone becomes confused or stuck with a task that is given in an assignment. Professor Seslow insists that we expand our techniques and skills of digital storytelling by the use of the internet. I think  that I’ll explore some more. Hey, that kinda rhymes. Massive Kool!!!!!

                    Are Memes Here To Stay?

Meme Marketing Is Here to Stay - New Orleans Marketing & Advertising Agency

I believe that memes are here to stay and also play a very instrumental part in the art and marketing industry. When people were drawing on the sides of buildings, trains, etc., it was considered graffiti, and shunned for many years due to the lack of permission of its use.

What Is Meme Marketing? Everything You Should Know | Feedough

Urban graffiti mockup
Awwwh, We need the funk, gotta have that funk!!!  This is a song sung by the group named “Parliament” during the 1970’s.

Skeptical Third World Kid meme

Roll Safe Black Guy Pointing at His Head  meme

Stonks Only Go Up meme

Kermit Drinking Tea meme

Poggers meme

Feels Good meme

Sexual Picard meme

Ballet class in studio with choreographer Choreographer helping young ballet dancer to have right position. Exercising at the barre by the mirror Choreographer Stock Photo

Young girl dancing modern dance, dancer in graceful pose, set of female characters in cartoon style, vector illustration, isolate Young girl dancing modern dance, dancer in graceful pose, set of female characters in cartoon style, vector illustration, isolate. Choreographer stock vector

Bob Ross meme

Happy Obama Meme meme

Michelle Obama, after her official White House portrait was unveiled in the East Room of the White House on Wednesday.

Due to the Accurate Knowledge and Uses of Memes and Hyperlinks


Laughing Albert Einstein meme

Good Guy Boss meme

Kevin Durant You Da The Real Mvp meme

                                                 BUT RIGHT NOW……I’M

Confession Lion meme



Just an elective

Me putting CT 101 on my fall schedule:

I Guess Kind Of GIF by Eric Jennifer

As my title, I’m here because I needed an elective but it turned out to be the highlight of my semester. This is one of the best elective’s I’ve taken.

One thing about meeeee……I’ll drop a class in a heart beat

Peace Out Reaction GIF

No stress, no headache for Franny! ESPECIALLY, not an elective.


Peter Griffin Work GIF

Me on schedule builder after finding out the professor is a nut post first lecture.

True story: A couple semesters ago, I had a teacher ask who don’t wanna be here


Fallon Tonight Yes GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Then she escorted me right to the department office and got me into a new class.full house crying GIF

That had to be about the nicest thing a professor  has done for me!

It just wasn’t a good fit and there was no hard feelings.





ANYWAYYYYSS! I definitely hit the jackpot choosing CT 101! I enjoyed week #3 soooo much! We had such edifying conversation and every one had something to share. The CT101 class room is def a space of growth and vulnerability.

I love that professor Ryan makes the classroom a safe space to discuss our issues and to ask for help.

One new thing I learned about was Imgur. Before my the last class, I didn’t know Imgur even existed…..

Paola Bracho Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

I knowwww……stop judging meeee

Swag Facepalm GIF

But giphy has been my go too since highschool. I love me a good Gif and I’m learning how to use them better and finding the ones that express EXACTLY how I feel.

I love that I’m going to come out of this class a full on blogger.

Yas Cardi GIF by Dot Cromwell

I’m looking forward to learning more tech stuff and applying it to different parts of my life.It’s all new to but me, but since this has shown to be a safe space, I am eager to learn all this class has to offer. Im very happy to be sharing my thoughts on this platform!

Who knows I might start my own blog tonight!

I love it here and I’m here for all the learning opportunities!

Im committed to this learning process.

Happy Smiley Face GIF by FUN WITH FRIDAY“Whatever you might do, work from the soul, as to the Lord and not to men,” Colossians 3:23

Be safe, Be great yall ✨

Assignment #2 – My Overall Feelings/Thoughts about CT101

On the first day of class I was thinking it has its pros and cons. I don’t like how it’s a really early class, that I have to get up at 8 in the morning to get here at around 9 for a 10 am class, so I don’t have to be late. I am really a punctual person when it comes to making sure I am not late to any class as well as homework wise.

But at the same time, I was like trying to be positive and look at the bright side which was this class has to do with digital storytelling and that means it is going to be a very interesting class and has to do a lot with internet tools and skills which I think its cool and fun. Also this is only a two hour class, so one hour lecture and the second hour working/experimenting on  commons or assignment exercises.

So, when class ended on my first day, I was like “Wow! Time went by fast” but not in a way that’s like “I can’t wait to get home and sleep”. I’m actually content that this class is two hours because I believe you can have an hour or two and still learn a lot in a small amount of time instead of 3 or 4 hours of lectures where you just want to be on your phone or sleep because the class is boring and has a lot of information.

Once I heard from my professor about the course and its creative content, I actually liked the information I was receiving. It made me feel intrigued and invested in the class to do my best as I can be since this course speaks to my career interest and that any class that teaches anything with digital makes me excited and keep wanting to learn more.

Compared to my other classes, CT101 is the most interesting, creative, fun, imaginative and a lot less stressful class. CT101 gives me many options, and tries/trial and error that doesn’t make me feel like I am doing a terrible job on the work and that I’m failing the class. This class gives me plenty of chances to improve on my blog posts and get feedback from my classmates and professor that would not sound so harsh but genuine and helpful advice/tips unlike so many of my classes that I have taken so far.

The creative potentials of this class is that I get to create/use gifs from a gif maker source such as, insert hyperlinks, make my own gif from a YouTube clip/video using either Giphy or I will say that the potentials are endless because I am only on the fourth week and there is still much to learn in the next three months and I really can not wait!!!

I feel that learning new skills that use internet tools is really captivating and exciting. Sometimes it can be scary to try out new tools that I’ve never even heard of or even know how to use, but at the same time I am willing to face the challenge.

Now, let us look at some history of the Gif (jif or ghif). Wikipedia states that Gif stands for graphics interchange format and was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite and released on June 15 1987. Did you know that Whilhite stated that he intended for the pronunciation to purposely echo the American peanut butter brand Jif, and CompuServe employees would often joke “choosy developers choose GIF”, a spoof of Jif’s television commercials? I definitely didn’t know.

In my opinion, I prefer to go with the pronunciation of Gif as Jif with a soft g. I was always used to saying it that way all my life and I feel like it would be kind of strange to change the way I say Gif because once I know how to say a word, which I think and feel is the right/proper way of pronouncing it, I will always stick by my word.

I really loved the features of Giphy more than Imgur, but I don’t know why I couldn’t post the gif as you can see down below on here that I made on Giphy. So I made the same gif on Imgur with better and quicker results and not having any trouble with posting it on here. Now I’ll say that “I don’t want to hear anymore about the arguments of the right way or wrong way of pronouncing Gif”.

Assignment #2: CT 101? More like EZ 101

My first initial thought for CT101 was “YES! Another possible art medium AND it’s online B)”

But then I got a notification that we would meet in person on the 30th of August.

Animated GIF

I thought the first day was very interesting. Everyone in the class is so diverse and so open to one another and everyone was willing to participate (except me :D).

Though, I rarely talk in class, other than to greet Ryan in the morning,

It’s interesting to hear what everyone has to say.

Not to mention all the nodding I do.

I Dont Understand Caveh Zahedi GIF by Eternal Family

Hearing about the course and its creative content has gotten me super engaged since day one. It’s very different than ANY classes I’ve taken. It’s where I still kind of have to use basic grammar and English but in everyone’s blog, it’s different, it has its own personality, its own flavor

Salt Bae GIF by Harlem Globetrotters

Even the instructions for the assignments makes me want to read the assignment over and over again.

& no it’s not because nothing is processing my brain

Loading Downloading GIF by Mashable

I really thought that CT101 required less thinking than my other classes. But so far, it’s the class that really takes up most of my critical thinking :D. Just like in any other art media, I find different subjects and tend to not know where to start. Here, it’s a bit more challenging because not only do I have to have a great title and hook, I HAVE TO HAVE A GREAT MEME TOO!

It really challenges me to find something interesting to talk about in order to engage the audience, but I hope I’ve been doing well.

Come On Yes GIF

r i g h t ?

There is so much creative potential in the class. As I mentioned earlier, finding a topic or something to engage the readers in your blog could be one. Another is having, or making, funny gifs. (Which in my opinion, Giphy really does god works because this gif doesn’t even make sense but it was so easy to make through Giphy) 

Animated GIF

and it has a variety for the text and the colors


Animated GIF

Honestly, I feel g o d l y.

super saiyan GIF

Of course, you can learn these Internet Tools using Google, but at the same time who would ever think to do something like this. I’m more of a paper-and-pencil type of person but since I’ve learned new skills using technology, it gives me another way to express myself in a way I would’ve never chosen before taking this class.

ty <3

Assignment#3 Memes are Art, and I’m tired of Pretending they’re not.

This is quite an interesting yet taboo debate starter.

I feel like a lot of internet users would probably roll their eyes, and a lot of no internet users would tilt their heads in.

Some younger artists would probably shrug and say “Yeah” but some older artists will snort and hold an elitist position before saying “Absolutely not”.

I think our opinions on this question are based on generation and perspective.

If you talked to a person in ancient Greece they’d say writing is a destructive concept and will never be considered an art form like oral linguistics.

If you talked to a painter at the dawn of the photograph they will say photography is derivative and will never be an art form like painting.

Even today many artists don’t consider video games an art form.

This argument is new, yet the fundamentals of it are nearly as old as history itself.

Memes, in general are a means of  spreading cultural information spread through imitation.

The term was first used in a book called “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins.

If any of you readers play a lot of video games I feel like you’ve heard of this terminology from somewhere else.

Since Memes are units of information that could be spread through ideas, behaviors and actions, Internet Memes an extension of this idea.

They spread units of cultural information, through images, text, and even sound.

You can often find all of these combining.

In that sense, Internet Memes take units of cultural information and spread them.

I think that Memes are an unappreciated form of art closely related to collage art which people also are on the fence about as an art form.

I define art as a form of expression that stimulates the senses and warps our perception of reality.

When you see a painted portrait of a person that’s merely a collection of colors that we perceive as a person.

So when people say that memes are just images or a collection of images with text, there’s not much separating them from a painting.

We use materials to make art.

Art, in a way, is also a meme. It’s the primary way to spread cultural information.

The Mona Lisa for example is practically iconic so much so that it is often emmultaed in others works.

Another example is Superman. He is the first superhero to ever be created and set a standard for what heroes would and can be.

Internet Memes are an artform and art itself is a meme.

So should we see Memes in Museums? Are we going to see a Reddit post elegantly framed on a museum wall?

A self-made meme because I couldn’t find a version like this.

In fact, I’d argue that they shouldn’t.

Museums are like pedal stools but they also act as a way to separate art from the people.

Internet Memes are the people’s art.

They are publically accessible and easy to find and I think putting them in such a close-off, monetizable, and elite space strips them of their appeal and their power.

That’s also why I’m so opposed to selling Memes as NFTs. Because it’s almost degrading and hypocritical to trade and distribute memes as a way to benefit the elite.

It strips the modesty and humility of the medium. That’s probably why a lot of people that make memes won’t admit that it’s art because art sounds like a grand subject and the title of artist sounds elite.

It’s almost like displaying graffiti in a museum. The appeal of graffiti is how counter-cultural it is and Museums, whether you agree or disagree represent everything against the counter-culture.

It becomes a symbol of status.

My Top Meme


This meme makes me feel really old. I thought that one got taken down


2. E

Lord Marquaad E | Know Your Meme

1. The Eternal Meme

This meme will probably outlast all of us.

Assignment 2- CT101 ?!?! IT WILL BE FUN THEY SAID……

YEP! thats the exact face I made on the first day of class. I truly did not realize what I had signed myself up for. I was recommended on taking this course by a friend and her exact words were “It will be fun”. Of course she would recommend a class based fully on technology an all the amazing things you can do with it to the most non tech person!

After leaving class confused and stressed on how I would be able to do all this, I decided I was going to stay positive and maybe….just maybe……I could become somewhat tech savy and complete each assignment.

After giving myself a pep talk, and realizing how helpful and willing the professor is to make sure we understand each assignment my confidence has been definitely boosted!

SOOOOOO….. I think I’m getting the hang of it all! who would have thought!

Moral of the story……

CT101 has  made learning fun and has taught me more tech savy techniques in a few weeks than I probably would have ever learned.

Now I’m not the greatest blogger but I am trying and working on improving with each post and for that I am grateful for this course.

Just like the history of Giphy… I am evolving and improving each day!


Assignment 2

When i first walked into this class, the classroom caught my interest. Most college course classes do not have a bunch of apple computers and tv screens in them. At least for me!! LOL.

 My reaction walking into the multimedia classroom

I am a health science major concentrated in nursing so just imagine my classrooms.

 this is how i feel about my mandatory science classes


Shoutout to the professor. His demeanor and enthusiasm about the class created an exciting feeling for me. Creating content is very popular in society nowadays. I loved hearing about the course and what it would consist of. It made me excited to learn how to blog and create memes and gifs and more because that is very trendy right now.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook gives people the opportunity to create content in many different ways and create profit. That is awesome!

 Utilize it!!!

One thing about social media and our phones, older people may see us young people as “addicted.” I highly disagree with that. In society now there are hundredssss of ways to make money off of our phones. Yes there is such thing as a phone addiction, but it is not cool to assume that.

Me personally i have heard that phrase a lot and 95% of the time i am doing something important or work/school related on my phone (emails, applications, banking, communicating with jobs..etc).

No I am not a phone zombie LOL

 This is such  perfect gif for that phrase


Compared to my other classes, this class takes the cake! This class gives me space to express myself creatively and on the internet. How great! My other classes consist of health, sexuality and philosophy (great to learn, but not creative).

The creative potentials of this class is endless. I am pretty sure we are able to learn a lot in this class. The creation and idea of GIF is genius! We are now able to take videos and compress into a short video, animation style and utilize on different internet platforms without taking up a lot of storage. According to Lorraine Boissoneault “The way it worked was to identify repeating patterns, then simplify them, allowing for lossless compression of files—meaning none of the data is trimmed in the shortening process” (2).

 Me on my way to create content for the class

I feel excited about learning new skills that use internet tools. I definetly see myself using this knowledge in life.


Week #4 – MEME ME

Are Internet Memes ART? 

Let’s discuss! You know that you want to!

**The class video recording and tutorial for this assignment is posted below:

Passcode: ^7h3Z!QC

First – lets screen the video above together and then later read the hyperlinked articles below for more context.

Second – The Assignment #3 Details: A New Blog Post is in order.

Assignment #3 – Are MEME’s ART?

Start by doing an Internet search for; “Are memes ART?”

See what you discover, gather those website links and be prepared to share them in your new post. (at least 2-3 should be fairly easy to find)

No matter how you cut it, memes are here to stay… but is this good or bad for Art? Is this good or bad for communication? Are memes simply just forms of self-expression? Or are they MORE? Well, why or why not? I want to know what you think.

Can MEMEs be used for storytelling? If so, How? Explain how they are used in your experience here on the Web.

Let’s create a compelling way to share our responses! Remember to pay attention to the good blogging skills list example in last week’s post?

And by all means plan to create, search for, discover and share your favorite existing Memes via an image or URL, or embed them into your new blog post for this coming week. You must share at least 3 of your favorite all time MEMEs in this post.

How will you craft a narrative between using Memes and your own personal experiences?

**Oh, and, you MUST create at least 2-4 of your own memes to express your sentiments for our CT101 class! Be sure to include the words: “CT101” in your meme!

Perhaps, you will say “CT101 be like…”

OR, “What if I told you that CT101….”

All of this nestles quite well into in new Blog post! (thats your assignment!) Please consider the formatting of this blog post that you are reading right now. Notice how we see a mixture of images, video and hyperlinks that help give context and reference to where we are drawing resources from.

Some Online Tools for making Memes: – (create a free account) – (create a free account)

Make a Meme – work with some of the Internet’s classic templates

Are there others that you know of? Please share them in your post!

More Insight on MEMEs: 

Read the articles below and be sure to reference them for context in your post!

Thrillist top 100 memes of all time

The Wiki Definition(s)

A good synopsis via

Another Take via

Are Memes the Pop Culture Art of our Era? Kate Knibbs

(I know, I know, its a dream come true assignment!)

Have fun!

my ct101 exp

My CT101 Exp

I was interested in taking CT101 because Communications technology is my minor and I’ve always loved technology.

So far the class has piqued my interest starting with the first day as it came to seem like a realistic class unlike some of my other classes that have unrealistic and an overall annoying, forced learning environment.

I can’t wait to learn more about this class because so far I feel like I will actually utilize the information. In my opinion definitely more valuable than the Pythagorean theorem.

GIFs, school and more GIFs

Heidi Klum Wow GIF by Lifetime

It’s almost October already! I honestly can’t believe it. Where did the weeks go?

Hurry Up Countdown GIF by Escape Hunt UK

Yesterday was summer, now it’s Fall? I don’t even know what that means. Today it’s cold, tomorrow it’s hot, then next week it’s raining. Why can’t New York make up its mind!?

weather whats GIF

Anyways, let me move on. GIFs are a huge deal, especially in the modern-day dispensation of the internet. It was developed by Steve Wilhite and his team and released in 1987.

YES, 1987.

You And Me Rihanna Sticker by Minos EMI - A Universal Music Company

We have some awesome sites like Giphy and Imgur which are arguably the two best platforms for GIFs on the internet. I rather Giphy because the interface and user experience are better. Also, it looks more modern. Imgur doesn’t. It looks boring.

Spongebob Squarepants GIF

Giphy has awesome features like the reactions menu and the ease of creating your own gif. They walk you through it step by step.

Going Up You Can Do It GIF by Scratch Garden

In regards to this class, CT101, I love it here. The first day was everything. It matched my expectations. Not boring, but engaging. I also met an awesome Professor, Ryan Seslow . Let me feature one of his GIFs below.

data GIF by Ryan Seslow

I love how the course is structured, and how it fosters a creative mindset. Hearing about the course made me feel

Happy Feliz GIF

I guess you can call it happy 🤷 … When you compare this class to my other classes, you can say it’s way better. Let me put it in a simpler way.

My other classes:

I Am Trash GIF by PBS Digital Studios

This class:

Happy Dance GIF by foodieg

This class will help with being more creative in any endeavor. Learning how to blog, make gifs, tell stories, and so much more is great. It proves that creativity is an art and is unique. We just need to embrace our creative being.

Art Fun GIF by Geo Law

I feel really…

season 5 GIF

I feel good because I will learn a lot of internet tools to help me to perfect my craft. What is my craft? I don’t know yet, but learning more will help me to find it pretty soon. It’s somewhere over the rainbow.

somewhere over the rainbow singing GIF

I just needed a reason to post that gif but learning new skills will help me to find my passion. I’m excited about what is to come in this class. Also, I’m looking forward to passing (Please read this twice Prof Seslow).

Hungry Back To School GIF by Papa John’s

An A+ but a pizza won’t hurt either.


GIFs have allowed me to expand my thinking. It’s no longer about just conveying an idea by writing it, now, I’m able to express it in various different ways. See my process of making a GIF:

  1. Find and record a video

2. Go to

3. Log In

4. Upload the clip of the video from the camera roll

5. Trim the video

6. Watch the GIF in action. Mine is Bolt winning!

Animated GIF


Bye Bye Peace GIF by Cappa Video Productions

assignment 2


I was really pleased with my first day for CT101. To me, this is all very new but yet very exciting and definitely nothing like classes i’ve taken before. I already love the environment and the material we get to discuss and work on in class. Walking into a whole different field than what I was used to was so interesting.. Almost like a cultural shock ( not really but i hope you get the point! ) The environment, professors and people bring such a different energy. It really does make my learning experience better. Ryan Selsow has already  been an amazing Professor and i can’t wait for this journey ! 

Hearing about the course and its creative content makes me feel very excited ! To go deeper into what I mentioned before, I am currently a senior in and I have changed my major 4 times now and I honestly feel like this was the field for me. I’m excited to work and study material that I find interesting ( finally !) 

This class compares to NOTHING to my old classes. The previous majors I was in were in the business field. I started from Social Work to Aviation Management to Business to now CT. ( Hoping this is the one LOL) One thing they all had in common was none of those classes were interactive. All we did was read textbooks, weekly quizzes and repeat. For me, I can’t enjoy learning when its like that. Just week 3 and that’s definitely not how this class or any Ct classes are which i’m very pleased about !

Editing, creating anything to do with being creative I absolutely love and appreciate so much. Ever since I was little, I was always the “good one” with technology. Every single family member would come to me to fix the simplest things ( like even turning the wifi on ). In middle school I would make random videos and edit them on Imovie just for fun.  Learning different internet tools/skills is definitely what i look most forward too. 

Assignment#2 CT101?!?!

Who would have thought that I found a class just as fun as CT101?  I’m a studio art major wanting to expand my skills, I’m good with digital art but if I have to be honest I never knew about  Communication Technology.

I know I know, I only knew about studio art since I am a transfer student. Walking into the first day, well I was a bit late but that’s beside the point. I walked in expecting a very serious class and teacher but that was the opposite. Ryan is a  pretty chill teacher, he very welcoming and a pretty cool teacher to talk to. Not to mention the class felt very welcoming to people who are in different majors and technological skills.

So far  CT101 is a pretty chill class so far compared to my other classes where I have multiple projects at once each other is more time-consuming than the others which makes my brain hurt.

I feel like I have a lot of creative potential in the project as well since we’re able to use this to help us to express how we feel with gifs. It’s also fun to try and mix and matches gifs to make a story in a sense. I also feel that learning internet skills tools is helpful because I can use these techniques in the future.

Till next time!!


Assignment #2: CT10whaaaat?!?!?

Nick Young Wtf GIF

So as you can tell from the title before now I had never heard of Communications Technology as a major. I had studied architecture since I was about 8 years old and it was my major in college for 2 years. Considering my experience with a creative major being a soul-sucking drag before now I was not expecting the first day to be as fun as it was.

But the fact that Ryan listens to us and makes sure to treat us as more than just students on a roster creates cool energy in the class. When he told us about the homework style and the fact that there was no set schedule or due dates to stress over I was elated!!Music Video Reaction GIF by bea miller

The fact that we get to blog as homework is the coolest thing ever and I’m excited to see what all of us wind up making in the future. This class helps to stretch my creative thought process which is a muscle I haven’t flexed in a while, to be honest XD.

Spongebob Squarepants GIF

Having a class that allows me to express myself is what I was looking for in a major. So far this has felt like the perfect blend of learning and showing off skills that we may already have which is most likely more than I do in math.

Confused Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

This assignment in particular has been an exciting learning experience. Finding out that the history of gifs is a long and complicated trail of copyright laws, boycotts, and intellectual properties is something I was expecting. What caught me off guard, however, was the amount of individuality the gif has now. I also didn’t expect it to be 30 years old.

90s chill GIF by Look Human

I was pleased to learn that oxford had to weigh in on the gif vs jif war even if they only made it worse by declaring both valid. I’ll of course still say gif because it makes the most sense.

i don't know idk GIF by Robert E Blackmon

But learning how to make these supposedly simple gifs were the hardest part for me. I didn’t expect to have so much difficulty getting the loops that I wanted, let alone thinking of the material I wanted to loop in the first place. The internet normally comes second-hand to me but this genuinely made me draw a blank. I welcome the challenge of course but in the end, was not able to make all of the gifs that I wanted to.

Animated GIF

I found both Imgur and Giphy a little difficult to navigate but in the end, I’ll probably use them for different sources. Imgur is easier for gifs that are a bit longer but Giphy is better for short clips. I look forward to experimenting more with both and learning to be an active participant in internet culture. But that’s all I have for now. Ciao Y’all!!

dork GIF

Assignment 1 – The Internet!

Personally I try my best to stay off of the internet *(I heard it boosts productivity). But I still find myself scrolling endlessly through the internet daily. If I had to choose the best part of the internet it would be google search engine. I REALLY LOVE GOOGLE!











You can find the answer to anything as it pops into your head. It is like a personal genius at your side constantly. This past week I saw an article  about how humans were evolving in the age of cellphones. I could not locate the exact article but it was also about peoples sculls changing because of cellphone use. I started wondering how evolution could even be possible. Because it contradicts some of the basic facts of life, you know. Like it is common knowledge that people are born with all of their ovaries… so how could the genetics of the the next generation remember to adjust to real world adversity and events if they already exist and can not change their genetic code because it already is what it is?







Like if you were in an escape room that you could only exit if you completed a sequence of tasks… but you did not know that you were in an escape room because you’ve never heard of an escape room… how could you be expected to know to complete the puzzle?  Thats how I was looking at it. I also saw another article about how researchers discovered the oldest star ever…. How could they know how old a star is?  I wondered.

So I looked to google. And it made me realize the internet kind of is productive. It promotes new thoughts and shows you new things. And new is great. Above that thinking is also fundamental. Without the internet, specifically google I would  be a tad bit uninformed. So I love google.


Assignment #2 GIFPHY in a Jiffy

The first day of CT101 was the first day I went on campus since summer. I woke up pretty early because I knew that if I didn’t start the day ahead of time I would be late for class.

It was quite exciting because I barely leave the house. So I was happy that I had a class on campus to take a slight break from the serialized mundanity I’ve endured for most of my life.

Yet I was wondering why I chose a class that started at 10 AM. I knew how awful I functioned in the morning, so why would I sabotage myself like that?

Me after actively making self-destructive decisions

I arrived super early, around 9 AM. Waited for class to start. So when I enter the class and saw Ryan, I thought he looked like Jeff Bezos (I’m sorry, Ryan…).


Once some other classmates trickled in and got settled he started discussing the curriculum.


I was pretty excited about all the stuff he discussed in class because it was in a world that I’m pretty familiar with, the Internet.


So experimenting with assets on the internet that I take for granted like GIFs and YouTube made me excited. Perhaps doing so will increase my understanding and knowledge of the internet.

Just through this class alone and the resources, they provided I already learned that GIFs were created in 1987 and were commonly used in the early internet because of their low quality.

But this was way before the invention of the internet itself. I found it pretty cool.

I also knew that Gifs can also be stagnant but the first image online was also a Gif. Gifs were also patented at one point which eventually lead to the creation of the PNG.

It is so weird that the things I took for granted had such a fascinating history behind them.

When discussing things, I’m always thinking about ways I can apply this to my career. If my work gets enough traction I was hoping I could create a website where I can house all of my work.

My fixation on my career easily seeped into the class because the Internet is where I’m building it and I think, maybe I can learn something new or deepen my understanding of the Internet.


The Process

Making Gifs on Imgur

1. To make a gif, click on the “New Post” button in the top left-hand corner.


2. Click on the center icon if you want to convert a YouTube Video. Copy the link to the scene you want to make a GIF of then paste it on the sections that receive submissions.
3. Move the vertical line to mark the clip you want to use and use the bar that appears below to adjust the duration of the clip


4. Finally press the create GIF…It’ll take a couple of seconds…

Making a GIF on Gifphy


1. Click the create button on the top right-hand side of the page.
2. Copy the link of the video you want to use and paste it on the bar and submit
3. Adjust the dials on the duration and time to get your clip.
4. Once you’re done click the “continue to decorate” button and decorate you’re GIF if you want.
5. Finally click “Continue to Upload”. Paste the URL that you used and click the “Upload to GIFPHY” button.

Personally, I like to use adobe premiere because I feel like it’s more flexible for me. Plus I’m paying for it so might as well put it to use. If I had to choose between Imgur and GIFPHY though, I’d choose GIFPHY, it’s a pretty basic interface that’s easy to adapt to. Plus there’s a diverse range of decorations to use on your GIF,